Meeting documents

Thursday, 14th April, 2011 7.30 pm

Thursday, 14th April, 2011
7:30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor D.J. Pay (Mayor); Councillors S.S. Banwait, R.M. Bennett, M. S. Blacker, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, S.T. Bramhall, Mrs. J.S. Bray, V.W. Broad, Mrs. L.J. Brunt, M.A. Brunt, G.P. Crome, A.J. De Save, J.M. Ellacott, Mrs. G.M. Emmerton, J.C.S. Essex, S.N. Farrer, Dr. L.R. Hack, R. Harper, N. Harris, N.D. Harrison, A.C.J. Horwood, A.J. Kay, I. Khan, Mrs. S.F. King, G.J. Knight, S.A. Kulka, A.M. Lynch, R.S. Mantle, Mrs. R. Mill, M.J. Miller, R.C. Newstead, G.L. Norman, Dr. R.J. Olliver, Mrs. C.E. Poulter, R. Rampertab, Mrs. R. Renton, Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin, M.J. Selby, Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers, B.A. Stead, J.M. Stephenson, Mrs. A.F. Tarrant, Ms. B.J. Thomson, Ms. J.A. Tomlinson, R.F.C. Wagner, S.T. Walsh and C.T.H. Whinney.
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Councillors R. Amiah, B.C. Cowle, Mrs. F.D.M. Dixon and Mrs.R.S. Turner.
(a) Standards Committee: 9th February 2011

RESOLVED that the Recommendation of the Standards Committee under Minute 28 (Planning Committee Site Inspections) be adopted.

(b) Executive: 17th March 2011

RESOLVED that the Recommendations of the Executive under Minute 118 (Adoption of the Annual Treasury Management Strategy); Minute 123 (Corporate Risk Management Policy and Strategy) and Minute 125 (Review of the Constitution) be adopted.

(c) Executive : 7th April 2011

On Minute 135 (Harlequin Theatre Refurbishment) Councillor Mrs. J.S. Bray moved and Councillor N.D. Harrison seconded the following amendment:

In the Recommendation delete all words after "that" and substitute the following:

"the capital resources allocated for building maintenance and improvements to the Harlequin Theatre be retained at the current level in the approved Capital Programme".

Upon being put to the meeting, the amendment was declared lost, 10 Members voting for and 37 against. In accordance with Council Procedural Rule 20.2 a recorded vote was requested. This was as follows:

For the amendment:

Councillors Mrs. J.S. Bray, J.C.S. Essex, R. Harper, N. Harris. N.D. Harrison, R.S. Mantle, M.J. Selby, B.A. Stead, R.F.C. Wagner and C.T.H. Whinney.

Against the amendment:

Councillor D.J. Pay (Mayor); Councillors S.S. Banwait, R.M. Bennett, M. S. Blacker, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, S.T. Bramhall, V.W. Broad, Mrs. L.J. Brunt, M.A. Brunt, G.P. Crome, A.J. De Save, J.M. Ellacott, Mrs. G.M. Emmerton, S.N. Farrer, Dr. L.R. Hack, A.C.J. Horwood, A.J. Kay, I. Khan, Mrs. S.F. King, G.J. Knight, S.A. Kulka, A.M. Lynch, Mrs. R. Mill, M.J. Miller, R.C. Newstead, G.L. Norman, Dr. R.J. Olliver, Mrs. C.E. Poulter, R. Rampertab, Mrs. R. Renton, Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin, Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers, J.M. Stephenson, Mrs. A.F. Tarrant, Ms. B.J. Thomson, Ms. J.A. Tomlinson, and S.T. Walsh.

RESOLVED that the Recommendations of the Executive under Minute 132 (Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2011/12) and Minute 135 (Harlequin Theatre Refurbishment) be adopted.
Two questions were asked and responses given by the Executive Member for Environment (Councillor J.M. Ellacott) and the Executive Member for Leisure and Wellbeing (Councillor A.J. De Save) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14 and the order paper circulated at the meeting.
This was the last meeting of Council in the 2010/2011 Municipal Year and the Leader of the Council (Councillor Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers) paid special thanks to the Executive for their work during what had been a difficult and demanding year. The Leader also placed on record her thanks to the Council's employees. The Leader made reference to Members standing down (making special mention of Councillor Richard Bennett) and to those standing for re-election, wishing them all well.

The Executive Member for Environment (Councillor J.M. Ellacott) outlined arrangements for a forthcoming "environment" campaign being held throughout borough between April and September 2011. Councillor G.J. Knight was co-ordinating activities and it was hoped that other Members would be able to offer support.

The Executive Member for Leisure and Wellbeing (Councillor A.J. De Save) reported that the first phase of the Donyngs Recreation Centre refurbishment had been completed. Councillor De Save also reported that the Council would be supporting the 2011 Festival of Sport in conjunction with the YMCA.

(i) authorise the sealing of any Orders, Deeds or Documents necessary to give effect to any matter contained in the Minutes of the meetings held between 27th January 2011 and 25th March 2011 (2010/11 Volume 5) and any previous Minutes; and

(ii) ratify the sealing of documents referred to in entries 9/11 to 36/11 in the Seal Register.

(i) the report of the Chief Executive be noted;

(ii) the actions within the report to ensure continued progress be supported;

(iii) the new management structure, as shown in annex 1 of the report, be approved;

(iv) in accordance with Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Legal Services Manager, Mr Nicholas Bennett, be appointed as the Council's Monitoring Officer with immediate effect; and

(v) in accordance with Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972, the Finance Manager, Mr William Pallett, be appointed as the Council's Chief Finance Officer with immediate effect.
The Mayor was holding a St George's Day Dinner on Thursday 21st April 2011 at the Reigate Manor Hotel and further details were available from the Mayor's office. The Mayor would also be supporting an Orbit Shed Gala being held at the Harlequin Theatre on 30th April 2011.

As previously indicated, this is the final scheduled meeting of Council in this Municipal Year and the Mayor thanked all Members for their help and co-operation in ensuring the efficient, effective and cordial conduct of business during the year.

The Mayor wished good luck to all those Members standing for re-election. In the case of those standing down (Councillors R.M. Bennett, Mrs F.D.M. Dixon and R. Rampertab) the Mayor, on behalf of Council, offered best wishes for the future and expressed special thanks for the voluntary community service that has been given.

As part of the Mayor's announcement, Councillor J.M. Ellacott reported on fund raising activities/challenges he would be undertaking on behalf of the YMCA. He hoped Members would be able to support him.
The meeting closed at 9.22 p.m.


Min NoMinute
93Council received an annual report by the Chief Executive. It was intended to provide Members with an assessment of the Council's performance and progress in 2010/11.

The report was also an annual summary of the key achievements and issues (focusing on the economy, service performance and investing in services) and summarised the direction of travel for the Council in 2011/12 and beyond, outlining the key challenges and aims for the Municipal Year. The senior management team within the organisation had been reduced and restructured and the Council was asked to appoint two statutory posts.

The Chief Executive introduced his report and its recommendations were then moved by Councillor Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers and seconded by Councillor V.W. Broad. A number of Members spoke on specific issues whereupon it was: