Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Briefing

To receive and note a briefing from Councillor K. Foreman, Executive Member for Planning Policy, and to consider any issues that arise.


The Committee received a presentation from Councillor K. Foreman, Executive Member for Planning Policy, on the Planning Policy Portfolio, including information on the distinction between planning policy and planning applications, the development of local plans, and the Council’s role in advising and consulting on other plans affecting the local area. Attention was drawn to the roles of evidence gathering, strategic planning, and consultation in developing local plans, along with the current status of the developing Development Management Plan.


The Committee considered and discussed the presentation. There were a number of questions and comments relating to the following topics:


·         Housing Targets and National Planning Policy. A number of Members expressed concern at the new national approach to housing needs, which indicated a figure of over 1100 homes per year for the Borough, up from the current figure of 460. It was confirmed that the timings of the expected new National Planning Policy Framework were such that it would not initially be possible to have a new Core Strategy in place with regard to this issue. It was identified that guidance indicated both a requirement to meeting minimum housing needs, and to protect local considerations such as the greenbelt, and that it was as yet unclear how these requirements were expected to be balanced. Attention was drawn to the wider implications of significant increases to housing numbers, including effects on parking, traffic, and general infrastructure requirements, which did not appear to be addressed in corresponding national strategy. It was confirmed that the Executive Member for Planning Policy was also concerned regarding the indicated housing figure, and that the Council would be working to identify and agree the most appropriate available option for the Borough. It was identified that discussions were being undertaken with local MPs regarding discussion of the national policy.

·         The Development Management Plan – Main Modifications. It was identified that the most significant modifications to the draft plan proposed by the inspector were judged to be the removal of the Redhill aerodrome site from safeguarding for development, the requirement for additional sites for accommodation of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople, the change to the phased release of land in favour of proactive forecasting to meet the needs of the 5 year housing supply, and an increase to the proposed density of development in identified Sustainable Urban Extensions.

·         Plan Development and Timescales. It was identified that updating the various local planning documents was a continuous process, and that proper consideration of evidence and consultation requirements placed a limit upon the rate at which this could be undertaken. It was identified that whilst the planning policy team sought to anticipate forthcoming legislative requirements, changes in government and government policy would be expected to frequently disrupt existing expectations. It was identified that plans were updated as frequently as was practical within the associated limitations.

·         Consultation and Engagement. It was confirmed that the public consultation on the DMP had received a considerable number of responses from individual residents, in additional to developers and local interest groups, and that these had been considered both in the development and inspection of the plan. It was identified that there would continue to be briefings for and engagement with all Members on developing planning policy following the elections in May 2019.

·         Redhill Aerodrome. It was confirmed that the planning application for an additional runway at the aerodrome had been considered by the Planning Committee independently of any emerging planning policy designations. It was confirmed that the redevelopment of the site was no longer a supported policy, as was supported by the planning inspector in removing the site from land safeguarded for development.

·         Planning Guidance. It was identified that the forthcoming Development Management Plan included consideration of matters not previously included in the Council’s adopted planning policy, including additional material on parking standards to change from minimum to maximum and to take account accessibility and care ownership evidence. It was confirmed that consideration would be given to further guidance on this in the future, as well as topics of flooding and affordable housing.


The Committee thanked Councillor Foreman and supporting officers for the presentation, and thanked the planning policy team for their work in supporting the Council’s planning policy.


RESOLVED that the portfolio holder briefing from Cllr K. Foreman, Executive Member for Planning Policy, be noted.