Issue - meetings

Internal audit plan 2022/23-2024/25 and Charter 2022/23

Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Audit Committee (Item 41)

41 Internal audit plan 2022/23 and Charter 2022/23

     I.        That the Audit Committee approve the internal audit plan for 2022/23 as set out in annex 1; and,


    II.        That the Audit Committee approve the internal audit Charter for 2022/23 as set out in annex 2.

Supporting documents:


Natalie Jerams, Deputy Head of Southern Internal Audit Partnership (SIAP), introduced the Internal Audit Plan 2022/23, which had been developed in consultation with the Corporate Governance Group and Management Team, taking into consideration the authority’s strategic risks.


Members were reminded that the plan remained fluid throughout the year; any proposals for revisions during the year would be reported to the Committee.


Neil Pittman, Head of SIAP, presented the Charter and explained that it had to be approved annually by the Committee. The Charter defined the purpose, authority and responsibility of internal audit and it demonstrated how the Council’s statutory duty to maintain an independent and effective internal audit function was fulfilled.


He highlighted two changes this year:

·         Page 82, Natalie Jerams’ role had changed, and was taking on Chief Internal Auditor responsibilities for this authority from April; and

·         Page 88, the list of partners had been updated.


Members requested that consideration be given to adding an additional audit to the 2022/23 Audit Plan to provide assurance on the half-year Treasury Management Monitoring report that the Committee was due to consider in November 2022.


The Interim Head of Finance and the Deputy Head of Audit from SIAP confirmed that SIAP already carried out regular end to end reviews of the Council’s treasury management processes and controls as part of the core financial systems review; the most recent audit took place in 2021.


They undertook to look at options for adding the additional review to the audit plan for 2022/23 and report back to the next meeting.




(i)            The Audit Committee approve the internal audit plan for 2022/23as set out in annex 1;


(ii)          The Audit Committee approve the internal audit Charter for 2022/23 as set out in annex 2; and,


(iii)         That consideration be given to an additional audit to be added to the 2022/23 Audit Plan to provide assurance on the half-year Treasury Management Monitoring report.