Local Councillors are elected, through local elections, by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.
Reigate and Banstead Borough Council has 45 elected Members. The Borough is divided into 15 areas called wards, with three councillors representing each ward.
Councillors have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls or surgeries. Surgeries provide the opportunity for residents to have a face to face meeting with their ward councillor and these take place on a regular basis.
Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but do receive allowances. By law, all members of the Council are required to complete a declaration of interest form, these details are published annually. You can view individual registers of interest on each Councillor's profile or use this link: Register of Interests-All Councillors
Councillors are data controllers. Members of the public can view the councillor privacy notice to see how their data will be processed. Councillor Privacy Notice
View the political geography of the borough on our 'Political Ward Map'.
To find your councillor please use the below links or see the Member Ward Sheet.
Nork Residents` Association
Lower Kingswood, Tadworth and Walton
The Conservative Party
Horley Central and South
The Conservative Party
Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services
Horley West and Sidlow
The Conservative Party
Horley West and Sidlow
The Conservative Party
The Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Community Development and Prosperity
The Conservative Party
Horley East and Salfords
The Green Party
Horley Central and South
The Conservative Party
South Park and Woodhatch
The Green Party
Horley East and Salfords
The Green Party
Lower Kingswood, Tadworth and Walton
Chipstead, Kingswood and Woodmansterne
The Conservative Party
Meadvale and St Johns
The Liberal Democrats
Redhill East
The Green Party
Green Group Leader
The Conservative Party
Hooley, Merstham and Netherne
The Green Party
Lower Kingswood, Tadworth and Walton
The Conservative Party
Nork Residents` Association
Tattenham Corner and Preston
Tattenham and Preston Residents
Residents Association Group Leader
Nork Residents` Association
Horley Central and South
The Conservative Party
Banstead Village
The Conservative Party
The Mayor of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead
Hooley, Merstham and Netherne
The Green Party
South Park and Woodhatch
The Conservative Party
Executive Member for Corporate Policy and Resources
Meadvale and St Johns
The Liberal Democrats
Liberal Democrat Group Leader
The Conservative Party
The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Assets
Redhill East
The Green Party
Redhill West and Wray Common
The Conservative Party
Executive Member for Place, Planning and Regulatory Services
Banstead Village
The Conservative Party
Executive Member for Sustainability and Leisure
Tattenham Corner and Preston
Tattenham and Preston Residents
Chipstead, Kingswood and Woodmansterne
The Conservative Party
Redhill West and Wray Common
The Labour Party
Chipstead, Kingswood and Woodmansterne
The Conservative Party
South Park and Woodhatch
The Green Party
Earlswood and Whitebushes
The Green Party
Redhill East
The Green Party
Deputy Mayor
Redhill West and Wray Common
The Labour Party
Tattenham Corner and Preston
Tattenham and Preston Residents
Hooley, Merstham and Netherne
The Conservative Party
Executive Member for Housing and Support
Meadvale and St Johns
The Liberal Democrats
Horley East and Salfords
The Green Party
Earlswood and Whitebushes
The Green Party
Earlswood and Whitebushes
The Green Party
Banstead Village
The Conservative Party
Horley West and Sidlow
The Liberal Democrats