Issue - decisions

Election of Mayor

17/06/2019 - Election of Mayor

The Mayor announced that the first item of business was the election of the Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year.

It was moved by Councillor T. Archer and seconded by Councillor V. Lewanski that Councillor K. Foreman be elected Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20.

There being no other nominations it was

RESOLVED that Councillor K. Foreman be elected Mayor of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead for the Municipal Year 2019/20.

The retiring Mayor then vacated the Chair and the newly elected Mayor (Councillor K. Foreman) made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned thanks for his election.

Councillor R. Biggs expressed the Council’s thanks and appreciation to the retiring Mayor (Councillor D.A. Ross-Tomlin) and Consort (Mr J. Ross-Tomlin) for their services during the past Municipal Year.

The Mayor presented the outgoing Mayor with a medallion, denoting their past office, and the Mayoress presented the outgoing Consort with a badge of office. The outgoing Mayor responded.