Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 8th December, 2016 7.30 pm

Thursday, 8th December, 2016
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillors B.A. Stead (Chairman), Mrs R.H. Absalom, M. Blacker, R. Coad, J.M. Ellacott†, J.C.S Essex, J.S. Godden, Dr Z. Grant-Duff, N.D. Harrison, R.S. Mantle, S. Parnall, and J.M. Stephenson.

† Substitute
Also Present:
Councillors R. Ashford, T. Schofield and Mrs R. Turner.
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2016 be approved as a correct record.


Committee Members: Cllrs J. Clarke (substituted by Cllr J.M. Ellacott), D. Ross-Tomlin and C. Stevens.

Other Members: None


Cllr Grant-Duff declared she was a Surrey County Councillor during item 5 (in relation to the potential withdrawal of recycling credits by Surrey County Council).


The Committee received a presentation from Councillor Mrs R. Turner, Executive Member for Health, which focused on the work being undertaken by the Council in the following areas:

• Health and Leisure and the success of the three Leisure Centres in the Borough;
• Health and Ageing Well Action Plans;
• Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy; and
• Health Partnership Delivery Group.

The presentation also highlighted the outcome of the 2015 LGA Peer Review that indicated the Health and Wellbeing services to be showing significant leadership in the area.

Questions and comments related to:

• The inclusion of disabled people in the vulnerable people groups and needs,
• How the impact of activities such as R&Be Active upon Health & Wellbeing were assessed;
• Services for dementia sufferers;
• Funding of the Health and Ageing Well initiatives and the cost in terms of staff time in supporting these activities;
• The cost in time of supporting these activities;
• Details of the Health Partnership Delivery Group engagement with Sustainability and Transformation Plans; and
• Smoking cessation campaigns.

The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder for the presentation and for responding to its questions. It was noted that the Mrs Turner had received short notice of the Portfolio Holder Briefing item. The Committee congratulated Cllr Mrs Turner and the Leisure and Wellbeing team for its achievements to date.

RESOLVED that the presentation be noted.


The Chairman invited Cllr N.D. Harrison, as Chairman of the Budget Scrutiny Review Panel, to introduce the report. Cllr Harrison thanked the Panel Members, the three additional Councillors that attended the meeting on 24 November, the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & Finance, the Head of Finance and the Chief Executive for their assistance at the meeting.

The Committee heard that 107 advance questions had been asked as part of the budget scrutiny process, and that the Panel had thoroughly explored not only the savings and growth proposals for 2017/18 but the full service and financial context in which the budget had been prepared.

Councillor Harrison highlighted the conclusions of the Budget Scrutiny Panel and drew the Committee’s attention to the key risks identified by the Panel. The Panel had concluded that these risks were being closely and well managed. The Panel had concluded overall that the service and financial planning proposals were achievable, realistic and based on sound financial practices and reasonable assumptions.

Councillor Harrison noted that the Chief Executive had said that there were fewer risks this year than in previous years. Councillor Harrison drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that the recycling credit withdrawal by Surrey County Council was a significance risk and, together with the loss of NNDR, could have an impact upon the future funding gap. The significance of property revenue in addressing the funding gap and the relationship between property development and the need to increase borrowing were highlighted.

Councillor Harrison noted that the Council now had a static employee headcount and that there was no scope to cut salary costs without a risk to service delivery standards. Councillor Harrison believed that Legal Services could be under budgeted. The Budget Scrutiny Panel had requested that the Executive consider the list of proposed CPDF expenditure, which the Chief Executive noted was not a list of approved expenditure.

Councillor Harrison noted that the impact of the parking strategy upon finances had been raised by the Panel. The Panel had also raised concern that charges upon community events on Council owned sites could have a potentially negative impact.

Councillor Harrison reiterated that the budget had very little impact upon services and the Chairman thanked and congratulated the Panel on a thorough examination.

Member questions and comments related to the following:

• Whether provision should be included for the possibility that the Homelessness Reduction Bill might come into force before 2017. The Chief Executive advised that it was anticipated to manage this event within the budget, if it occurred. This was because it was speculative, the Government had given an assurance to provide funding to local authorities, and the homelessness and temporary housing costs had been well managed this year so far. In the event that the impact of the Homelessness Reduction Bill could not be so funded, CPDF would be utilised.

• New Homes Bonus and the effect of its withdrawal upon Medium Term Financial Plans. The Chief Executive confirmed that the Government was currently committed to paying the New Homes Bonus for 6 years from completion of a property but the Government intended to end this. It would not require legislation to withdraw the New Homes Bonus because to do so was within the powers of the Secretary of State. As a result of this uncertainty, the Council was making no assumptions about the continuation of the New Homes Bonus and would treat any further receipts as a windfall.

• The impact of the withdrawal of Surrey County Council funding and recycling credits was raised. The Chief Executive explained that Surrey County Council was prioritising adult social care and was obliged to cut other services in order to fund its Wellbeing services. It was noted that the differing systems of recycling utilised by the Council and Surrey County Council gave rise to differing perceptions of the benefits of the recycling service.

• The reference to the need to increase the borrowing limit. The Chief Executive advised that in his opinion it was crucial to increase the borrowing limit or else the Council’s ability to close the funding gap of £3.9m would be compromised. It was therefore essential to debate this issue or else the only other option would be to consider the sale of Council assets. It was noted that the Treasury Management Strategy Report would be produced in January 2017. The Chairman noted that a request had been received to add an item to the agenda for the next Committee meeting on 19 January 2017.

• The Chairman noted that this was permitted under the Constitution. The request was discussed and the Committee noted that as there would normally be an obligation to produce a report regarding a decision to apply the urgency procedure and apply the call-in dispensation provision but in this case, the requirement did not arise as the report had been withdrawn by the Chief Executive. The Chairman suggested, and the Committee agreed, the request could be reformulated as a request to the Executive to provide a report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the lessons learned from the recent intention to seek to increase the borrowing limit.



(i) That in response to the Service & Financial Planning (Provisional Budget) 2017/18 report, the following comments be submitted for the consideration of the Executive:

a) that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee thanks the Executive Member for Planning and Finance, Executive and Officers for preparing balanced budget proposals;

b) that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considers the following to be achievable, realistic and based on sound financial practices and reasonable assumptions:
i. The provisional budget proposals for 2017/18 and Medium Term Financial Plan for 2017/18-20121/22;
ii. Savings proposals totally £1.552m;
iii. Growth proposals totalling £0.703m;
iv. Updated Capital Programme;

c) that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considers the potential impact of the savings and growth proposals on service delivery to be limited;

d) that the Executive be asked to consider the list of CPDF expenditure items as requested by the Budget Scrutiny Panel and set out in the conclusions of their report;

e) that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee thanks the Head of Finance, Chief Executive and Cllr Schofield for their assistance to the Budget Scrutiny Panel;

f) that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee request the Executive to provide to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee a report on the lessons learned from the recent attempt to increase the borrowing limit.


The Chief Executive introduced to the Committee the Q2 Performance Report that detailed the major variances on performance in relation to the Council’s revenue budget, capital budget, Key Services Indicators and risk management for the period up to September 2016. The report included information about the performance against the indicators set out in the 5 Year Plan 2015-16 during the first six months of 2016/17. The report also included details of progress made towards the LGA recommendations and a letter from the LGA further to their follow up visit on 12 September.


The Chief Executive was very pleased with the performance and noted that the issue of Legal Services quality was in hand.


Questions and comments related to:

• Disabled facilities grant – the Head of finance advised that this was an underspend because the Council received unexpected funding from the Government; the Government shared a surplus with Councils that had demonstrated a good financial record. These funds would be used to drive a better level of service in the future.

• It was noted that page 27 (Annex A, LGA Action Plan progress for Quarter 2) needed to be corrected to remove the reference to the possibility of purchasing Raven Housing Trust.

• LGA letter (Annex B) – the Chairman invited comments on the reference to considering how the overview and scrutiny function could provide further opportunities for policy development and pre-decision scrutiny. The Panel were in favour of considering the use of five Member Panels to consider matters of pre-scrutiny such as the increase in the borrowing limit and considered that the fact that the LGA Panel itself comprised 5 Members was a reflection of the success of such a model. The Chairman noted that the use of additional Panels would require further officer resource, which needed to be considered carefully in light of existing officer workloads.


RESOLVED that consideration be given to the use of five Member Panels to conduct the pre-scrutiny which had been recommended by the LGA letter.


The Committee received a report setting out the proposed meeting schedule for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.
The Panel had no comments on the Draft Schedule of Meetings.

RESOLVED that the draft Schedule of Meetings for 2016/17 be noted.


It was reported that there were no items arising from the Executive that might be subject to the ‘call-in’ procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.



The meeting closed at 21:16 p.m.