Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 10th October, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services (01737 276182)  Email:


No. Item



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting.

To confirm as a correct record the EXEMPT minutes from the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 September 2024 be approved and signed.

Three minor amendments to the exempt minutes of the previous meeting had been proposed by members of the committee and agreed. These amendments have been made to the published minutes.

RESOLVED that the exempt minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 September 2024 be approved, with the amendments, and signed.


Apologies for absence and substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of any substitute Members in accordance with the Constitution.

Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillor Green, Councillor Blacker was substitute.

Apologies were received from Councillor Smith.


Declarations of interest

To receive any Declarations of Interest (including the existence and nature of any Party Whip).

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Corporate Plan 2025-2030 - Draft Plan

To receive the Corporate Plan 2025-2030 Draft Plan.

Observations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are sought as part of the formal consultation process on the draft Corporate Plan, to inform its finalisation in early 2025.

RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

Makes observations on the Corporate Plan 2025-2030 Draft Plan to be considered by Executive Members and Council officers and used to inform the finalisation of the Plan.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Biggs, Leader of the Council, introduced the draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030.

This report set out the draft of the Council’s next Corporate Plan, Reigate & Banstead 2030, for the years 2025-2030, which was now being consulting on, and on which feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee was sought.

The draft plan sets out a vision of a healthy, sustainable borough; and a resilient Council that enables its communities to thrive and provides support for those in need.

This vision is carried through the themes of the plan. The Council is just one part of the many people and organisations who care about the borough. It is therefore essential that the Council enables all residents and partners who contribute so much, whilst also being ready to support those in need and respond to new challenges.

For each of the plan’s themes, there are priorities and objectives which have been developed to reflect the borough today and in the next five years, and the evolving needs of its residents.

Also within the plan are updated Equality Objectives for the Council, which align with its goals to support all of its residents and communities. The full draft plan can be found at Annex 1 to the report.

In preparing the draft plan, the local and wider context had been considered and views gathered from residents, councillors, local organisations and partners, and council staff. A summary of engagement prior to the formal consultation can be found at Annex 2 to the report.

This report requests Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s observations on the draft plan as part of the formal consultation running until 20 November 2024. During this time, the Council will also consult with residents, partners, staff, and other Members. The wider consultation includes a survey, meetings and discussion sessions, and opportunities to find information and respond through both digital and non-digital channels.

As a part of the consultation on the draft plan, this evening’s meeting would be an opportunity for the Committee to offer ideas and observations to contribute to the development of the plan. This committee’s thoughts and input can help make sure that the final version is the best it can be for steering the next five years and helping the Council to support and serve the borough.

As is likely to always be the case, the Council faces uncertainties about matters both local and national. These uncertainties will not be resolved tonight, but the Council will respond to new information and developments as they emerge and take account of them as the plan is prepared.

Following the consultation, the Council will analyse the feedback and ideas received, and prepare an updated plan. The final plan will be brought forward for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Executive, and Full Council in the new year.

Several advance questions on the Corporate Plan 2025-2030 Draft Plan had been submitted prior to the meeting. The advance questions and their responses can be viewed here:

Document Advance Questions and Answers OS 10 October  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


New Local Plan Update

To receive an update on work being undertaken for a new Local Plan and the implications of the proposed NPPF changes and update to the implementation of Local Plan Reforms included in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act.

RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

Notes the progress of the Council’s new Local Plan.

Supporting documents:


The Executive Member for Place, Planning, and Regulatory Services, Councillor Michalowski, introduced the New Local Plan update.

This report provided the latest 6-month update on progress with the Local Plan. It had been a busy period with both the Core Strategy and the Development Management Plan (DMP) reviewed within the 5 year requirements, in order to keep them up to date for decision making purposes, as well as seeing the Gatwick Development Consent Order examination over the summer and the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (or NPPF) consultation more recently.

Progress continued to be made on preparing the new Local Plan, with the Housing Needs Assessment and Retail and Leisure Needs Assessments both completed. A call for sites had also been completed as part of the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and these sites were now being reviewed.

Procurement briefs were being finalised for specialists to undertake an update to the Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (in conjunction with Tandridge) as well as to conduct a new Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment.  Subject to successful procurement it was anticipated that the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment would be completed in spring 2025 but the Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment would take approximately 18 months from appointment, due to surveys over the travelling seasons. 

Council officers have been working with Surrey County Council in developing a carbon reduction in new development study, with different development types assessed and their viability tested. Policy guidance was currently being worked on with the project due for completion in the spring.

The Green Infrastructure Strategy had also been drafted and was being reviewed and mapped.

As discussed in previous updates, Local Plan Reforms are to be ushered in by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act which will affect this Council plan’s timetable.  This council had requested to be one of the pilots for the new style local plans and were expecting guidance and policy relating to the new style plans to be published this autumn. However, with the change of government and recent consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, the new style local plans guidance has been delayed until summer/ autumn 2025 as confirmed by letter from the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) officials to the Head of Planning. Officers will continue to push for Pathfinder status however and press ahead with the evidence gathering and other work they are able to undertake despite the uncertainty.

Following the recent consultation on the NPPF the Council is also anticipating further changes to its plan’s requirements coming through via this, despite the concerns raised in its consultation response. Significantly, the proposed housing methodology would see Reigate & Banstead’s housing number increase to 1264 homes per annum, with the previous cap limiting increases being removed. This will be extremely challenging, and the Council will need to undertake a comprehensive urban capacity study to determine what can be delivered from its urban areas first. However, it is highly questionable as to whether such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Leader's Update

To receive an update from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Biggs.

Supporting documents:


Members received an update from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Biggs, about the ongoing activities and key work ahead for the Council.

National Government

The Leader noted that the new Government would bring some changes, which were as yet unknown, but might include local government funding, planning and housing, and other local impacts.

Local developments

The Executive had taken the decision on 15 August 2024 to reduce the Harlequin team and to focus on developing a medium-term cultural offer. Public engagement events were ongoing.

Recent events included:

·         The Annual Volunteer Awards in August.

·         The Council’s 50-year anniversary celebrations in July, including a special ceremony for long-serving volunteers.

·         The first phase of the consultation to shape the new Greenspaces Strategy had begun.

·         A borough-wide rule limiting dog walkers to four dogs.

The annual service and financial planning was underway, with the Budget Scrutiny Panel taking place in November. The draft Corporate Plan was also underway.

The Leader invited Members to ask questions on his update. In response, the following clarifications were provided:

The Leader stated that no significant changes to funding were expected and that the figures currently being considered in the budget should be accurate, however, there were unknown elements.

RESOLVED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the Leader’s update.


Organisation Portfolio Holders Update

To receive updates from Executive Members in Corporate Policy & Resources, Finance & Assets, Community Development & Prosperity.

Supporting documents:


Members received briefings from the Organisation Portfolio Holders overseeing three areas of the Council’s work – Community Development & Prosperity; Finance & Assets; Corporate Policy & Resources.

The presentations from each of the Executive Members / Portfolio Holders were published on the Council’s website as part of the Committee’s agenda pack which can be viewed here:

Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 10th October, 2024, 7.30 pm | Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (

Committee members were invited to ask questions on the Portfolio updates. In response, the following clarifications were provided:

Image library

The Leader explained that the images used by the Council had been disorganised and there were issues with the age of images. A library of images was being created in Flickr to be used for general information. There was not presently an intention to use the images for income purposes, but this could be considered.

Cyber security

The Executive Member for Corporate Policy & Resources explained that the Council had undergone an IT Strategy upgrade over the last year and a half, to ensure that it is prepared for any potential cyber threats.

Data & Insight

It was confirmed that as the Council moves towards digital transformation, the Data and Insight team would be led by Heads of Service regarding their needs, to provide more efficient services for residents.

The Performance team uses the information from the Data & Insight team to develop and measure Key Performance Indicators. The data held is also used to make informed decisions to enhance, change, or introduce services.

Digital Strategy

The Strategic Head of Organisation & Transformation confirmed that a Digital Strategy was being drafted to build a strategic approach which would focus on how residents interact with digital tools and their experiences with this. Local authorities were also working together to achieve economies of scale for software purchases.

Member benefits

It was confirmed that there were a number of potential benefits which the Council could consider offering Members, such as a cycle to work scheme. Research was underway to establish the offers made in other local authorities. Other benefits being considered included maternity and paternity leave and parental allowances.

Capital plan

It was confirmed that the Capital plan would be scrutinised as part of the Budget Scrutiny Panel work in November 2024, with a second panel meeting dedicated to Capital budgets.

Revenues and Benefits

It was confirmed that the external work of the Revenues and Benefits team generated approximately £800k per year, which was used to offset overheads.

The Procurement Act 2023

It was confirmed that the Procurement Act 2023 had been delayed until February 2025 by central Government. The Council’s processes had been ready for implementation for the original date of the Act.

Constitution review

It was confirmed that the current Constitution review was a general overview of the whole document. The new Contract and Procurement Procedure Rules had been adopted in September 2024, and the next stage of the review would include reviewing the functions of all committees, the petition scheme, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


Constitution of Greenspaces Strategy Panel

To receive a report on the constitution of a Greenspaces Strategy Scrutiny Panel.

RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

      i.        Considers the option to convene a scrutiny panel to review the proposed updates to the Greenspaces Strategy

    ii.        Agrees the membership of the proposed Greenspaces Strategy Panel and the timetable for scrutiny of the Greenspaces Strategy as set out in the report.

   iii.        Agrees the scope of the proposed Greenspaces Strategy Panel’s work during 2024/25.

Supporting documents:


The Committee received the Constitution of Greenspaces Strategy Panel report.

RESOLVED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

i.        Agreed the option to convene a scrutiny panel to review the proposed updates to the Greenspaces Strategy.

ii.       Agreed the membership of the proposed Greenspaces Strategy Panel and the timetable for scrutiny of the Greenspaces Strategy as set out in the report.

iii.      Agreed the scope of the proposed Greenspaces Strategy Panel’s work during 2024/25.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme

To consider and agree any changes to the schedule for Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Forward Work Programme 2024/25 and to consider the Action Tracker from the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme.

The Chair noted that due to the late addition of the Marketfield Way Lessons Learned report to the September agenda, the Leader’s Update had been moved back to the October meeting.

The Chair noted that the Resources and Waste Strategy would be considered at the December meeting; therefore, the Commercial Strategy would be moved to the January 2025 meeting to accommodate this.

It was confirmed that there would be an additional Overview and Scrutiny meeting, probably in late December or early January, to receive a report on the Harlequin Theatre, following the necessary surveys and the formulation of options.

The Chair informed the committee that Thames Water had suggested attending the March 2025 meeting to discuss water and waste provision in the borough. As the March agenda was usually full, the Chair asked Committee members to contact him with their thoughts on this timing and the possibility of moving this item into the following municipal year.

RESOLVED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

i.              Agreed the changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2024/25.

ii.            Noted the action tracker.



To consider any items arising from the Executive which might be subject to the ‘call-in’ procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution.

Additional documents:


It was reported that there were no items arising from the Executive that might be subject to the “call-in” procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


Any other urgent business

To consider any item(s) which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency - Local Government Act 1972, Section 100B(4)(b).


(NOTE: Under the Committee and Sub-Committee Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution, items of urgent business must be submitted in writing but may be supplemented by an oral report.)

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.