Issue - decisions

Designation of Monitoring Officer

18/08/2021 - Designation of Monitoring Officer

The Director of Place introduced the item. In accordance with Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Council has a duty to designate one of its Officers as Monitoring Officer.

Article 4.2.10 of the Council’s constitution sets designation of statutory officers as a function of the Full Council. Annex 1 to procedure rule 9 of the constitution states that designation of the existing officers is a matter for Full Council.

Members of the Employment Committee had been consulted informally on the proposed designation on 22nd July 2021. Members of the Executive were notified of the proposed designation in accordance with Procedure Rule 9.8 and no objections were made.

Councillor Brunt moved and Councillor Schofield seconded the recommendation and upon a vote it was RESOLVED to designate Joyce Hamilton, Head of Legal and Governance, as the Monitoring Officer.