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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were none. |
Licensing Hearing Procedure To note the attached procedure which will be followed by the Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee, at the discretion of the Chairman, when considering the application at agenda item 4. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED to note the procedure note to be followed by the discretion of the Chairman. |
Application for a Variation to a Premises Licence for Giggling Squid, 65 High Street, Reigate To consider an application for a variation to a premises licence, against which representations have been received. Supporting documents:
Minutes: In attendance and speaking at the meeting:
Applicant: Craig Bayliss, Giggling Squid Legal Representative Simon Gallagher, Giggling Squid Operations Manager
Responsible Authority: Justin Haves, Environmental Protection Officer
Making Public Representations: Elaine Hanan David Johns Claire Trench John Warbey
The Sub-Committee was asked to consider an application for a variation to the premises licence, against which representations had been received.
Full details of the application were as set out in the report. The Sub-Committee also received an amended outside garden seating plan as an addendum to the agenda.
The Chairman asked if any agreement had been reached in relation to the issues in dispute. No agreement was identified.
The Licensing Officer presented the report and provided an outline of the application and the issues for consideration by the Sub-Committee. It was identified that the public representations that had been received during the relevant period contained some matter not covered by the licensing regime.
The Chairman invited the parties in attendance to make their representations to the Sub-Committee.
Mr Bayliss, on behalf of the applicant, made statements with regard to the following points: · A number of irrelevant issues had been included in the representations that had been received. · Since the application had been lodged, discussions had taken place between the applicant and the responsible authority for environmental protection and the application had been amended. · The amendments were a reduction in the number of patrons using the rear garden at any one time to 16, alcohol sales to cease at 18:30 for patrons in the garden, and the area to be cleared by 19:00. · Permission was sought during the covid period which was until 30 September 2021. Permission may be sought after that to make the variation permanent. · The variation would allow the number of covers to increase, and that the changes put forward were a reasonable compromise.
Mr Haves addressed the Sub-Committee and made a statement with regard to the following point: · The responsible authority for environmental health were happy with the compromises and amended proposals, did not have any specific concerns and would not look to make further representations based on the proposals.
Mr Johns addressed the Sub-Committee and made statements with regard to the following points: · The concern around this application was that the use of the rear garden would materially affect the quality of life. Residents would be affected by noise and the change of atmosphere · The current conditions protected the quality of life for residents and there were no significant grounds to change the conditions.
Ms Hanan addressed the Sub-Committee and made a statement with regard to the following point: · If smoking was to be permitted there would be an appalling impact on residents, regardless of the noise.
Ms Trench addressed the Sub-Committee and made a statement with regard to the following point: · The noise potentially made by 16 people under the influence of alcohol, especially as it is close to resident’s bedrooms.
Mr Warbey addressed the Sub-Committee and made statements with regard to the following points: · The ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Mediated Applications To note and confirm the following applications determined through mediation without the need for a hearing:
a) 20/01101/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Batts Hill Distillers Ltd., 40 Northmead Redhill Surrey RH1 2ED
b) 20/00755/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Café Chai Ltd., 135 High Street Banstead Surrey SM7 2NS
c) 20/01251/LAPREM for a variation to the premises licence: Shepherd Neame Ltd, Re: Prince Of Wales Public House 2 Holmesdale Road Reigate Surrey RH2 0BB
d) 20/00963/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Mr Nigel Rix, 23 Fiddicroft Avenue, Banstead, SM7 3AD
e) 20/01093/LAPREM for a variation to the premises licence: Scott Inns Ltd., Well House Inn Chipstead Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 3SQ
Supporting documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the following applications determined through mediation be NOTED AND APPROVED;
a) 20/01101/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Batts Hill Distillers Ltd., 40 Northmead Redhill Surrey RH1 2ED
b) 20/00755/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Café Chai Ltd., 135 High Street Banstead Surrey SM7 2NS
c) 20/01251/LAPREM for a variation to the premises licence: Shepherd Neame Ltd, Re: Prince Of Wales Public House 2 Holmesdale Road Reigate Surrey RH2 0BB
d) 20/00963/LAPREM for a new premises licence: Mr Nigel Rix, 23 Fiddicroft Avenue, Banstead, SM7 3AD
e) 20/01093/LAPREM for a variation to the premises licence: Scott Inns Ltd., Well House Inn Chipstead Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 3SQ |