Issue - meetings

Quarterly Performance Report (Q4 2017/18)

Meeting: 21/06/2018 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Quarterly Performance Report (Q4 2017/18)

To consider the Quarterly performance report for Quarter 4 2017/18.

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED that the performance outlined in the report be noted.


A report was submitted which presented the headline issues in relation to the Council's overall performance for the period up to the end of Quarter 4 (January to March) of 2017/18. The report also contained an update on strategic risks as well as an operational risk which had been rated as ‘red’.     


Councillor T. Schofield, Executive Member for Finance, highlighted that eleven of the thirteen Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were on target or within agreed tolerances for the period.  The Executive was informed that KPI4 was a contextual indicator and no target had been set.


Cllr Schofield explained that one indicator – KPI 13: ‘business income as a percentage of gross budget’ – was off target for the period. It was highlighted that this target had been set when the Council operated its own Building Control function, and included this income. Since then, Building Control had operated as a shared service and it was recognised that the methodology for calculating the council’s performance would be redefined for 2018/19.


During the discussion a number of issues were considered, including:


-       The council’s approach to recycling, including recent achievements, residents’ participation, and the importance of effective communication. 


-        The costs associated with waste going to landfill.


The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 12 June 2018. It was explained that the Committee had raised a number of questions, which had been captured in the minutes of the meeting, but had made no formal observations for consideration by the Executive.


RESOLVED that the performance outlined in the report be noted.


Reason for decision: To consider the performance for the fourth quarter of the financial year 2017/18.


Alternative options: None.