Decision details

Update on Recruitment

Decision Maker: Employment Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Executive provided an update on the Director vacancy and the recruitment process for the Head of Finance (Section 151 Officer) position. The Head of Organisational Development was then invited to provide further information on the approach to recruitment/selection for the Director. It was noted that: 

-       The Employment Working Group, consisting of Councillors Lewanski, Neame and Schofield, had helped Officers to create a job summary and person specification for the Director of Organisation (Corporate Services).

-       An external agency had been appointed to help source appropriate passive and active job candidates.   

-       Targeted social media would be used to assist with recruitment.

In addition, a wide range of issues were considered in relation to the importance of candidates understanding the Council’s culture, vision and values, application by CV, competency based interview questions and the use of various assessment tools.

In response to questions about the selection process, the Head of Organisational Development explained that short listing would take place during an assessment day. It was noted that this would include a panel interview with officers, chaired by the Chief Executive, a presentation, informal meetings with Directors and Heads of Service, a tour of the Town Hall, and an informal meeting with Employment Committee Members. Following the conclusion of each of these activities (including feedback from Members and Officers) it was confirmed that appointable candidates would be invited to meet formally with the Employment Committee. It was highlighted that this would take place a week or so after the assessment day, with times/dates to be finalised outside of the meeting in consultation with the Chair of the Employment Committee.

As set out in Procedure Rule 9 of the Constitution it was noted, due to the Director of Organisation (Corporate Services) being a direct report to the Chief Executive, that the Employment Committee (taking into account the advice of the Head of Paid Service) was responsible for confirming the appointment.       

In terms of the selection process for the Head of Finance (Section 151 Officer) it was agreed that the same format should be used as set out above for the Director of Organisation (Corporate Services). However, it was recognised that the appointment of Head of Finance was the responsibility of the Chief Executive and that full Council, on recommendation of the Employment Committee, was responsible for considering whether the candidate was suitable to be appointed as Section 151 Officer.

RESOLVED that the update in relation to the approach to recruitment/selection for the Director of Organisation (Corporate Services) and Head of Finance (Section 151 Officer) positions be noted.

Publication date: 24/10/2019

Date of decision: 30/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 30/09/2019 - Employment Committee