Meeting documents

Thursday, 19th April, 2012 7.30 pm

Thursday, 19th April, 2012
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor Mrs J.M.A. Spiers (Chairman); Councillors Mrs N.J. Bramhall, J.M. Ellacott, S.N. Farrer, A.J. Kay, Mrs R. Mill and R.C. Newstead.
Also Present:
Councillors B.C. Cowle, J.C.S. Essex, N. Harris, N.D. Harrison, G.J. Knight, Mrs R. Renton, J.M. Stephenson and C.T.H. Whinney.
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd March 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Executive Member:

Councillors V.W. Broad, A.J. De Save and M.J. Miller.

Non-Executive Members:

Councillors D.J. Pay, Mrs R.S. Turner and S.T. Walsh.
Councillor N.D. Harrison

Minutes139 and 140


Member of Surrey County Council and Preston Regeneration Board

(i) the revised Preston Planning Framework be approved to become a material consideration in any future planning applications relating to the key sites within the Preston regeneration area; and

(ii) the Head of Policy, Regeneration and Property, in consultation with the Executive Members for Prosperous Borough and Priority Places, be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments to the Preston Planning Framework prior to its publication.

Reasons for decisions: The regeneration of Preston is a key objective of the Council, as set out in the Corporate Plan 2011-15. As the proposed timetable for regeneration activity is running ahead of the Local Development Framework timetable, officers have prepared a separate Preston Planning Framework document, which will serve as the interim mechanism to guide development.
Approving the Planning Framework to become a material consideration for future planning applications in the framework area will provide greater planning certainty and will assist the marketing of key sites. This will enable regeneration activity, including the delivery of the new leisure centre, to proceed. Public consultation on the draft Framework took place from November 2011 to January 2012. The document has been revised in response to the consultation and now is being put forward for approval by the Executive.

Alternative options: Not to approve the Planning Framework, wait for planning guidance in Preston to be formally updated by the new Local Development Framework through the Development Management Policies DPD (due for adoption winter 2013/14).

To revisit the commitments made regarding the regeneration of Preston in the 2007 Joint Statement of Intent, in the context of the Banstead Leisure Centre decision and the current financial climate.


(i) the proposed changes to the Preston Regeneration Joint Statement of Intent be approved;

(ii) the Head of Policy, Regeneration and Property, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member for Priority Places, be authorised to agree any necessary further minor changes to the Joint Statement of Intent;

(iii) the Head of Policy, Regeneration and Property be authorised to incur necessary expenditure in order to prepare and submit outline planning applications for the proposed development on the Merland Rise recreation ground;

(iv) New Growth Points expenditure of up to £365,000 (+10% contingency) on priority projects in 2012/13 be approved, with delegated authority given to the Head of Policy, Regeneration and Property in consultation with the Executive Member for Priority Places to agree which projects to deliver as 2012/13 priority projects.

Reason for decisions: The regeneration of Preston remained a key objective of the Council, as set out in the Corporate Plan 2011-15. However, since 2007, the funding environment had changed significantly and there was a need to revisit the aspirations and funding commitments made in the Joint Statement of Intent. The commitments proposed in the revised Joint Statement of Intent supported delivery of the proposed new leisure centre as part of a hub of community facilities, new housing and the wider enhancement of the estate.
If the Council secured outlining planning permission for the proposed recreation ground developments prior to marketing them, the potential capital receipt would be enhanced. In order to pursue this approach, the Council needed to incur necessary expenditure to engage professional disciplines to prepare the application.
Approval to some New Growth Points expenditure during 2012/13 would enable some pilot works to be undertaken as the forerunner to more extensive improvement works linked to the new developments. These projects would also demonstrate to the existing community that both councils intended to deliver on the proposals outlined in the Planning Framework.

Alternative options: Ask officers to market the Merland Rise site as soon as possible without securing outlining planning permission first. Not approve any NGP expenditure in advance of the sale of the Merland Rise recreation ground.

(i) following a public consultation process, the introduction of the following Dog Control Orders be approved:

(a) The Fouling of Land by Dogs Order - covering all open land.

(b) The Dogs on Leads by Direction Order - covering all open land.

(c) The Maximum Number of Dogs Permitted to be Walked Order - covering all open land.

(d) The Dog Exclusion Order - related to specific locations as detailed on plans - mainly children's playgrounds and ball courts, but including all of Lakers Rise Recreation Ground and all of Ifold Road Recreation Ground.

(e) The Dogs on Leads Order - relates to specific sites as detailed on plans - including Frenches Pond - originally proposed to be an exclusion area.

(ii) a further public consultation exercise is carried out to propose that All Saint's Church, Banstead, and St Margaret's Church, Chipstead, be designated as Dogs on Leads sites, and that The Orchard, High Street Banstead, be designated as a Dog Exclusion area; and

(iii) the Head of Service in consultation with the Executive Member and Ward Councillors, be given delegated authority to agree all future consultations and amendments to the Dog Control Orders, including those in (ii) above.

Reason for decisions: The introduction of Dog Control Orders ensures all sites and designated land are covered by the most up to date legislation.

Alternative options: Not to introduce the Dog Control Orders.
RESOLVED to endorse the amended Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Reason for decision: Working to maintain good working relationships with staff and their representatives was key.

Alternative option: None.
144 CORPORATE PLAN 2011-15

(i) the significant performance against and outcomes within the Corporate Plan during 2011/12 be noted;

(ii) the borough profile be adopted as a evidence base for service and financial planning within the Council, and reviewed on a regular basis;

(iii) the key issues identified and emerging priorities be agreed for consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and all Councillors as part of the Corporate Plan refresh; and

(iv) final revisions to the Corporate Plan be reported to the Executive for consideration in July 2012.

Reason for Decisions: The Corporate Plan sets out the key priorities for the Council. When adopting the plan the Council recognised the importance of carrying out regular reviews of the plan to ensure it remains relevant and in line with the needs and priorities of the borough.

Alternative Options: Request further information or additional reports on any priority or aspect of performance. Note the profile, but opt not to adopt it for service and financial planning. Request further work be undertaken on the profile and reported back to the Executive at a later date Add, alter or remove any emerging priorities for consultation under the Policy Framework requirements. Request further work be undertaken to identify emerging priorities, before reporting back for Executive consideration at a later date.
RESOLVED that members of the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that:

(i) it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act; and

(ii) the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.
Part II(Confidential)

To receive the revised Joint Statement of Intent.

  • (Attachment: 11)Report
  • |
    (Attachment: 12)Annex
RESOLVED that confidential information relating to this matter be received and noted.
RESOLVED that a Press Release be not issued in respect of Minute 147 above,
The meeting closed at 8.31 p.m.


Min NoMinute
139The Executive received a report on the approval of a planning framework for Preston. At the meeting an addendum was circulated with comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee together with officer responses.

The report set out relevant statutory powers, background information and issues for the Executive to consider (housing, parking and transport, green space and community facilities). The report also set out the response to the consultation feedback, options for the Executive to consider, legal, financial and equalities implications, consultation undertaken and policy framework considerations.

The report indicated that the Preston Planning Framework set out the aspirations for the Preston Regeneration Area. It drew heavily on previous spatial planning and consultation work, including the Preston Area Regeneration Masterplan 2005 and the draft Preston Regeneration SPD (2006).

The Planning Framework updated plans set out in these documents in the context of changes in the economic climate, revised plans for Banstead Leisure Centre and other local developments. It also took into account the results of local consultation held through November 2011 to January 2012.

A report to the Executive in October 2011 provided background to the development of the Preston Planning Framework and summarised its content. This report summarised the consultation results and outlined the revised content of the Framework.

In due course the contents of the Preston Planning Framework would be incorporated into the Development Management Policies planning document, forming part of the Local Development Framework for the Borough.

In response to questions from a Member, it was reported that housing density set out was only a guideline and would be lower, the officer were aware of issues surrounding potential traffic congestion and the framework would be amended to include a sports hall.
140The Executive received a report seeking approval to a revised joint statement of intent and implementation plans for the Preston regeneration project.

The report set out relevant statutory powers, background information and issues for the Executive to consider (proposed revisions to the joint statement of intent, vision and objectives, funding, proposed development of the Merland Rise Recreation Ground, and delivery in 2012/13).

The report also set out options for the Executive to consider, legal, financial and equalities implications, consultation undertaken, timetable and policy framework considerations.

The report restated the overall vision for Preston regeneration and presented revised financial commitments set out in the revised Joint Statement of Intent for approval - see Minute 147. It identified the next steps to secure successful delivery of the objectives, including seeking authority for the Council to (i) submit an outlining planning application relating to the Merland Rise recreation ground and (ii) implement some high priority projects.
In line with the Preston Planning Framework, the regeneration objectives had been rationalised to provide a closer match with the available funding. Information was provided on the changes in the financial environment since 2007 and a revised indicative funding commitment was proposed (in line with the Banstead Leisure Centre report July 2011).

The report proposed the submission of outline planning applications for the proposed development on the Merland Rise Recreation Ground. This would help to ensure that the Council maximised its capital receipt from the proposed development, and gave more certainty to residents about the scale of development. By maximising the capital receipt the Council would ensure it could deliver the new Banstead Leisure Centre.

An updated "route map" to delivering Preston regeneration was set out which identified potential pilot projects for delivery in 2012/13 using New Growth Points (NGP) funding already secured for delivering improvements to infrastructure in Preston.
141The Executive received a report on the introduction of Dog Control Orders in the Borough.

The report set out relevant statutory powers, details of proposed Dog Control Orders, options open to the Executive, legal, financial and equalities implications, consultation undertaken and policy framework considerations.

The report indicated that the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 extended the powers available to local authorities in order to better control dog fouling and other dog related issues. Where necessary the Orders could be applied to all land in the open air to which the public were entitled or permitted access with or without payment.

At the present time officers continued to carry out enforcement action under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 and existing byelaws relating to dog exclusion and dogs on leads. This situation could continue indefinitely until Dog Control Orders were made in respect of the specified land.

Over the years playgrounds had altered in extent and shape and the Council had added more ball courts and Multi Use Games Areas. Redevelopment of sites such as Priory Park and Lady Neville Recreation Ground had changed the layout of these sites.

The existing controls did not take account of these changes and there was therefore the need to introduce the most up to date legislation. A full consultation process had been carried out during February 2012 and overall feedback was in agreement with the proposals. The plans to make Frenches Ponds a dog exclusion area had caused some concerns, and the recommendation was that this site should be made a dogs on leads site, rather than an exclusion area.

The report was discussed at length during which reference was made to further consultation on certain sites in Banstead, the extent and nature of the control Orders in relation to open land and rights of way, the provision of bins, Priory Park and Reigate Heath (area for dogs to be on leads, attacks on wildlife and maximum number of dogs), enforcement, the need for information and interactive maps to be put on the Council's web site and number of known offences relating to dog fouling.

The officers were asked to review the Order relating to Priory Park and specifically lake area in six moths. Councillor B.C. Cowle would receive a written response to concerns on signage at the Lady Neville park. A number of other points were answered by the officers at the meeting.
142A report was submitted on the introduction of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Council. The report set out issues for the Executive to consider, legal, financial and equalities implications and consultation undertaken. The new draft Agreement had been endorsed by staff representatives. A copy of this was appended to the report.
144The Executive received a report on the Corporate Plan 2011-15 in line with previous recognition that it would need to be the subject of regular review to ensure it remained relevant and in line with the needs and priorities of the borough. The report set out relevant statutory powers, details of corporate plan themes, information on performance in year 1 and issues associated with a corporate plan refresh. Options open to the Executive were set out, together with legal, financial and equalities implications, consultation undertaken and policy framework considerations. The report was discussed during which reference was made - amongst other things - to a planned Member workshop on 21st May, future governance arrangements (the Chief Executive reported that he had not received any formal request on this matter) and the emerging role of Surrey County Council in public health and that Authority's relationship with the Borough Council on this matter (a future presentation was planned)