Issue - meetings

18/02635/S73 - Former Kings Barn, Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood, Surrey

Meeting: 15/05/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 141)

141 18/02635/S73 - Former Kings Barn, Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood, Surrey

Erection of building comprising 9 apartments with associated landscaping, parking and cycle parking. Variation of conditions 1,3,6,8,9 & 13 of permission 16/02517/F. Amendments to plans, ground levels and site layout.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at the Former Kings Barn, Waterhouse Lane in Kingswood for the erection of a building comprising of 9 apartments with associated landscaping, parking and cycle parking. Variation of conditions 1,3,6,8,9 & 13 of permission 16/02517/F. Amendments to plans, ground levels and site layout.

RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED with conditions as per the recommendation within the officer’s report and updated/additional condition within the addendum