Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 27th November, 2024 10.30 am

Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services (01737 276182)  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.

Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interest.

Additional documents:


There were none.



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 August 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes from the meeting held on 8th August 2024 were APPROVED.


Licensing Hearing Procedure

To note the attached procedure which will be followed by the Licensing & Regulatory Sub Committee, at the discretion of the Chairman, when considering the application at agenda item 5.

Supporting documents:


The hearing procedure was noted.


Application to vary the existing premises Licence for late night refreshments: Reigate Kebab and Burger House- 6 London Road, Reigate, RH2 9HY

To determine the application to vary the existing premises licence for late night refreshments: Reigate Kebab and Burger House- 6 London Road, Reigate, RH2 9HY.

Supporting documents:


The Chair, the other members of the Sub-Committee and the officers present introduced themselves to the meeting.

Aminur Rashid, the Applicant was present and representing himself.

Joanna Baldwin, Joy Walters and Gary Pew, the Objectors were present and representing themselves.

It was stated that no agreement had been achieved between the applicant and the objectors.


The Senior Licensing Officer introduced an application to vary the Premises Licence for Reigate Kebab & Burger House, located at 6 London Road, Reigate, RH2 9HY. The application, submitted under the Licensing Act 2003, seeks to extend the operating hours and those for the licensable activity of late-night refreshments. Under current regulations, selling hot food between 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM requires permission. The applicant is requesting an extension of the existing late-night refreshment and opening hours, as detailed in the Committee Report provided with the agenda.

Representations were received from Surrey Police and local residents. It was noted that for the business to operate during the requested hours, some existing conditions on the licence would need to be removed. The application includes a proposal to amend these conditions.

Mr. Aminur Rashid, the applicant and owner of Reigate Kebab & Burger House, gave a representation, and circulated a written version with all parties.

Mr. Rashid explained that he is seeking this licence variation to support his business during challenging times. He emphasised his commitment to maintaining good relations with neighbours and minimising disturbances. The proposed extension includes an additional 30 minutes of operating hours from Sunday to Wednesday and an extra hour from Thursday to Saturday. He assured that the premises would be cleaned daily, customers would be encouraged to leave quietly, and CCTV is in place to enhance security.

Mr. Rashid addressed concerns about parking, stating that most vehicles parked on London Road or Upper West Street are not linked to his business. Noise issues often stem from individuals returning to their cars after visiting other restaurants or pubs in the area. He highlighted that since taking ownership in 2021, there have been no incidents of anti-social behaviour associated with the premises.

He further noted that several other fast-food establishments in the area operate until late, such as Chicken Time on Church Street, which closes at 1:00 AM, and other outlets in Horley that remain open until 2:00 AM.

Reigate Kebab & Burger House employs two delivery drivers during the week. When deliveries are not being made, the drivers remain inside the shop or their vehicles. After 10:00 PM, only one driver is on duty, as delivery orders are minimal during this time. Mr. Rashid confirmed that staff only step outside to dispose of rubbish, none smoke outside, no music is played in the shop, and food preparation is only done during daytime hours.

Joanna Baldwin, a neighbour of Reigate Kebab and Burger House, spoke in objection to the application:

She noted that Mr Rashid and his staff had been a breath of fresh air compared to the previous owners. They are friendly and nice  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Mediated Applications

To note and confirm the following applications determined through mediation without the need for a hearing.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following application determined through mediation be NOTED and CONFIRMED;


Application - 24/02907/LAPREM PAPA JOHNS 46 - 48 HIGH STREET REDHILL RH1 1RD


Application - 24/02907/LAPREM PAPA JOHNS 46 - 48 HIGH STREET REDHILL RH1 1RD

Application by Lightening South Ltd, 4 Whitchurch Parade, Whitchurch Lane, Edgware, London, HA8 6LR trading as ‘Papa Johns’ at the above address is for a Late-Night Refreshment License (LNR).


Supporting documents: