Issue - meetings

Local plan (Development Management Plan) Review

Meeting: 24/09/2024 - Council (Item 32)

Local plan (Development Management Plan) Review

To approve and adopt the review of the Reigate & Banstead local plan: Development Management Plan (DMP) policies, which concludes that the majority of the Development Management Plan policies remain “up to date” and effective for the purposes of planning determinations, and agree for the review to then be published.

The minute of the Executive’s consideration of this item will follow within the addendum to this agenda.

Related Committee agenda, reports and minutes are available here.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to approve and adopt the review of the Reigate & Banstead local plan: Development Management Plan (DMP) policies, which concludes that the majority of the Development Management Plan policies remain “up to date” and effective for the purposes of planning determinations, and agree for the review to then be published.

Meeting: 19/09/2024 - Executive (Item 32)

32 Local plan (Development Management Plan) Review

The Executive Member for Place, Planning and Regulatory Services.

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED – that the Executive:


(i)             Recommends to Council to approve and adopt the review of the Reigate & Banstead local plan: Development Management Plan (DMP) policies, which concludes that the majority of the Development Management Plan policies remain “up to date” and effective for the purposes of planning determinations, and agree for the review to then be published.

(ii)           Executive is asked to endorse this recommendation.


The Executive Member for Place, Planning and Regulatory Services, Councillor Michalowski, introduced the report on the 5-year review of the Council’s local development plan known as the Development Management Plan (the DMP).


Whilst the Core Strategy sets out the strategic needs for the plan period 20212-2027, and the overall development strategy for meeting those needs, the DMP consists of the detailed policies for determining planning applications for development, as well as specific sites allocated for development. Both the DMP and the Core Strategy comprise the Council’s existing Local Plan.


The Council is legally required to review its local plan documents every 5 years from the date of their adoption to consider whether its policies remain up to date and effective for determining applications for development. The Council completed its second review of its Core Strategy in March of this year and found it to be up to date. The DMP was adopted on 26th September 2019, hence the need to complete this review now. This Review is not an opportunity to update, amend or otherwise change the Council’s DMP policies. That process is being undertaken in parallel through the preparation of our new local plan.


Officers have thoroughly reviewed each of the policies within the DMP, and considered issues such as consistency with current national policy, current local strategies and evidence, and performance of the policy through our regular monitoring and at appeal. The policy-by-policy review was provided at Annex 1 of the report in the agenda pack.


The review of all DMP policies concluded that one DMP policy (relating to shopping frontages in town centres) and parts of 3 other policies (two town and local centre polices, and the cemeteries policy) were no longer considered to be up to date. This is because of fundamental changes within the National Planning Policy Framework and Use Classes Order, removing the ability to differentiate between primary and secondary shopping frontages and the introduction of the new E use class. Furthermore, 7 site allocation policies were no longer needed as sites have been developed or circumstances have changed. All the other DMP policies remain up to date and effective for decision making.


The last few paragraphs of the DMP Review at Annex 1 of the Report summarised the current stage in preparing the new local plan for the period after 2027, progress on which is regularly reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The DMP Review has undergone discussion at the Local Plan Advisory Group (or LPAG) as well as with neighbouring authorities and a selection of other organisations. The comments received were set out in Annex 2 to this report.


The Planning Advisory Service (which is part of the Local Government Association part funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to support local planning authorities) has produced a Toolkit template to help to assist local authorities in reviewing their local plans.

Officers have completed the Local Government Association’s Planning Advisory Service Toolkit, which was provided at Annex 3.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32