Issue - meetings

18/02583/F - Cornerways, Smugglers, Mountfield, Outwood Lane, Chipstead & 266 Chipstead Way, Woodmansterne, Surrey

Meeting: 17/04/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 129)

129 18/02583/F - Cornerways, Smugglers, Mountfield, Outwood Lane, Chipstead & 266 Chipstead Way, Woodmansterne, Surrey

Demolition of existing properties and redevelopment to form 28 retirement living apartments for older persons including communal spaces, car parking and associated landscaping. As amended on 25/01/2019.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at Cornerways, Smugglers, Mountfield, Outwood Lane, Chipstead & 266 Chipstead Way, Woodmansterne, Surrey for the demolition of existing properties and redevelopment to form 28 retirement living apartments for older persons including communal spaces, car parking and associated landscaping.

RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED, subject to Section 106 Agreement; with conditions as per the recommendation within the planning officer’s report; and clarification of the number of vehicle charging points in respect of condition 20 with the applicant.