Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 27th March, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services (01737 276182)  Email:


No. Item



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 March 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.

Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interest.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Addendum to the agenda

To note the addendum tabled at the meeting which provides an update on the agenda of planning applications before the Committee.





1.    The order in which the applications will be considered at the meeting may be subject to change.

2.    Plans are reproduced in the agenda for reference purposes only and are not reproduced to scale.  Accordingly dimensions should not be taken from these plans and the originals should be viewed for detailed information. Most drawings in the agenda have been scanned, and reproduced smaller than the original, thus affecting image quality.


To consider the following applications :

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED that the addendum be noted.


22/02067/F - Former Merstham Library, Weldon Way, Merstham

Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to provide 11 residential dwellings with associated amenity space, landscaping, car and cycle parking. As amended 19/10/2023, 30/10/2023, 01/11/2023, 23/11/2023, 20/12/2023 and on 23/01/2024.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at the former Merstham Library, Weldon Way, Merstham for the demolition of existing building and redevelopment to provide 11 residential dwellings with associated amenity space, landscaping, car and cycle parking. As amended 19/10/2023, 30/10/2023, 01/11/2023, 23/11/2023, 20/12/2023 and on 23/01/2024.


Councillor Khan, a visiting member, addressed the Committee stating that he was not against 11 properties being built on this site, but he had concerns over the access road. Merstham Football Club, which was a relatively small club compared to others in its league, had been trending on social media with one of the top five attendances in the south-east just below Sittingbourne FC with a population of 65,000. Decisions were best made by local people and although the housing was wanted, there needed to be a change to the access into the site. It was hoped that members had seen the letter written by Alison Dadswell from Age Concern. It was noted that Age Concern would not sell or rent the visibility splays required for this development. It was however noted that this was not a planning matter.  There was no issue with development on the site, but this should not use the shared access road due to the stress it would cause to the two organisations. Age Concern had an increasing number of members year on year who needed the access road to be dropped off easily. All residents needed to be considered including the elderly who required access to Age Concern. A former director of Merstham FC has taken the time and money to pay an architect to redesign the development to provide access from Weldon Way, while still maintaining the 11 units.


Members of the Committee were also concerned about the use of the shared access for the new development, parking was at a premium in this location. Age Concern used the access for dropping off elderly members to the venue. Access by the new residents would clash with users of the football club and Age Concern and members wanted to prevent conflict.


A reason for refusal was proposed by Councillor Blacker and seconded by Councillor Torra, whereupon the Committee voted and RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED on the grounds that:


The proposal, by reason of the layout, the siting of the dwellings and the dominance of parking and hard landscaping, together with the access and approach being shared with neighbouring community uses, would result in a cramped overdevelopment of the site, harmful to the character and appearance of the locality and unattractive for future occupants of the development with potential for harm to amenity arising from conflict in the shared use of the access, contrary to policies DES1 and RED5 of the Reigate and Banstead Development Management Plan 2019 and chapter 12 of the NPPF.



23/00879/F - South Park Sports Association, Whitehall Lane, Reigate

Proposed increase to existing car park. As amended on 14/06/2023, 06/07/2023, 21/07/2023, 16/09/2023 and on 02/02/2024.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at South Park Sports Association, Whitehall Lane, Reigate for the Proposed increase to existing car park. As amended on 14/06/2023, 06/07/2023, 21/07/2023, 16/09/2023 and on 02/02/2024.


It was noted that there was a reciprocal arrangement with Sandcross School and the football club for parking and there was concern that this may not continue with the increase in parking at the club.


There was some discussion about whether the road could accommodate a 2-metre-wide path which was suggested by Surrey Highways to encourage people to walk, however members felt that the people would simply park on the pavement. Officers did not think the path would be appropriate.


An informative was requested that the material used for the car park extension be more sympathetic to the greenbelt.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED as per the recommendation and changes in the addendum with condition 9/16 to be varied to permit continuation of existing uses. To be agreed with the ward member.


Plus additional informative to encourage permeable surfacing appropriate to rural area.


21/02938/F - Bolters Corner Rest Home, Bolters Lane, Banstead

Proposed two-storey extension of an existing care home to increase the number of bedrooms by 18, internal and external building alterations, associated landscaping, car and cycle parking, plant, and new access arrangements. As amended on 08/11/2023, 29/11/2023 23/02/2024, 06/03/2024 and on 07/03/2024.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at Bolters Corner Rest Home, Bolters Lane, Banstead for the proposed two-storey extension of an existing care home to increase the number of bedrooms by 18, internal and external building alterations, associated landscaping, car and cycle parking, plant, and new access arrangements. As amended on 08/11/2023, 29/11/2023 23/02/2024, 06/03/2024 and on 07/03/2024.


There was concern regarding traffic around the site and the Committee felt that it was good that the entrance to the site was moving. There would be a robust traffic management plan during construction.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions and changes in the addendum.


23/02064/S73 - Laurel Acre, Picketts Lane, Salfords

Change of use (part retrospective) of land from agricultural use for the stationing of 6 Gypsy and Traveller Pitches with associated hard and soft landscaping. Variation of Condition 6 of permission reference 19/02276/CU. Erection of walls to the external boundary. As amended on 01/02/2024.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at Laurel Acre, Picketts Lane, Salfords for the change of use (part retrospective) of land from agricultural use for the stationing of 6 Gypsy and Traveller Pitches with associated hard and soft landscaping. Variation of Condition 6 of permission reference 19/02276/CU. Erection of walls to the external boundary. As amended on 01/02/2024.


Claire Minter, Clerk of Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application stating that the Parish Council was elected to represent a population of about 3,500, of which 2,700 were electors, in 1400households.  One of the key mandates for their Parish Council was to protect the Green Belt. This was a retrospective application to retain the brick walls and piers which have been built at the entrance to this site.  These walls and piers were completely different from what was mutually agreed by the applicant and the Borough.  This site was in the greenbelt where there was a presumption against inappropriate development and this development clearly failed to satisfy both Borough and national greenbelt policy. What has been built was an incongruous feature on this otherwise very rural stretch of country lane.  It did not respect the character or openness of the greenbelt; it detracted from it. The site layout was one of the reasons for the Borough agreeing to withdraw their enforcement notice and allow a five-year temporary consent for this gypsy traveller site. The piers and walls which have been built were much bulkier and higher than the agreed wooden fence. There was no agreement for wing walls or end piers, nor a fifth pier in one of the walls.  The bright colours of the substantial brick piers and walls stand out in a way that wooden fencing did not.  Their impact on the openness of the greenbelt was clear. These departures from the agreed plan were significant - not ‘marginal’ as stated in the Committee report.


The Committee report was correct when it said;


The matters identified as important in such works are the massing and bulk of the works, the height, location, position and visual prominence of the works and consideration of whether they respect the character and openness of the greenbelt.’


It was also correct when it said;


‘The walls are more visible within the greenbelt than the fence arrangement originally approved,’


It is unfortunate the report only showed what had been built.  While it referred to what was agreed - it did not show this, so the differences were not easy to understand. These wall and piers presented an overbearing, urban feature which had no place in the greenbelt or in this country lane. The number of objections to this application on the portal, very much reflected the concern of the local population. The members of the Planning Committee were requested to recognise that the walls and piers which have been built bore no relation to the agreed boundary treatment, did not maintain the openness of the area and were inappropriate development  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102.


23/01425/F - 11 - 12 Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of part 2 and part 3 storey building containing commercial space at ground floor with 9 apartments above. Layout parking, bin stores and cycle store. As amended on 13/10/2023, 22/11/2023, 23/11/2023, 01/12/2023 20/02/2024 and on 05/03/2024.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at 11 - 12 Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood for the demolition of existing buildings and construction of part 2 and part 3 storey building containing commercial space at ground floor with 9 apartments above. Layout parking, bin stores and cycle store. As amended on 13/10/2023, 22/11/2023, 23/11/2023, 01/12/2023 20/02/2024 and on 05/03/2024.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendations and addendum.


24/00118/F - 40 - 46 Brighton Road, Salfords

Proposed roof extension to provide 2x one bedroom and 2x two bedroom flats with the removal of the existing garage and construction of a new storage building at the rear of the site.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at 40 - 46 Brighton Road, Salfords for the proposed roof extension to provide 2x one bedroom and 2x two bedroom flats with the removal of the existing garage and construction of a new storage building at the rear of the site.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendation and addendum with an additional informative relating to storage for electric bikes.


Any other urgent business

To consider any item(s) which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency.

Additional documents:


There was none.