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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Elbourne declared a non-pecuniary interest, he uses the pharmacy owned by one of the objectors in agenda item 4. Cllr Sinden also declared she had used the pharmacy before, but no longer uses it. |
Licensing Hearing Procedure To note the attached procedure which will be followed by the Licensing & Regulatory Sub Committee, at the discretion of the Chairman, when considering the applications at agenda items 4 and 5. Supporting documents: Minutes: The hearing procedure was noted. |
Application for a new Premises Licence: Witney Foods Ltd, 11 Linkfield Corner, Redhill, RH1 1BD To determine the application of a new premises licence for Witney Foods Ltd, 11 Linkfield Corner, Redhill. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chair introduced themselves and the other members of the Sub-Committee. Officers present introduced themselves to the meeting. Ajmeet Dang the applicant was present, representing himself. Sneh Vora and John Taylor, the Objectors were present and representing themselves. PashpalathaMuraleetharan was present representing objector Kauanaretnam Muraleetharan Dee Neville-Jones was present representing objector Joanna Taylor It was stated that no agreement had been achieved between the applicant and the objectors. Representations The licensing officer provided an overview of the application by Witney Foods Limited for the premises of 11 Linkfield Corner, Redhill. The registered address for the company is 56 Thorncliffe Road in Southall. This is a new premises licence application for a convenience store to sell alcohol during proposed opening hours from 07:00 hours to 23:00 hours Monday to Sunday. This premises is currently under renovation. The applicant, Mr. Dang, submitted an application on the 21st of October, 2024, and was advised that the end of the consultation period would be the 18th of November 2024. Despite this, the applicant advertised the end of the consultation period to be the 22nd November 2024, in effect extending the consultation period by four days. Officers have therefore considered all representations until the end of the extended period and are satisfied that the advertising requirements have been met. There have been no representations made by any responsible authority. However, there have been four valid objections from interested parties, as well as a signed petition. The organiser of this petition has not been identified. This contained 257 signatures in total. There have been 13 invalid representations, the subject of which related to the concerns regarding commercial competition, which is not relevant matter for consideration under the Licensing Act. The applicant Ajmeet Dang gave his representation: Mr Dang stated he is the director of Whitney Foods and submitted this application with clear commitment to uphold the licensing objectives, which he understood were central to Sub-Committee’s decision -making process. His intention is to operate a safe and well -managed and community -focused convenience store that will positively contribute to the local area. He thoroughly reviewed the concerns raised by neighbours of the premises and is committed to making proactive measures to address them. He currently works as an area manager for Nisa and operates and manages around 100 convenience stores. Some of the issues raised he deals with on a daily basis with stores based in London. He noted he often uses a quarterly legal compliance and operational diary to record incidences, such as shoplifting, urine on pavements and broken bottles. He also keeps Refusal logs as part of this and makes sure he does not sell to underage minors. He keeps an accidental report, and also a log for fire alarm testing. He highlighted his extensive experience, and confidence in upholding the licensing objectives. He felt his application clearly describes his intention to promote the full licensing objective, and was open to any more suggestions by the officers, by the committee members and any ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
Application for a new Premises Licence: Carafe, 40 High Street, Banstead, SM7 2LX To determine the application of a new premises licence for Carafe, 40 High Street, Banstead. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Michael Cutts and Arnold Long, the objectors were present and representing themselves. Cem Canpolat, the applicant was present with his representative Waseem Sherwani. It was stated that no agreement had been achieved between the applicant and the objectors. Representations The Licensing Officer gave an overview of the application by Mr Cem Canpolat for a new premises licence at 40 High Street, Banstead. The application had been submitted on his behalf by Mr Waseemm Sherwani of the Welcome Skills, Sovereign House, Croydon, both of whom were present. The application is for the sale and consumption of alcohol on and off premises, late night refreshments on and off premises, and recorded music at the premises. The licensing team are satisfied the application has been correctly advertised. There are no representations from relevant authorities. However, there were 13 representations from interested parties. The representations took the form of a standard letter to which each party added their name, individual address and then posted individually. The relevant part of the representations have been identified in the report. Two interested parties are present today, who have already introduced themselves. In response to the representations, the applicant has provided a copy of their conditions which were submitted with the application, which are in mitigation of the perceived problems. A copy was sent out to all interested parties. Mr Sherwani spoke on behalf of the applicant. The application concerns a new restaurant at 40 High Street, Banstead, spanning 3,345 square feet with a guest capacity of 104. Submitted on 16 October 2024, it seeks permissions for recorded music from 11:00 to 23:00 daily, alcohol sales from 11:00 to 23:00 Sunday to Thursday and until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, and a late-night refreshment licence for Fridays and Saturdays between 23:00 and midnight. The application includes comprehensive terms and conditions addressing Challenge 25 policies, staff training, refusals documentation, internal and external CCTV, noise precautions, waste management, and alcohol control. Measures such as signage, restrictions on external areas, and minimising noise through closed windows and doors are highlighted, along with age verification policies and "quiet" notices at exits. These aim to mitigate public nuisance and ensure compliance with licensing objectives. He emphasised that the restaurant, is not an off-licence, wine bar, or pub, and prohibits vertical drinking. While there are no formal objections from statutory responsible authorities. Although there is an objection, citing public nuisance. The applicant acknowledges these concerns but highlights that other nearby premises operate longer hours and argues that issues such as car park noise and door slamming are beyond their control. Free parking availability after 18:00 and for one hour in designated areas is noted as mitigating factors. Noise reduction measures include advanced air conditioning and ventilation systems, staff training, and ensuring minimal disturbance from entry points. The robustness of the application is underscored by its detailed undertakings to minimise nuisance, alongside a commitment to revitalising a property vacant for four years. The applicant acknowledges resident concerns but notes that neighbouring properties, including numbers ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Mediated Applications To note and confirm the following application determined through mediation without the need for a hearing. Additional documents: |
Application - 24/03086/LAPREM Reigate on Ice Priory Park - Priory Park, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RL Application for a new Premises Licence for a bar at the location of Reigate on Ice Priory Park, Priory Park, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7R. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the following application determined through mediation was NOTED and CONFIRMED.
24/03086/LAPREM Reigate on Ice Priory Park - Priory Park, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RL |