Agenda item


To receive and consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 28 January 2021, and one recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 17 December 2020.  


The Council received six recommendations arising from the Executive meeting on 28 January 2021, relating to the Budget and Capital Programme 2021/22 (Minute ref. 65). A Notice of Amendment to recommendation 2, 4 and 5 had been received, and notification provided to all Members, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.13.4 (ii). The Mayor advised that debate would be guided by the procedure note circulated in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.8.4.


Minute 65, Budget and Capital Programme 2021/22


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Brunt moved the original recommendations and in so doing, commended Officers who had provided a year-on-year improvement in the clarity and detail of the information for Members to consider. The Budget had been prepared in acknowledgement of the ongoing challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, and had benefitted from the contributions of the Budget Scrutiny Panel and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Executive Member for Finance and Governance, Councillor Schofield, seconded the original recommendations, and reserved the right to speak.


Councillor Essex proposed, and Councillor Ritter seconded, an amendment to recommendations 2, 4 and 5. The amendments sought to provide clarity that initiatives to deliver the Environmental Sustainability Strategy would be drawn from a permanent revenue budget, and growth for investment in capital assets, in recognition of the importance and urgency of climate change. 


Members discussion of the amendment included the following considerations:


·       The Council budgeted annually, and in so doing, did not need to bind itself, in the way the amendment proposed

·       The delivery of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy would be monitored by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which would provide greater transparency and assurance than the amendment proposed; and

·       Members could be assured of the availability of the both the revenue and capital reserves when needed to be drawn upon for environmental initiatives, and that consequentially, the amendment was unnecessary.


The Executive Member for Finance and Governance, Councillor Schofield, having reserved the right to speak as seconder of the original recommendations spoke on the amendment as follows:


·       The Budget and Capital Programme had been prepared in consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and the Budget Scrutiny Panel, as part of an annual process, the matters raised in the amendment could have been properly considered then, had they been proposed and supported

·       The designated reserve had been recommended by the Council’s Section 151 Officer as the most appropriate and flexible way to draw on funds when needed; and

·       The delivery of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy would draw on resources, skills and expertise from across the Council, not just one service area, and the amendment demonstrated a misunderstanding of the Budget setting process overall. 


The Mayor called upon the Interim Head of Paid Service to conduct a recorded vote in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.21.3. On the amendment to the recommendations of Minute 65 (Budget and Capital Programme 2021/2022) voting was recorded as follows:


For: Councillors Essex, McKenna and Ritter. (3)


Against: Councillors Adamson, Archer, Ashford, Biggs, Blacker, Bramhall, Bray, Brunt, Buttironi, Foreman, Harp, Harper, Harrison, Horwood, Hudson, Humphreys, King, Knight, Lewanski, Lynch, Michalowski, Moses, Neame, Parnall, Paul, Philpott, Rickman, Ross, Sachdeva, Schofield, Stevens, Turner, Walsh and Whinney. (34)


Abstain: Councillors Absalom and Sinden. (2)


The Mayor declared the amendment lost. Accordingly, the original recommendations, as moved, were discussed, and remarks thereon included:


·       That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had resolved that the budget growth proposals were realistic and based on reasonable assumptions

·       An acknowledgement of the importance of the Council’s Commercial Strategy in generating income in the future

·       Clarification that resources, including the New Homes Bonus, would continue to be aligned to the priorities set out in the Housing Delivery Strategy 2020-2025

·       Recycling initiatives would continue to be rolled-out; and

·       The level of reserves remained healthy, but would be continually monitored, and that the Council was in a strong position to respond to challenges in the medium-term.


The Mayor called upon the Interim Head of Paid Service to conduct a recorded vote in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.21.3. For the original recommendations set out at Minute 65 (Budget and Capital Programme 2021/2022) voting was recorded as follows:


For: Councillors Adamson, Archer, Ashford, Biggs, Blacker, Bramhall, Bray, Brunt, Buttironi, Foreman, Harp, Harper, Harrison, Horwood, Hudson, Humphreys, King, Knight, Lewanski, Lynch, Michalowski, Moses, Neame, Parnall, Paul, Philpott, Rickman, Ross, Sachdeva, Schofield, Stevens, Turner, Walsh and Whinney. (34)


Against: Councillors Essex, McKenna and Ritter. (3)


Abstain: Councillors Absalom and Sinden. (2)


The Mayor declared the original recommendations carried.


Minute 66 (Council Tax Setting 2021/22)


Voting was recorded in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.21.3 as follows:


For: Councillors Adamson, Archer, Ashford, Biggs, Blacker, Bramhall, Bray, Brunt, Buttironi, Essex, Foreman, Harp, Harper, Harrison, Horwood, Hudson, Humphreys, King, Knight, Lewanski, Lynch, McKenna, Michalowski, Moses, Neame, Parnall, Paul, Philpott, Rickman, Ross, Sachdeva, Schofield, Sinden, Stevens, Turner, Walsh and Whinney. (38)


Abstain: Councillor Absalom (1)


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Executive, from its meetings on 17 December 2020, and 28 January 2021, be adopted as follows:


1.         Minute 57 (Horley Pay-on-Exit Parking)

2.         Minute 65 (Budget and Capital Programme 2021/2022);

3.         Minute 66 (Council Tax Setting 2021/22); and

4.         Minute 68 (Calendar of Meetings 2021/2022).



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