Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Briefing

To receive a briefing from Councillor Mrs R. Mill on the Leisure & Wellbeing and Health Portfolios, and to consider any issues that arise.


To consider any Advance Questions submitted.


The Committee received a presentation from Councillor Mrs R. Mill, Executive Member for Leisure and Wellbeing, regarding the Council’s work and associated matters around Leisure, Wellbeing and Health. This included an overview of the Council’s current key activity areas and future plans, including information regarding the following areas:

·         The Wellbeing Prescription Service and other prevention work.

·         Ageing Well support, including taxi vouchers and the Get Active 50+ scheme.

·         Leisure centres in the borough.

·         Activities and sports programmes for children and young people.

·         The Harlequin Theatre and Cinema, including the Star for the Night event and accessibility provision.

·         The Council’s work with the voluntary sector.

·         Wellbeing and skills development support for Council employees.

·         Key local challenges, the way forward and the 5 Year Plan.

The Committee was advised that the Council would particularly be looking to act in a leadership and coordination role to help optimise and enhance services provided by the wide range of local organisations, including the NHS, voluntary groups and other agencies. The importance of preventative action and promoting positive social determinants of health was noted to be an important element of supporting residents and ensuring that services were able to meet future demand.

The Committee considered and discussed the report. There were a number of questions and comments on the report, relating to the following topics:

·         The Wellbeing Prescription Service. It was identified that the Wellbeing Prescription Service currently only covered the sections of the borough within the area of operations of the East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), due to the requirement for supporting funding from the relevant CCG. It was noted that the northern areas of the borough within the area of operations for the Surrey Downs CCG were not currently covered as the Surrey Downs CCG was not currently providing funding for the service. The Committee was advised that the Council was continuing to work to expand the service to the entirety of the borough, and was seeking to encourage Surrey Downs CCG to support the service. Members supported the principle that the Council should continue to aim to provide equivalent support across all areas of the borough.

·         Apprentices. It was confirmed that apprentices employed by the Council were paid in line with the relevant national minimum wage requirements.

·         Transport options in the borough. It was identified that transport provision in the borough continued to be an important consideration, and that a range of options were under consideration at a borough and county level. There was an indication of Member support for cycling provision in the borough. It was identified that the current taxi voucher scheme generated more positive feedback from residents than the previous bus-based support, and was also more cost-effective.

·         Dementia support. The establishment of a Dementia working group was supported as a positive step. It was confirmed that the dance activities delivered at the Anchor care homes in Banstead were also open to the public.

·         Leisure Centres. A query was raised regarding visitor statistics for the Leisure Centres in the borough and their rate of increases to their membership. It was identified that representatives of the centres would be attending a forthcoming meeting of the Committee and would be able to provide detailed responses to questions regarding user statistics at that time.

·         The Voluntary Sector and funding of voluntary groups. Members remarked that voluntary sector organisations provided a range of valuable services across the borough. A number of concerns were raised regarding the funding available for voluntary organisations, including the withdrawal of funding for some groups by Surrey Downs CCG.

It was suggested that the Council consider how it provides funding to voluntary groups to ensure that it generates the best value for money, and that groups remain incentivised to seek parallel sources of funding rather than becoming dependent solely on Council support. The Committee was advised that this suggestion was in-line with the Council’s current practices. The Committee was advised that the Council sought to identify and support effective voluntary organisations, whilst avoiding duplication of services and reminding providers that they should also seek other sources of funding. It was identified that where the Council did identify duplication of service provision, it would seek to support consolidation of these services and cooperation between relevant groups.

It was noted that the continued financial pressures facing the Council and other local authority organisations meant that future capacity to provide funding was uncertain, and that providing money now to help voluntary organisations establish their operations and secure other funding was potentially particularly beneficial.

It was suggested that feedback metrics regarding voluntary sector activities might be of interest to Members. It was noted that obtaining relevant metrics was challenging due to the diverse nature of work and circumstances, but the Council’s work with Stripey Stork was suggested as a recent successful area of activity.

The Committee thanked the Executive Member and supporting officers for the presentation.

RESOLVED that the portfolio holder briefing from Cllr Mrs R. Mill, Executive Member for Leisure, Health and Wellbeing, be noted.