Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2020-2025

To consider a draft Corporate Plan for 2020-2025.


Councillor G. Knight, Executive Member for Housing and Benefits, introduced the draft Corporate Plan 2020-2025, set out in Annex 1 to the report presented. The report set out relevant statutory powers, background information and options. The report also set out legal, financial equalities and communication implications, risk management considerations, the position on consultation and policy framework factors.  

Councillor Knight explained that the Corporate Plan formed part of the Council’s Policy Framework. The Executive was informed that the revised draft Corporate Plan had been developed by drawing on contextual information, local evidence, and feedback from councillors and stakeholders.

Councillor Knight highlighted that the draft Plan confirmed the Council’s commitment to delivering high quality services and value for money and included updated priorities across the three themes of People, Place and Organisation. The Executive Member also made reference to the following points:

-       Reigate and Banstead continued to be an ambitious Council and the Plan reflected this.

-       The importance of the Council’s statutory responsibilities had been reflected in the Plan, together with opportunities that would help make the borough an even better place to live, work, visit and to do business.

-       The draft plan highlighted the importance of environmental responsibilities and provided information on how the Council would secure housing that local people could afford.

-       The importance of creating stronger communities and the need to promote vibrant towns and villages to ensure economic prosperity benefited residents across the borough.

It was noted that an addendum to the agenda had been circulated. Councillor Knight explained that this set out some additional text for the Plan, specifically in relation to climate change. It was noted that the purpose of this was to ensure the draft Plan clearly reflected the Council’s responsibilities in relation to climate change. It was agreed that this extra information was a beneficial addition to the draft Plan.

In response to questions, it was recognised that the Council would need to generate additional funding to deliver the ambitions set out in the draft Plan. Councillor Knight made clear that the Plan included clear objectives about financial sustainability and understanding commercial activities. It was noted that the recently established Commercial Ventures Executive Sub-Committee would help the Council to achieve these objectives.

During the discussion a range of issues were considered including: resources needed to deliver the Plan; the importance of partnership working and responding to challenges faced by Surrey County Council and other partners; matters concerning environmental sustainability and climate change.  

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, it was noted that the draft Corporate Plan was subject to a minimum period of 8 weeks consultation and the Leader of the Council highlighted that all Members had an important role in promoting this.  

RESOLVED that, subject to the changes outlined in the Addendum presented, the Draft Corporate Plan 2020-2025 at Annex 1 to the report of the Head of Corporate Policy be approved for consultation in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.

Reason for decision: In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, the draft Corporate Plan is subject to a minimum of 8 weeks consultation.

Alternative options: To not approve the draft Corporate Plan and request that further work be undertaken before a revised draft is reported back to the Executive.

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