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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Baker, Sinden and Torra. Councillors Khan attended as Councillor Torra’s substitute and Councillor Elbourne chaired the meeting, substituting for Councillor Sinden. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 September were not approved as none of the Panel members that had sat on this Sub-Committee were present. |
Licensing Hearing Procedure To note the attached procedure which will be followed by the Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee, at the discretion of the Chairman, when considering the application at agenda item 5. Supporting documents: Minutes: The hearing procedure was noted. |
Application to vary the existing premises licence for: the Giggling Squid 65 High Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9AE To determine an application to vary the existing premises license for the Giggling Squid 65 High Street Reigate Surrey RH2 9AE Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chair, the other members of the Sub-Committee and the officers present introduced themselves to the meeting.
Those representing the applicant were: Mr Craig Bayliss (Solicitor for the applicant) Simon Gallagher (Operations Manager – Giggling Squid)
Messer’s Ron Gordon and David Johns were in attendance as objectors.
It was stated that no agreement had been achieved between the applicant and the objectors.
The Licensing Officer provided an introduction to the application which was to vary the Premises Licence for the Giggling Squid, 65 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AE. A summary of the variation was given regarding the use of the outside area to the rear of the premises to seat up to 16 patrons until 7pm. It was noted that two objections had been lodged. The objections to be considered by the Sub-Committee must relate to the licensing objectives.
Mr Craig Bayliss made the representation on behalf of the applicant:
· The applicant was requesting to continue with a condition that had already been in force, permitting use of the garden for no more than 16 patrons at a time, all of which would be seated. · The rear garden would be cleared of patrons by 7pm. · This condition was imposed until September 2021 however the restaurant had continued to use the garden as they were unaware that the time limited period on the licence had passed. · In this time the restaurant had not received any complaints regarding noise and there were no objections to the variation from Environmental Protection. · The restaurant wished to continue to use the garden in its current form with a couple of added conditions: o All doors and windows to be closed after 7pm. o The rear garden only to be used between 1 April – 30 September. · Page 28 of the agenda pack showed the plan area. The area backed onto a car park and there were no residential properties close by. · It was expressed that the variation was reasonable and commended this to the Committee.
Mr David Johns, Director of Pilgrims Mews, made a representation on behalf of the residents of Pilgrims Mews:
· Mr Johns confirmed that Mr Baylis’ statement was eminently correct. · Houses and flats were however relatively close by, and the dining area was close by to the communal area used by residents of Pilgrims Mews. · Dining outside would have a detrimental effect on residents. · Initially there was no concern by residents about outside dining as the licence was time limited and was in place due to Covid-19. · The restaurant had approximately one year where they did not utilise the outside space but then they began to use it again. · The impact on privacy, noise levels and smells were not reasonable, the rationale for this was purely commercial. · There were concerns regarding a potential increase in vermin. · It was accepted that there were restrictions in place.
There were no questions to the Licensing Officer.
In response to a member question the Solicitor representing the applicant offered to show photographs to demonstrate ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Mediated applications To note and confirm the following applications determined through mediation without the need for a hearing: a) Application 23/01873/LAPREM - 85 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7AN b) Application 23/01121/LAPREM - Pride In Surrey, Priory Park, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RL c) Application 23/01085/LAPREM - Yia Yia's Tavern Limited, 53a Lesbourne Road, Reigate RH2 7JX Supporting documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the following applications determined through mediation be NOTED and CONFIRMED;
a) 23/01873/LAPREM - For a new Premises Licence: 85 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7AN
b) 23/01121/LAPREM - For a limited period new Premises Licence: Pride In Surrey, Priory Park, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RL
c) 23/01085/LAPREM - For a new Premises Licence: Yia Yia's Tavern Limited, 53a Lesbourne Road, Reigate RH2 7JX |