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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous two meetings. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The minutes from the meetings held on 19 September 2023 and 28 September 2023 were APPROVED. |
Licensing Hearing Procedure To note the attached procedure which will be followed by the Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee, at the discretion of the Chairman, when considering the application at agenda item 5. Supporting documents: Minutes: The hearing procedure was noted. |
Application to vary the existing premises licence for: Grape Variety, 12 Chipstead Station Parade, Chipstead To determine an application to vary the existing premises license for the Grape Variety, 12 Chipstead Station Parade, Chipstead. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chair, the other members of the Sub-Committee and officers present introduced themselves.
Mr Thomas Johnson, the applicant, was present.
The objector to the application was not present.
It was stated that no agreement had been achieved between the applicant and the objector.
The Licensing Officer provided an introduction to the application which was to vary the Premises Licence for The Grape Variety, 12 Chipstead Station Parade, Chipstead, CR5 3TE.
A summary of the variation was given regarding an increase of the licensable area in the basement of the property. One objection had been lodged.
Mr Thomas Johnson, the applicant made a representation:
· The applicant took into consideration the size of the bar and how many people attended the bar on a working week which was from Wednesday to Saturday from hours of 3pm until 11.30pm. · Feedback from the clientele was that the variation to the licence would work well. · There was support from both the local community and staff that all lived less than half a mile away. · A member of staff lived in the flat above and there had been no issues raised by them regarding the bar.
The Sub-Committee noted the additional written submission made by the objector.
There were no questions to the Licensing Officer.
In response to a member question the applicant explained the tables outside did not cause an obstruction and the pizza van did not impede vehicles passing by. No more than 6 people usually sat outside the front of the shop.
In response to a member question the applicant gave an overview of the mitigations provided to reduce noise. The majority of patrons that attended the bar were over 30 years old. Last orders were taken no later than 10pm and this was when the music was also turned down. Patrons were asked to catch taxis at the end of the road. Occasionally some parties remained until 11.30pm, but they mostly left by 11pm.
There were no closing submissions.
The Sub-Committee adjourned to deliberate at 11.40am and resumed at 11.57am to give its decision.
The Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED as applied for, subject to the conditions/reasons as set out in the operating schedule.
Reasons for the decision
The Licensing & Regulatory Sub Committee has carefully reviewed all the papers before it and has had close regard to all the oral and written submissions made at the hearing. The reasons for the decision are as follows:
1. The Sub-Committee has had regard to the Licensing Objectives, Section 182 Licensing Act 2003 statutory guidance and its own Statement of Licensing Policy, in particular Section 8.
2. The applicant has given due regard to the individual merits of this application, s149 Equality Act 2010, Human Rights/ECHR legislation in particular article 8 and article 1 First Protocol and the rules of natural justice. |