Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday, 14th June, 2017 7.30 pm

Wednesday, 14th June, 2017
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Rosemary Absalom†, Derek Allcard, Michael Blacker, Jill Bray, Mark Brunt (Chairman), Julian Ellacott, Zully Grant-Duff, James King, Steve Kulka, Steve McKenna, Simon Parnall, Jamie Paul, David Pay, David Powell, Michael Selby, John Stephenson, Christian Stevens, Barbara Thomson and Rachel Turner

† Substitute
Also Present:
Councillors Rita Renton* and Christopher Whinney*

* Part meeting
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I

RESOLVED that Councillor Mark Brunt be elected as Chairman of the Planning Committee for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


Councillor Brunt took the Chair.

He invited everyone to join him in observing a minute’s silence to give thoughts to all those involved in the tragic tower block fire in London that day.


RESOLVED that Councillor Derek Allcard be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2017 be approved as a correct record.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Crome (substitute: Councillor Absalom)


Councillors Absalom, Blacker, Ellacott, Grant-Duff, McKenna, Renton and Whinney declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 (17/00232/F) because they either were or had been patients at the surgery.


Councillor Pay declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 (17/00232/F) because he was a patient at the surgery. He also had a historic business connection to one of the partners and therefore declared that he would leave the meeting throughout the consideration of this item.


Councillors Allcard and Thomson declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 ((17/00232/F) because they were supporters of the campaign to save the South Park surgery. They declared that they would leave the meeting throughout consideration of the item to avoid any conflict of interest.


Councillor Bray declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 (17/00441/F) because she used the veterinary practice for her cats.


An addendum was circulated at the meeting to provide an update on matters arising after the agenda was published.


It was noted that agenda item 10 had been withdrawn at the request of officers to seek further clarification on access arrangements.


RESOLVED to note and to take into consideration the content of the addendum.


Note: in order to facilitate public speaking the Committee agreed to take item 7 after item 11. The minutes follow the order of the agenda for practical purposes.


The Committee received a report setting out the outcomes of a review of the planning protocol.

It was noted that Council had agreed to the removal of the planning protocols from its Constitution in 2014 so that the Committee could agree its own operating procedures.


At that time the Committee resolved to maintain the existing protocols subject to review.

The Protocol and its procedure notes had subsequently been reviewed by the Development Management Advisory Group and the opportunity had been taken to streamline the documents and to introduce minor amendments, including a proposal to bring forward the deadlines for requesting referrals to committee and for requesting support in the drafting of reasons for refusal.


The Chairman explained that the reason behind the proposal was to give officers more time to consider and action any such requests. At the moment, with requests sometimes being made very close to the meeting date, it was difficult for officers to give them due consideration and prepare for the meeting at the same time.

He had consulted with officers who had indicated that it would be possible to bring forward publication of the agenda to the Monday in the week before the meeting. He was therefore proposing that accompanied site inspections should also be brought forward, to the Wednesday in the week before the meeting, as it was recognised that the site inspections were often instrumental in either allaying or confirming concerns about applications which could lead to requests for reasons for refusal to be considered.


Concerns were raised by some members who felt that this would not allow them sufficient time to make requests, particularly those who worked full time and used the weekend to read through their committee papers.

The question was also asked of what would happen in the winter months, when site inspections were held on the Saturday before the meeting in daylight hours. It was noted that consideration would be given to this issue by officers, in consultation with the Chairman, should the amended protocol be agreed.


Members also suggested minor amendments to clarify the wording within the protocol in respect of paragraphs 2.4, 3.1 and 3.4 relating to the above proposals and officers undertook to review the content and to make any necessary changes.


A motion to maintain the status quo, and not to change the deadlines or the dates of site inspections, was proposed and seconded but rejected upon a vote.


In conclusion, the Chairman advised that the deadlines in the Protocol were intended to facilitate the management of development control, however they were not prescriptive and exceptions could, and would, be made where justified.


Having regard to the above it was therefore




(1) the Planning Protocol and its annexes be agreed as set out in the annex, subject to minor contextual amendments to be agreed in consultation with the Chairman; and


(2) it be noted that the Protocol will continue to be regularly monitored and reviewed as part of the ongoing work programme for the Development Management Advisory Group.


The Committee considered an application for a two-storey extension in brick cavity construction and tile hanging under a tiled roof to the rear of the existing surgery


The application was deferred at the previous meeting for an accompanied site inspection. Although public speaking would not normally be permitted a second time under the Planning Protocol, the Chairman advised that he was minded to permit it, exceptionally, because the membership of the newly-appointed committee included new members who were not at the previous meeting.


Two members of the public spoke against the application, and a member of the public and the applicant spoke in its favour.


The Committee debated the application at length, recognising the fine balance between the degree of adverse impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties and the community need for the surgery to expand.


Officers clarified that the surgery would not be expected to take on all patients from the South Park Surgery when this closed, and that the actual figure for new patients was likely to be between 500 and 1,000.


In conclusion, members were of the view that the negative impact upon residents outweighed the benefits of granting the application, based on relevant planning policy.


Reasons for refusal were accordingly proposed and seconded and it was


RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED on the following grounds:


1. The proposed extension, by virtue of its height, scale, bulk, depth and proximity to the side boundaries of 7 Sandown Court and 9 Somerville Court would have a dominant and overbearing presence upon these properties, when viewed from their rear windows and private rear gardens. This would be harmful to their residential amenities and be contrary to Policy Cf2 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005.

(Note: Councillors Allcard, Pay and Thomson left the meeting throughout consideration of this item.)


The Committee considered an application for a two storey side extension with single storey rear extension to the existing veterinary surgery, northern boundary realignment together with enlarged parking area to front of property and alteration to a single highway access.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Plan Type                   Reference                   Version                  Date Received
Location Plan            558:NC:OG:300                                           23.02.2017
Combined Plan        558:NC:OG:301                                           23.02.2017
Floor Plan                  558:NC:OG:302                                           23.02.2017
Elevation Plan           558:NC:OG:303                                           23.02.2017
Site Layout Plan        558:NC:OG:304                                           23.02.2017
Floor Plan                   558:NC:OG:305                B                        23.02.2017
Elevation Plan            558:NC:OG:306                                          23.02.2017
Landscaping Plan     558:NC:OG:307                                          23.02.2017

To define the permission and ensure the development is carried out in accord with the approved plans and in accordance with National Planning Practice Guidance.


3. No development shall take place until the developer obtains the Local Planning Authority’s written approval of details of both existing and proposed ground levels and the proposed finished ground floor levels of the buildings. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved levels.
To ensure the Local Planning Authority are satisfied with the details of the proposal and its relationship with adjoining development and to safeguard the visual amenities of the locality with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policy Ho9.


4. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension must be of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the exterior of the existing building.
To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policies Cf2 and Em3.


5. No development shall commence on site until a scheme for the landscaping of the site including the retention of existing landscape features has been submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. Landscaping schemes shall include details of hard and soft landscaping, including any tree removal/retention, planting plans, written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, shrub, and hedge or grass establishment), schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities and an implementation and management programme.
All hard and soft landscaping work shall be completed in full accordance with the approved scheme, prior to occupation or within the first planting season following completion of the development hereby approved or in accordance with a programme agreed in writing with the local planning authority.
Any trees shrubs or plants planted in accordance with this condition which are removed, die or become damaged or become diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees, shrubs of the same size and species.
To ensure good arboricultural and landscape practice in the interests of the maintenance of the character and appearance of the area and to comply with policies Pc4, Cf2 and Em3 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005.
The use of a landscape/arboricultural consultant is considered essential to provide acceptable submissions in respect of the above relevant condition. The planting of trees and shrubs shall be in keeping with the character and appearance of the locality. There is an opportunity to incorporate structural landscape trees into the scheme to provide for future amenity and long term continued structural tree cover in this area. It is expected that the replacement structural landscape trees will be of Advanced Nursery Stock size with initial planting heights of not less than 4.5m with girth measurements at 1m above ground level in excess of 16/18cm. Any planting scheme should not impact visibility splays for the access.


6. The proposed vehicular access to Brighton Road service road hereby approved shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans, and thereafter shall be permanently maintained.
In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users to satisfy policies Mo5 and Mo7 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and the objectives of the NPPF 2012.


7. The existing access from the site to Brighton Road Service Road shall be permanently closed and any kerbs, verge, footway, fully reinstated in accordance with the approved plans.
In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users to satisfy policies Mo5 and Mo7 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and the objectives of the NPPF 2012.


8. Space shall be laid out within the site in accordance with the approved plans for vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear. Thereafter the parking /turning areas shall be retained and maintained for their designated purposes.
In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users to satisfy policies Mo5 and Mo7 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and the objectives of the NPPF 2012.


9. The development shall not be occupied until a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatment shall be completed before the occupation of the development hereby permitted.
To preserve the visual amenity of the area and protect neighbouring residential amenities with regard to the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policies Ho9 and Pc4.



1. Your attention is drawn to the safety benefits of installing sprinkler systems as an integral part of new development. Further information is available at


2. You are advised that the Council will expect the following measures to be taken during any building operations to control noise, pollution and parking:
(a) Work that is audible beyond the site boundary should only be carried out between 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs Monday to Friday, 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs Saturday and not at all on Sundays or any Public and/or Bank Holidays;
(b) The quietest available items of plant and machinery should be used on site. Where permanently sited equipment such as generators are necessary, they should be enclosed to reduce noise levels;
(c) Deliveries should only be received within the hours detailed in (a) above;
(d) Adequate steps should be taken to prevent dust-causing nuisance beyond the site boundary. Such uses include the use of hoses to damp down stockpiles of materials, which are likely to generate airborne dust, to damp down during stone/slab cutting; and the use of bowsers and wheel washes;
(e) There should be no burning on site;
(f) Only minimal security lighting should be used outside the hours stated above; and
(g) Building materials and machinery should not be stored on the highway and contractors’ vehicles should be parked with care so as not to cause an obstruction or block visibility on the highway.
Further details of these noise and pollution measures can be obtained from the Council’s Environmental Health Services Unit.

In order to meet these requirements and to promote good neighbourliness, the Council recommends that this site is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme -


3. The permission hereby granted shall not be construed as authority to carry out works on the highway. The applicant is advised that prior approval must be obtained from the Highway Authority Local Highways Service Group (0300 200 1003) before any works are carried out on any footway, footpath, carriageway, or verge to form a vehicle crossover or to install dropped kerbs. Please see:


4. When an access is to be closed as a condition of planning permission an agreement with, or licence issued by, the Highway Authority Local Highways Service will require that the redundant dropped kerb be raised and any verge or footway crossing be reinstated to conform with the existing adjoining surfaces at the developers expense.


5. The developer is advised that as part of the detailed design of the highway works required by the above conditions, the County Highway Authority may require necessary accommodation works to street lights, road signs, road markings, highway drainage, surface covers, street trees, highway verges, highway surfaces, surface edge restraints and any other street furniture / equipment.


6. The applicant site is situated on or in close proximity to land that could be potentially contaminated by virtue of previous historical uses of the land. As a result there is the potential for a degree of ground contamination to be present beneath part(s) of the site. Groundworkers should be made aware of this so suitable mitigation measures and personal protective equipment measures (if required) are put in place and used. Should significant ground contamination be identified the Local Planning Authority should be contacted promptly for further guidance.


The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn by officers in order to clarify access arrangements.

11 17/00459/F: 97 RAGLAN ROAD, REIGATE

The Committee considered an application for construction of a ground floor extension to existing retail unit, and first floor extension to provide two one-bedroom flats at first floor level.


During the officer presentation it was noted that condition 4 should be amended to include the requirement for the existing hedge to be retained on the western boundary.


An accompanied site inspection was undertaken in respect of this application.


Members debated the application in detail, raising concerns about the lack of garage space proposed, the height of the dwelling and its impact upon the neighbouring bungalows, in particular the direct transition from these to what was effectively a three-storey dwelling, albeit defined as 2.5 storeys.


Upon a vote the Committee was divided with nine votes in favour, and nine against, the Chairman having abstained. In these circumstances, and in accordance with the Constitution, the Chairman used his casting vote and it was accordingly


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Plan Type               Reference                Version             Date Received
Location Plan         RR/97/01                                               09.03.2017
Site Layout Plan     RR/97/02                       B                     09.03.2017
Street Scene           RR/97/03                       A                      09.03.2017
Floor Plan                RR/97/04                                              09.03.2017
Floor Plan                RR/97/05                                              09.03.2017
Floor Plan                RR/97/06                                              09.03.2017
Roof Plan                 RR/97/07                                              09.03.2017
CombinedPlan       RR/97/01                                              09.03.2017

To define the permission and ensure the development is carried out in accord with the approved plans and in accordance with National Planning Practice Guidance.


3. Notwithstanding the drawings, the proposed external finishing materials and details shall be carried out using the external facing materials and details specified below and there shall be no variation without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority;
(a) All tiles and tile hanging shall be of handmade sandfaced plain clay tiles with bonnet tiles to hips.
(b) All external joinery shall be of painted timber with architraved bargeboards with box ends omitted.
(c) All dormers shall have an ogee cornice.
(d) All casement windows shall be of white painted timber with casements in each opening set back behind the reveal at one brick depth.
(e) All sash windows shall be vertically sliding sashes with glazing bars of traditional profile.
(f) All fascias shall be no more than two bricks depth.
(g) All footpaths and drives shall be of gravel or fixed gravel.
(h) Before works commence details of the proposed front gate and piers shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA before works commence.
(i) Any rooflights shall be black painted metal conservation rooflight with a single vertical glazing bar.
(j) All brickwork shall be of handmade sandfaced brick with the front elevation in flemish bond.
To ensure that the proposed development does not result in undue harm to the character of the Conservation Area in accordance with policy Pc13 of the Borough Local Plan 2005.


4. No development shall commence on site, including demolition or groundworks until a scheme for the landscaping of the site including the retention of existing landscape features, in particular the existing hedge on the western boundary, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. Landscaping schemes shall include details of hard and soft landscaping, including any tree removal/retention, planting plans, written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, shrub, and hedge or grass establishment), schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities and an implementation and management programme.

All hard and soft landscaping work shall be completed in full accordance with the approved scheme, prior to occupation or within the first planting season following completion of the development hereby approved.
Any trees shrubs or plants planted in accordance with this condition which are removed, die or become damaged or become diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees, shrubs of the same size and species.
To ensure good arboricultural and landscape practice in the interests of the maintenance of the character and appearance of the area and to comply with policies Pc4, Pc12 and Ho9 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005.


5. No development shall commence including groundworks, preparation and demolition until all related arboricultural matters, including arboricultural supervision, monitoring and tree protection measures are implemented in strict accordance with the approved details contained in the Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement compiled by Harper Tree Consultancy dated 21st February 2017.
To ensure good good arboricultural practice in the interests of the maintenance of the character and appearance of the area and to comply with policy Pc4 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and the recommendations within British Standard 5837.


6. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions permitted by Classes A, to E of Part 1 of the Second Schedule of the 2015 Order shall be constructed (other than those expressly authorised by this permission).
To control any subsequent enlargements in the interests of the visual and residential amenities of the locality with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policies Ho9, Ho13


7. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no first floor windows, dormer windows or rooflights other than those expressly authorised by this permission shall be constructed.
To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking and to protect the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policy Ho9.


8. The first floor windows in the side elevations of the building hereby permitted shall be glazed with obscured glass which shall be fixed shut, apart from a top hung opening fanlight whose cill height shall not be less than 1.7 metres above internal floor level, and shall be maintained as such at all times. The rooflights in the side elevations of the building hereby permitted shall have a cill height not less than 1.7 metres above internal floor level, and shall be maintained as such at all times.
To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 policy Ho9.



1. Your attention is drawn to the safety benefits of installing sprinkler systems as an integral part of new development. Further information is available at


2. The applicant is encouraged to provide renewable technology within the development hereby permitted in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


3. You are advised that the Council will expect the following measures to be taken during any building operations to control noise, pollution and parking:
(a) Work that is audible beyond the site boundary should only be carried out between 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs Monday to Friday, 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs Saturday and not at all on Sundays or any Public and/or Bank Holidays;
(b) The quietest available items of plant and machinery should be used on site. Where permanently sited equipment such as generators are necessary, they should be enclosed to reduce noise levels;
(c) Deliveries should only be received within the hours detailed in (a) above;
(d) Adequate steps should be taken to prevent dust-causing nuisance beyond the site boundary. Such uses include the use of hoses to damp down stockpiles of materials, which are likely to generate airborne dust, to damp down during stone/slab cutting; and the use of bowsers and wheel washes;
(e) There should be no burning on site;
(f) Only minimal security lighting should be used outside the hours stated above; and
(g) Building materials and machinery should not be stored on the highway and contractors' vehicles should be parked with care so as not to cause an obstruction or block visibility on the highway.
Further details of these noise and pollution measures can be obtained from the Council's Environmental Health Services Unit. In order to meet these requirements and to promote good neighbourliness, the Council recommends that this site is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme -


4. The use of suitably experienced landscape architects is recommended to satisfactorily address both the design and implementation of the landscape details of the above condition although such landscaping is often straightforward and small scale in proportion to the approved development.


The Committee regularly received quarterly reports so that it could track and maintain an overview of performance. The report now before it set out overall performance in 2016-17 against a range of indicators.

It was noted that appeal performance was consistent with targets.


The time taken to register applications had been below target, which was disappointing. The reason for this had been a lack of staff resources, now resolved, so applications were being registered more speedily and a marked improvement had already been registered for April and May.


Members expressed concerns from residents about the time taken for comments on applications to appear on the website. It was noted that comments submitted through the online form appeared quickly, but that it was not as user-friendly and many residents preferred to either write in or email. This then meant the comments having to be scanned before being loaded online which did take more time.


Officers undertook to review the online form, in consultation with the Chairman, to see if it could be made more responsive to requirements, possibly through allowing pdfs to be attached or for text to be easier to format.

The Committee noted that an Enforcement Plan was being prepared and would be brought forward this year. Historic records were maintained within the planning system of all enforcement cases associated with a property.


It was noted that some members were not receiving regular updates of enforcement issues in their wards and officers undertook to remedy this. Members were also reminded that they could request regular email notifications of applications made by Ward.

RESOLVED to note performance in 2016-17.



The meeting closed at 9.32 pm