ePetition details

Mini Meadows

We the undersigned petition the council to We are asking the Council to create Mini Meadows of Native Spring Flower Bulbs for early Pollinators that come out of hibernation , Wild Daffodils , Snow Drops , and any other native bulbs on any verge that is away from the road . Also in the same areas full of Native Meadow Flower seeds to give an all year round supply of food for our Bees and other Pollinators across the borough . With 97% of meadows lost in the UK we are asking for change , small steps by adding Flowers to verges

The Meadow areas don't have to be big but would be a huge benefit for both our Nature and People . There are plenty of areas where small spring and summer meadows could be created and would greatly uplift any area , creating vibrant colours for people and offering plenty of nectar for our Bees . There are areas where there are Trees , shade loving bulbs and flowers that could be grown around these areas. It would be a huge benefit to people's mental health.

This ePetition runs from 09/09/2024 to 10/10/2024.

80 people have signed this ePetition.