Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services (01737 276182) Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 June 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor McKenna, Councillor Chandler attended as his substitute. An apology for absence was also received from Councillor Orchard. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Blacker declared a pecuniary interest in item 8, 22 Vogan Close, Reigate, as this application had come from his office; he would leave the Committee during this item. |
Addendum to the agenda To note the addendum tabled at the meeting which provides an update on the agenda of planning applications before the Committee.
NOTES: 1. The order in which the applications will be considered at the meeting may be subject to change. 2. Plans are reproduced in the agenda for reference purposes only and are not reproduced to scale. Accordingly dimensions should not be taken from these plans and the originals should be viewed for detailed information. Most drawings in the agenda have been scanned, and reproduced smaller than the original, thus affecting image quality.
To consider the following applications : Supporting documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the addendum be noted. |
22/02353/F - Manor Road, Reigate Replace the existing mini courts with two padel courts and to utilise existing floodlighting. As amended on 11/9/2023 (removal of floodlighting) and on 14/03/24. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Blacker left the meeting for this application on the advice of the Monitoring Officer.
The Committee considered an application at Manor Road, Reigate to replace the existing mini courts with two padel courts and to utilise existing floodlighting. As amended on 11/9/2023 (removal of floodlighting) and on 14/03/24.
RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendation and addendum. |
23/00841/OUT - Bowen House, 99 Nork Way, Banstead Demolition of garage and erection of a single detached house in the rear garden. As amended on 21/08/2023 and 03/11/2023. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application at Bowen House, 99 Nork Way, Banstead for the demolition of garage and erection of a single detached house in the rear garden. As amended on 21/08/2023 and 03/11/2023.
Members of the Committee felt that this was not in character with the locality. It was noted that there were other similar tandem developments close by.
A reason for refusal was proposed by Councillor Harp and seconded by Councillor Walsh, whereupon the Committee voted and RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED on the grounds that:
The proposed development and its access by reason of it is siting and layout is considered poorly designed and would result in a cramped form of development not reflective of the positive spacious character of the surrounding area and by virtue of the proximity of the access road with the donor plot (61 Nork Way) would have little suitable landscaping resulting in poor separation between the donor and the access that would give rise to a level of noise and disturbance which would be harmful to the amenity and living conditions of the occupants of the dwelling, including the enjoyment of the garden, contrary to policies DES1 and DES2 of the Development Management Plan 2019 and Reigate and Banstead Local Character and Distinctiveness Guide 2021.
24/00011/F - Land to the rear of 62 and 64 Gatton Road, Reigate Erection of two houses on land to r/o 62 and 64 Gatton road, with access over land currently owned by 58 Gatton road. As amended on 15/02/2024, 01/03/2024, 06/03/2024, 15/03/2024, 04/04/2024, 12/04/2024, 30/04/2024 and on 14/05/2024. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application at land to the rear of 62 and 64 Gatton Road, Reigate for the erection of two houses on land to r/o 62 and 64 Gatton road, with access over land currently owned by 58 Gatton road. As amended on 15/02/2024, 01/03/2024, 06/03/2024, 15/03/2024, 04/04/2024, 12/04/2024, 30/04/2024 and on 14/05/2024.
The following reason for refusal was proposed by Councillor Blacker and seconded by Councillor Harp:
The proposed development by reason its siting, scale, footprint, form and mass fails to respect the local spacious character and would not positively reflect the prevailing spacing in the locality, causing harm to the character and appearance of the area and would result in an overbearing and unneighbourly impact to neighbouring properties on Gatton Road (No’s. 58-64 inclusive) and a harmful level of overlooking towards No’s. 51 and 53 Raglan Road by reason of the lower site levels to these properties, contrary to policies DES1 and DES2 of the Development Management Plan 2019 and Reigate and Banstead Local Character and Distinctiveness Guide 2021 and the National Planning Policy Framework
The Committee voted on the reason for refusal and the motion was DEFEATED.
RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendations.
24/00472/HHOLD - 22 Vogan Close, Reigate Proposed single storey side extension. As amended on 13/05/2024. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Blacker left the meeting for this application.
The Committee considered an application at 22 Vogan Close, Reigate for the proposed single storey side extension. As amended on 13/05/2024.
RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendations. |
A: 22/01905/F and B: 22/01906/LBC - Harps Oak House, 180 London Road North, Merstham Alteration (including partial rebuilding of the north wing), repair, refurbishment and conversion of Grade II listed Harps Oak House to create four residential dwellings, the rebuilding, extending and conversion of the associated outbuildings to create a further two residential dwellings (C3), and development of a further four dwellings (C3) to south of main building. Provision of car parking spaces and associated landscaping works, including the removal of trees and the creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Harps Oak Lane. As amended on 10/11/2022, 16/01/2023, 21/03/2023, 03/07/2023, 09/11/2023, 20/11/2023 and on 01/12/2023. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application at Harps Oak House, 180 London Road North, Merstham for the alteration (including partial rebuilding of the north wing), repair, refurbishment and conversion of Grade II listed Harps Oak House to create four residential dwellings, the rebuilding, extending and conversion of the associated outbuildings to create a further two residential dwellings (C3), and development of a further four dwellings (C3) to south of main building. Provision of car parking spaces and associated landscaping works, including the removal of trees and the creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Harps Oak Lane. As amended on 10/11/2022, 16/01/2023, 21/03/2023, 03/07/2023, 09/11/2023, 20/11/2023 and on 01/12/2023.
Members commented on how useful the site visit was to be able to see the poor condition of the listed building.
The Committee voted on both the planning permission and the listed building consent and RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendation and addendum, with the addition to condition 8A to include a requirement for an electric cycle charger. |
23/01945/F - 296, 298 and rear of 300 Fir Tree Road, Epsom Downs Construction of six detached dwellings following demolition of 296 and 298 Fir Tree Road with access road, parking and landscaping. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application at 296, 298 and rear of 300 Fir Tree Road, Epsom Downs for the construction of six detached dwellings following demolition of 296 and 298 Fir Tree Road with access road, parking and landscaping.
Members felt that this was still an overdevelopment when compared to the previous scheme.
A reason for refusal was proposed by Councillor Harp and seconded by Councillor Snuggs, whereupon the Committee voted and RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED on the grounds that:
The proposed development by reason of its density and irregular siting of plots 2 and 3, limited opportunity for landscaping along the access road and its proximity with the access road from other backland development (Chestnut Way) would created a cramped over developed form that would harm the spacious character and appearance of the area. The proximity of the proposed access road along the shared boundary with 300 Fir Tree Road would result in an unacceptable level of impact on the amenity of the neighbouring property due to noise disturbance generated by increased vehicle movements would result in an unacceptable level of impact on the amenity of the neighbouring property. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework 2023, Policies DES1 and DES2 of the Reigate and Banstead Development Management Plan 2019 and the Local Character & Distinctiveness Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document. |
23/02417/F - Garage Block, Ringwood Avenue, Redhill Demolition of derelict garages and erection of 2 no. dwellings and 2 no. replacement garages. As amended on 9/02/2024. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application at Garage Block, Ringwood Avenue, Redhill for the demolition of derelict garages and erection of 2 no. dwellings and 2 no. replacement garages. As amended on 9/02/2024.
There was some concern that the development was cramped but overall was a good use of this derelict site.
RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendations. |
23/02459/S73 - Titan House, Crossoak Lane, Salfords The demolition of existing buildings (2) and the erection of two any industrial processes (class e (g) (iii)), general industrial (use class b2) storage and/or distribution (use class b8) units with ancillary office accommodation, together with other associated parking, servicing landscape and infrastructure. Variation of condition 1 and removal of condition 36 of permission 21/03303/F. Supporting documents: Minutes: This application was withdrawn from the Committee agenda to allow the applicants to submit further information. |
Any other urgent business To consider any item(s) which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: There was none. |