Issue - meetings

Local Plan - Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 20/10/2022 - Executive (Item 27)

27 Local Plan - Local Development Scheme

The Executive Member for Place Delivery & Planning Policy.

Supporting documents:



That the Executive:

i)                 Approve the allocation of funding from the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan Reserve to fund 2022/23 expenditure.


The Leader, Councillor Mark Brunt, introduced the report on the Local Plan – Local Development Scheme, as Executive Member for Place Delivery & Planning Policy, Councillor Biggs, had sent his apologies. The current Local Plan Core Strategy was adopted in 2014 and was scheduled to run until July 2027 (subject to review in 2024). At that point it will become an out of date plan though some of the policies can continue to be used until they have been superseded by national policy changes. This report set out the approach to developing that Plan.

Since the Core Strategy was prepared, Redhill and Horley had seen noticeable change with new sustainable urban extensions and former brownfield sites redeveloped – providing nearly 4000 new homes. Key infrastructure funding had been secured to deliver new schools, cycle lanes, play spaces, outdoor gyms, bus stands and local funding to repair and modernise community facilities.

The Local Development Scheme was set out in Appendix 1 to the report including a timeline. A new Local Plan Communications Strategy was being developed to inform residents. The 2027 plan would take the Council through to the 2040s.

Executive members welcomed the report which was at the very start of the process and took a lot of work and time to complete. They noted that the plan helped to protect the environment and borough in future years.

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Harrison, said the Committee had discussed the report at its meeting on 13 October 2022. They had asked whether it should be a two-stage plan rather than a one-stage plan. He urged the Executive to keep on top of the 5 year timescale and consider the risks of going forward with a single stage process.

Head of Planning, Andrew Benson, said that a single comprehensive plan was necessary to safeguard the Council’s housing numbers and make sure the site allocations were not undermined.

The Leader noted that the Local Plan operated within a constantly changing environment. There was a greater risk to the Council if the process was split into two.

Executive Members noted that the Core Strategy in 2914 took 7 years to be adopted and the Development Management Plan (DMP) had taken 5 years to get to 2019. This was a significant and complicated project and needed close management to make sure the timeline did not slip.

Members asked when the Gypsy and Traveller Assessment would be made. Officers said formal evidence gathering had to wait so that evidence was not out of date and a study could take a year to complete. The timetable set out in the report was intended to be realistic and meet key stages throughout that period.

Executive Members agreed the report and recommendation set out below with two recommendations to go forward to Full Council.




That the Executive:

i)                 Approve the allocation of funding from the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan Reserve to fund 2022/23 expenditure.

Meeting: 15/09/2022 - Executive (Item 6.)

6. Local Plan - Local Development Scheme

The Executive Member for Place Delivery & Planning Policy.

Supporting documents: