Meeting documents

Thursday, 11th October, 2012 7.30 pm

Thursday, 11th October, 2012
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor R.C. Newstead (Mayor); Councillors S.S. Banwait, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, S.T. Bramhall, Mrs. J.S. Bray, V.W. Broad, G.P. Crome, A.J. De Save, J.E. Durrant, J.M. Ellacott, J.C.S. Essex, S.N. Farrer, Ms. S. Finch, K. Foreman, Dr. L.R. Hack*, Mrs. G. Harper-Adamson, R. Harper, N. Harris, N.D. Harrison, A.C.J. Horwood, E. Humphreys, A.J. Kay, F. Kelly, G.J. Knight*, S.A. Kulka, R.S. Mantle, Mrs. R. Mill, M.J. Miller, S. Parnall, D.J. Pay, Mrs C.E. Poulter*, D.T. Powell, Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin, T. Schofield, M.J. Selby, Ms. P. Shillinglaw, Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers, B.A. Stead, J.M. Stephenson, Ms. B.J. Thomson, B. Truscott, Mrs. R.S. Turner, M.A. Vivona, S.T. Walsh and C.T.H. Whinney.

* part meeting

Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th July 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Councillors Mrs L.J. Brunt, M.A. Brunt, Mrs S.F. King, A.M. Lynch, G.L. Norman and Mrs R. Renton.

Councillors G.J. Knight and Mrs C.E. Poulter had indicated that they might not be able to attend for the start of the meeting.
One public question was asked and a response given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13 and the Order paper circulated at the meeting.

Details were as follows:

Question by:
Mr B. Horne

Answered by:
Leader of the Council: Councillor Mrs J.M.A. Spiers
Selection of Mayor-elect

To receive a petition in line with the Council's petition scheme.

RESOLVED that the comments set out above be referred to the Executive for consideration alongside a report on the future of Tanyard Meadows, Horley.
Four questions were asked and responses given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14 and the Order paper circulated at the meeting.

Details were as follows:

Question by (Cllr):
M.A. Vivona

Answered by (Cllr)
J.M. Ellacott - Executive Member for Housing and Welfare

Council Tax Benefit Reform

Question by (Cllr):
Ms.S. Finch

Answered by (Cllr):
M.J. Miller - Executive Member for Planning and Development

Consultation by SCC - New Redhill Primary School

Question by (Cllr):
C.T.H. Whinney

Answered by (Cllr)
A.J. Kay - Executive Member for Recycling and Street Services

New recycling Service

Question by (Cllr):
J.C.St. Essex

Answered by (Cllr):
J.M. Ellacott - Executive Member with responsibility for the Council's
Better Ways of Working Programme

Council Questions Publication

To receive and consider a Recommendation from the Regulatory Committee.

RESOLVED that the Recommendation of the Regulatory Committee held on 25th July 2012 under Minute 19 (Mechanical Inspection and Licensing: Hackney and Private Hire Vehicles) be adopted.
RESOLVED that the statements be noted.

(i) authorise the sealing of any Orders, Deeds or Documents necessary to give effect to any matter contained in the Minutes of the meetings held between 19th July 2012 and 27th September 2012 (2012/13 Volume 3) and any previous Minutes; and

(ii) ratify the sealing of documents referred to in entries 149/12 to 189/12 in the Seal Register.

(i) the changes to polling district boundaries including the establishment of a new Polling District - Kingswood with Burgh Heath (EA1) - as detailed in Annex 1 to the submitted report and shown on plans referenced CHW1/12; KB1/12; RC1/12; MStJ1/12; EW1/12 and HC1/12 be approved and adopted to coincide with the republication of a Register of Electors in 2013 reflecting the new County electoral Divisions; and

(ii) to note that, on grounds of urgency, the Electoral Registration Officer had, under paragraph 1.15 of the Officer Scheme of Delegation within the Constitution, designated St Luke's Church, Church Road, Reigate as the polling place for Polling District South Park and Woodhatch (NA) from 1st September 2012.
RESOLVED to approve the following changes to Committee membership for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2012/13:

Regulatory Committee:
Councillor A.M. Lynch to replace Councillor S.S. Banwait

Standards Committee:
Councillor J.M. Ellacott to replace Councillor Mrs C.E. Poulter

Councillor Mrs C.E. Poulter to replace Councillor J.M. Ellacott
The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mrs J.M.A. Spiers) was pleased to announce that Councillor Mrs D.A. Ross-Tomlin had been appointed Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel for Surrey.
The Mayor reported that his first Civic Reception would be held on 12th October 2012 at Gatton Hall, Reigate and he looked forward to welcoming invited guests.

On 26th October the Mayor would be holding a special charity premier screening of the new James Bond film - Sky Fall - at the Harlequin Theatre. Tickets priced at £20 were fast selling out so any Members wishing to attend were asked to contact the Mayor's office as soon as possible. All proceeds would go to Combat Stress one of the Mayor's chosen charities.

Remembrance Day was on Sunday 11th November. This was a very important civic occasion and it was hoped that Councillors would be in attendance at services taking place in the Borough. The Mayor would be attending the service at Shaws Corner, Redhill and the Deputy Mayor would be at Banstead.
On behalf of his Chaplain, the Mayor reported that there would be a Gala Concert at St. Mark's Church on 26th January 2012.
Finally the Mayor reminded Members that the Council's annual Community Carol Service would take place on Sunday 9th December at 4 p.m. at St Mark's Church Reigate.
The meeting closed at 8.31 p.m.


Min NoMinute
42In accordance with the Council's Petition Scheme a report was submitted on a petition with 451 signatures objecting, in relation to Tanyard Meadows, Horley, to a proposal of (a) fencing off the fields (b) the grazing of cattle thereon and (c) fencing in the proposed all weather pathway. The Petitioners were urging the Council to retain the fields as natural open land and to maintain them by simply mowing for hay or silage at the appropriate time as had been the case in previous years.

The report set out relevant statutory powers, the requirements of the Petition Scheme (in this case a debate on the subject at the Council meeting), information on the petition and the current position, proposal and associated issues in relation to Tanyard Meadows, Horley. The report set out financial and equality implications.

In terms of responding to the petition, it was noted that this was an Executive matter and could not be determined by Council. It was therefore proposed that Council should debate the matter and refer any comments to the Executive for consideration alongside a future report on Tanyard Meadows. The petitioners would then receive a written response once the matter had been determined by the Executive, which was anticipated early next year.

In accordance with the Petition Scheme a representative of the petitioners addressed Council making reference to the need to retain Tanyard Meadows for use by all, the positive way in which it was proposed to provide this environment in the future, the loss over many years of "brown field" sites in the area and the importance of retaining remaining land as a social amenity, bearing in mind the expansion of Horley.

The petitioners agreed that a diverse range of recreation and leisure was desirable but they questioned the need to manage the fields with fenced in cattle. This seemed to detract from nature and prevented full access to the land. They considered that, in allowing every person access to the land, the Council was mixing its approach to conservation within what would become an enclosed area.

The petitioners' main opposition concerned enclosing the pathways and fencing in the fields for cattle grazing. They felt that this would adversely affect wild life, would involve barbed wire fencing, create dangerous pinch points along paths, exacerbate flood plain issues (increase water-logging) and pollute the land. It was considered that cattle, in some circumstances, posed a danger to the public and other animals.

Tanyard Meadows was not considered comparable to other sites managed and used for grazing by the Council - the Meadows were not in a rural location and were a relatively small area in close proximity to housing. The petitioners questioned the funding of the works and future maintenance and the extent of response to the Council's consultation (on the use of Tanyard Meadows).

Councillor G.J. Knight moved the Motion set out in the report and Councillor Mrs D.A. Ross-Tomlin seconded. The matter was then debated by Members during which reference was made to the previous grazing of cattle on the land, the number of signatories to the petition compared with Horley residents, the need to provide a facility for everyone, the importance of Tanyard Meadows to the wider "riverside green chain" project and need to base a decision with this in mind. Members noted the usefulness and cost efficiency of conservation grazing and that there was no proposal to use barbed wire fencing.

With regard to the possible grazing of cattle, it was reported that a local docile breed would be involved, the majority would be taken from other public sites (so would be used to people and dogs), the cattle would not be on site when suckling calves, there would be no bulls and all males would be castrated, grazing would take place between May and November and the site would be grazed in rotation so only 3 or 4 fields would be in use at any one time out of the 12 fields.

The herd would number between 10 and 20 animals spread over several fields i.e. there would only be 5 to 6 cows in any one field. Dogs would be permitted in the fields provided they were under control. There would be a 24 hour emergency contact number for use by the public. There was a willingness for further discussion on this matter with the petitioners.
45The Leader of the Council (Councillor Mrs J.M.A. Spiers) made a statement about the decision of Age Concern Merstham, Redhill and Reigate to close New Centenary House, Redhill with immediate effect.
The Leader reported on past funding of this organisation by the Council (£43,000 per year for the past four years) and a recent request for further funding of £35,000. In the absence of any clear business plan it had been agreed that the Council could not meet this request. Surrey County Council had been willing to provide in year funding of £10,000 and officer support to help develop a business model but the Trustees had decided to close the service and terminate the services of their manager.
The Leader also referred to the effect of closure on other organisations using New Centenary House and the need for suitable alternative arrangements to be found locally, especially if they were not given appropriate notice. In this respect reference was made to the terms of Age Concern's lease with the Council.
Finally, the Leader reported that the Council provided funding to the Live at Home Scheme which provided a meals service for older people in Redhill each week.
The Executive Member for Leisure (Councillor A.J. De Save) reported upon the very successful Tour of Britain cycle race that had taken place in the Borough on 16th September 2012. He placed on record his thanks to the Council staff who had contributed to this event. Particular thanks were recorded for Tom Kealey.
47Council received a report on a review of polling districts arising from changes to the County electoral Divisions. The purpose of the review had been to ensure that Borough District and County Division boundaries were coterminous.
The report set out relevant statutory powers, background information and the review criteria, options, process and proposals. It set out legal and resource implications, consultation undertaken and conclusions.
The report also provided information on the designation by the Electoral Registration Officer, under delegated authority on grounds of urgency, of St Luke's Church, Church Road, Reigate as the polling place for polling District South Park and Woodhatch.
In relation to the new polling district EA1 - Kingswood with Burgh Heath, the suitability of (and alternatives to) the identified polling place would form part of the next review of polling Districts.