Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions
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No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 October 2024 be approved and signed. |
Apologies for absence and substitutions To receive any apologies for absence and notification of any substitute Members in accordance with the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Dwight; Councillor Newton was his substitute, but subsequently sent apologies. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Elbourne; Councillor Kulka was his substitute. |
Declarations of interest To receive any Declarations of Interest (including the existence and nature of any Party Whip). Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Q2 Performance 2024/25 RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: (i) Notes the Key Performance Indicators for Q2 2024/25 as detailed in the report and at Annex 1, and makes any observations to the Executive; (ii) Notes the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme forecasts for Q2 2024/25 as detailed in the report and Annexes 2 and 3 and makes any observations to the Executive; (iii) Notes the Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators at Annex 4 and the Q2 Treasury Management Performance Update for 2024/25 at Annex 5 and makes any observations to the Executive (iv) Notes the Housing Focus on Homelessness update at Annex 6. (v) Notes the recommendation to allocate an additional £0.110 to the Capital Programme for 2024/25 to 2028/29 for Solar Compacting Bins. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the Performance Reports for Quarter 2 2024/25 including the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Budget Monitoring forecasts Quarter 2 2024/25, both for revenue and capital. The reports were due to be presented to the Executive on 12 December 2024. Key Performance Indicators Councillor King, Portfolio Holder for Policy & Resources, presented the Quarter 2 Performance Report 2024/25 covering the period July to September 2024. Of the 10 key performance indicators reported on in quarter 2, eight are on target or within the agreed tolerance. Two indicators are off-target and outside of the agreed tolerance. The RED rated indicators both relate to housing delivery, which the Council has a limited ability to influence (as discussed at previous committee meetings): KPI6 – Housing Completions Developers in the borough have completed 75 homes against a target of 230. This is reflective of wider trends in the construction sector and a slowing of completions at Westvale. A slight increase in commencements has been evident this quarter compared to recent quarters, but not of the level required to bring delivery on track. KPI 7 – Affordable Housing Completions. Quarter 2 saw no affordable housing completions. This means there were no reported affordable housing completions in either Q1 or Q2. Again, although affordable housing delivery is to a large degree outside the Council’s control, this is concerning and therefore more work is needed to understand the causes and whether there is any action the Council can take. The Portfolio Holder for Policy & Resources had received a request from Members to report information about planning permissions as well as completions. Although this information is published annually in the Council’s Planning Monitoring Reports, he has asked the team to consider if there is value in including this information in KPI reporting as well. The Portfolio Holder for Policy & Resources, Councillor King invited Members to ask questions and comment on the Quarter 2 2024/25 Performance Report provided in the agenda pack. In response to the questions raised, the following clarifications were provided: KPI 11 – Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint The Committee discussed the absence of KPI 11 in the current quarter’s report. It was clarified that KPI 11, which relates to the reduction of the Council’s carbon footprint, is reported annually rather than quarterly. Members sought clarification on whether the lack of a quarterly update was due to the absence of new information. It was noted that the information required for KPI 11 is available only on an annual basis. Planning Applications A suggestion was made to include a KPI related to planning applications, particularly regarding the types of housing being proposed (e.g., affordable housing and larger family homes). It was suggested that tracking such applications could offer valuable insight into development trends in the borough. However, it was noted that such detailed information might be better suited for internal monitoring rather than as a formal KPI. The Committee was informed that the Planning team produces an annual housing monitor, which is publicly available on ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
Observations on Budget Proposals 2025/26 - Budget Scrutiny Panel Report To receive the report from the Budget Scrutiny Panel from its meetings on 21 and 27 November 2024. RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: i) Considers the provisional budget proposals for 2025/26. ii) Makes recommendations to the Executive in line with the Council’s budget and policy procedure rules. iii) Confirms as a correct record the minutes from the Budget Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 21 and 27 November 2024. (This report will follow as an addendum) Supporting documents:
Minutes: This year, for the first time, the Budget Scrutiny Panel held two meetings, one to focus on the Capital budget and one on the Revenue budget. The Committee received the report from the O&S Budget Scrutiny Panel which met on 21 and 27 November 2024 to consider the provisional Budget proposals for 2025/26 and to make recommendations to the Executive in line with the Council’s budget and policy procedure rules. Councillor Harrison, Chair of the Budget Scrutiny Panel, summarised the findings from the Panel, which were set out in the report to the Committee as an addendum to the agenda pack, and in the recommendations set out in the minutes of the Budget Scrutiny Panel meetings. He drew attention to the following: · Local government reorganisation and the potentially significant impacts on the budget. · Recommendation ix which set out items which the Panel felt made them unable to draw a conclusion, such as the Harlequin Theatre, energy costs, and refuse and recycling income and costs, all of which were worthy of further investigation. · Services delivered to residents would continue at the same level. · Two services funded by Surrey County Council were being taken back; Family Support Service and the Household Support Fund. · The removal of £11million from the Capital Programme. · The recommendation for improved financial controls to be integrated into the Project Management Framework and all projects to have an approved business case prior to expenditure being incurred. In response to the questions raised, the following clarifications were provided: Environmental Sustainability Strategy Concerns were raised regarding the revenue budget and its ability to reflect the delivery of strategies approved by the Council, including the Environmental Sustainability Strategy. Questions were raised about the allocation of funds to bridge gaps in the Strategy’s delivery. The Chair confirmed that officers had assured the Budget Scrutiny Panel that the budget provision was sufficient but that there were gaps in resources to deliver. The Harlequin Members asked whether the capital budget would be modified to include newly issued estimated costs to repair the Harlequin. It was clarified that while a figure of £10million for the cost of repairs had been published, the project had not yet progressed to a stage where it could be included in the Capital Programme. A building conditions survey was in progress to provide further details on the exact costs. It was agreed that until the survey results were available, it would not be prudent to include the project in the capital budget. A single-item meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was scheduled for early January to review the situation and make further decisions. The Chief Executive confirmed that discussions with organisations that had previously used the Harlequin facility were ongoing to determine their needs and how these could be met using existing assets around the borough. However, it was acknowledged that it was too early to allocate a specific figure for this in the budget, as the scope and costs were still uncertain. It was confirmed that an allocation ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Resources & Waste Strategy - Simpler Recycling RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Notes the report and makes any observations to the Executive. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Avery, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, introduced the Resources & Waste Strategy – Simpler Recycling report. The report presented outlined the Resources and Waste Strategy, with a particular focus on the Simply Recycling Scheme and the steps necessary for its implementation. Three key elements were discussed: Full Recycling Service Rollout The first element related to the rollout of the full recycling service to all properties within the borough, in compliance with upcoming legislative changes. The legislation mandates that all residents must have access to the full recycling service by 31st March 2026. A one-off revenue fund of £180,000 was proposed to support the rollout and ensure compliance with these legal requirements. Trade Waste Services The second element discussed the future of the Council’s trade waste service. It was proposed to move the schools and colleges collection service into the existing domestic rounds. As a result, the phased closure of trade waste services to other businesses was recommended. This change was deemed necessary, as maintaining the trade waste service was no longer considered cost effective for the Council, particularly as it would require additional capital outlay on suitable vehicles. Removal of Council-Managed Recycling Centres (Bring Sites) The third part of the report focused on the phased removal of the Council-managed recycling centres (commonly known as bring sites). This phase-out was scheduled to be completed by September 2026, in alignment with the rollout of the full recycling scheme. The removal of these sites would occur as the new recycling services were introduced. The Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, Councillor Avery invited Members to ask questions and comment on the Resources & Waste Strategy - Simpler Recycling report provided in the agenda pack. In response to the questions raised, the following clarifications were provided: Bring Sites The proposal to phase out bring sites was discussed. It was confirmed that once the kerbside collection service is fully rolled out, the need for bring sites should diminish. This transition was expected to be gradual, with bring sites being closed once the kerbside collection is available to residents in those areas. However, it was noted that certain recycling options, such as textile banks, would remain at these sites, as they were operated by external contractors. There were also questions about whether alternative recycling options could be introduced at these sites, such as facilities for batteries or other items, but no plans for such additions were currently in place. Concerns about fly-tipping were raised, particularly whether incidents had simply moved to other locations. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that no significant fly-tipping had been reported following the closure of the first bring site, which had previously been a source of concern. It was noted that fly-tipping would continue to be monitored and that information would be given to residents to make it clear that excess recycling can be left at the kerbside once the full service is available. In response to a question from a Member, the Portfolio Holder agreed to prioritise the closure of bring sites in those ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
Companies Performance Update - Winter 2024 RECOMMENDED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Notes the Companies Performance Update, as set out in the report, and makes any observations for consideration by the Partner, Shareholder and Trustee Executive Sub-Committee. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Lewanski, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets, introduced the six-monthly update on the performance of companies owned or part-owned by the Council. The report provided an update of the performance of the companies currently owned, or part-owned, by the Council. Companies currently wholly or part owned by RBBC are Greensand Holdings Limited, Horley Business Park Development LLP, and Pathway for Care Limited. Pathway For Care Limited was placed into Administration in January 2024. The company’s affairs are being managed by the appointed administrator. The administrator’s first progress report was filed with Companies House on 21 August 2024. Horley Business Park Development LLP is in the process of being dissolved through a Members Voluntary Liquidation (MVL). A registered Insolvency Practitioner has been appointed and it is anticipated that the administrative process that will result in the strike off of the LLP will take approximately 8-10 months (target date – July/August 2025). Greensands Holdings Ltd is currently implementing a ‘Step Plan’ process to transfer its assets (Fishers Farm in Horley and Crown House in Redhill) into the Council’s asset portfolio. The Plan will help ensure that the company’s affairs are properly managed during preparations for dissolution in an orderly manner. RBBC Ltd, which had been dormant for some time was dissolved and struck off the Companies House register on 3rd September 2024 The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Councillor Lewanski invited Members to ask questions and comment on the Companies Performance Update – Winter 2024 report provided in the agenda pack. In response to the questions raised, the following clarifications were provided: Pathway for Care Ltd A discussion was held regarding the ongoing costs to the Council since Pathway for Care Ltd went into administration. It was noted that the project had been unpopular and costly for the Council. The Portfolio Holder was asked to provide information on the ongoing costs post-liquidation. This is not currently known but would become clearer once liquidation had taken place. External Legal Support A Member asked if the costs for external legal support commissioned for this project had been budgeted for and whether the Council would bear the cost. The Managing Director clarified that legal advice had been sought by the Council to protect its interests and that it would be at the Council's cost. Specific costs relating to legal external support for Greensands Holding Ltd would be provided as a written answer. RESOLVED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Noted the Companies Performance Update as set out in the report, and made observations for consideration by the Partner, Shareholder and Trustee Executive Sub-Committee. |
Exempt Business RECOMMENDED that members of the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for parts of item 7 under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Ac 1972 on the grounds that: i. It involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 A of the Act; and ii. The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Item to be discussed: · Item 7 Companies Performance Update – Winter 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The exempt business was discussed during the exempt part of the meeting due to the confidential nature of the discussions held. RESOLVED that Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Noted the exempt information regarding the Companies Performance Update – Winter 2024 as set out in the report. |
Greenspaces Strategy Panel To approve the proposal of an additional meeting of the Greenspaces Strategy Panel to be held in January 2025, date TBC. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reported that when the Green Spaces Strategy Panel was originally established, it was agreed that they would hold two meetings. However, the Panel has requested a third meeting. As this proposed third meeting was outside the terms of reference, the matter was brought before the Committee for approval. There was a suggestion to make the terms of reference more flexible, enabling the Panel to hold as many meetings as necessary for their work. The proposal to approve the request for an additional meeting and to allow the Panel more flexibility in determining the number of future meetings was agreed. |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme To consider and agree any changes to the schedule for Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Forward Work Programme 2024/25 and to consider the Action Tracker from the previous meeting. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee reviewed the forward plan. It was highlighted that a one-off meeting on the Harlequin was scheduled for 9 January 2025. A key discussion point was the March 2025 meeting, with the suggestion to focus primarily on Thames Water. The Committee had invited Thames Water to attend the meeting, and the motion regarding Thames Water broadened the scope of the topic. It was proposed to move the majority of the remaining agenda items to future meetings, retaining only the Treasury Management Strategy, the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2024/25, and the Forward Work Programme for the coming year, all of which were deemed time sensitive. This proposal was agreed by the Committee. There was a query regarding whether the 9 January meeting for the Harlequin would include a Part 2 (exempt) section due to the nature of the decisions surrounding the Harlequin. It was suggested that a Part 2 element was likely, though dependent on the specific papers to be presented. RESOLVED that Overview and Scrutiny Committee: i. Agreed the changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2024/25. ii. Noted the action tracker. |
Executive To consider any items arising from the Executive which might be subject to the ‘call-in’ procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that there were no items arising from the Executive that might be subject to the “call-in” procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules. |
Any other urgent business To consider any item(s) which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency - Local Government Act 1972, Section 100B(4)(b).
(NOTE: Under the Committee and Sub-Committee Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution, items of urgent business must be submitted in writing but may be supplemented by an oral report.) Additional documents: Minutes: There was no urgent business. |