Agenda item

Application for a new Club Premises Certificate for Reigate Ex-Service & Social Club, 1 Chartfield Road, Reigate, RH2 7JZ

To determine the application for a Club Premises Certificate.


In attendance and speaking at the hearing:



Mr. A. Hudson, Club Treasurer, on behalf of Reigate Ex-Service & Social Club


Responsible Authorities:

Ms. Eugenia Govett, Environmental Services Officer


Making public representations:

Mr. Peter Marshal

Mr. Philip Wiggs

Mr. Lesley Jackson



The Sub-Committee was requested to determine an application for a new Club Premises Certificate for Reigate Ex-Service & Social Club, 1 Chartfield Road, Reigate.


Full details of the application and representations received were as set out in the report.


The Chair asked if any agreement had been reached in relation to any of the issues in dispute. It was reported that agreement had been reached on the conditions proposed by the responsible authority for crime and disorder, and on the conditions proposed by the responsible authority for environmental protection, with the except of the proposed condition that no more than five smokers at a time be allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00 hours.


The Licensing Officer presented the report and provided an outline of the application and the issues for consideration by the Sub-Committee. It was identified that the Council had received representations from the Police and Environmental Protection in relation to the licensing objectives, and that a further 31 valid representations were received from interested parties objecting to the application with regard to the licensing objectives. It was identified that as the conditions proposed by the police had been agreed by the club, no further representations in this respect were required.


The chairman invited the parties in attendance to make their representations to the Sub-Committee.


Mr. A. Hudson, on behalf of the applicant, made statements with regard to the following points:


·         That the club had considered representations from residents, and regretted the previous issues which had been experienced.

·         That the club had a new committee in place, and had made efforts to improve on previous shortcomings.

·         That some of the representations received may have been based on incorrect information – i.e. that some of the litter attributed to the club was due to items not sold there.

·         That the club recognised the importance of opening a dialogue with local residents.

·         That the club would establish a dedicated phone number for contact from local residents.

·         That the club would seek to have regular meetings with local residents.

·         That the club was content to abide by the proposed conditions, with the exception of the proposed condition that no more than five smokers at a time be allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00 hours. That it considered that this condition would be impractical to enforce, and that the probable alternative of persons gathering outside of the club would be outside of the ability of the club to control, and would not help to support the licensing objectives regarding noise and nuisance.

·         That they did not believe that club had received any complaints from the Council, or been the subject of any substantiated calls to the police, in the past year.

·         That they considered that, in conjunction with the proposed and supported conditions, the arrangements would be compliant with the licensing objectives.

·         That the club would continue to take advice and work with all relevant parties on an ongoing basis.


Eugenia Govett, on behalf of the responsible authority for environmental protection, made statements with regard to the following points:


·         That the proposed condition that no more than five smokers at a time be allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00 hours was for reason of the area being in very close proximity to new flats and that it was considered that larger numbers would lead to disruption and nuisance.

·         That there was also a proposed condition that club members and their guests shall not be permitted to congregate outside of the premises other than in the designated smoking area.

·         That there was an expectation that club members and patrons would be respectful to the need to prevent undue nuisance to local residents.


Mr. Marshal addressed the Sub-Committee and the made statements with regard to the following points:


·         That it would be beneficial to interested parties if notifications regarding applications included clearer reference to the availability of supporting information, such as the web address where the agenda papers could be found.

·         That there were concerns re. the impact on the surrounding area of car parking associated with the club.

·         That there had been incidences of littering in the area, including a number of what appeared to be nitrous oxide canisters.

·         That the proposed regular closing time of 23:30 presented a concern with regard to noise nuisance and other disruption to local residents at a late hour.


Mr Wiggs addressed the Sub-Committee and made statements with regard to the following points:

·         That he supported the concerns raised by Mr. Marshal, and that parking for extended periods by those associated with the club had been a particular concern at previous points.

·         That where any police attendance were to be required to deal with any disorder, this could be a considerable burden to local resources.

·         That other persons with objections to the application might have attended the hearing in person had the timing not conflicted with work obligations.

·         That in the case the application was granted, strong controls would need to be established by the club to prevent any instances of disorder or violence, as such incidents had occurred in the past.


Mr. Jackson addressed the Sub-Committee and made statements with regard to the following points:


·         That he welcomed the recognition by the applicant of the importance of engaging with local residents.

·         That there were concerns that any disorder, littering, potential drug dealing, or other such matters resulting from the club would be particularly problematic for children living in the vicinity.

·         That it was important that activities outside of, but relating to, the club be monitored, such as both displacement of smokers and any arguments spilling out of the site.


The Chair opened the floor to questions, during the course of which the following matters were raised:


·         That the club was establishing a new procedure to handle disciplinary matters, which was intended to include a disciplinary committee formed of the membership secretary, another executive member and potential additional co-opted members, and that this would form part of the updated club rules.

·         That any members or guests found to be relieving themselves inappropriately, as had been raised in some concerns, would be immediately banned from the club.

·         That no substantiated complaints regarding the club had been recorded by the police in the preceding year.

·         That the new nearby residential property had previously been offices. It was identified that the site may have been owned by the club a number of decades previously, but that there was not believed to be any recent connection.

·         That noise mitigation measures were available to support noise management at the club, such as a sound blanket to cover relevant windows, and that the club could consider checking exterior noise levels near to local residential properties directly where it had any concerns.

·         That it was identified that in hot weather in the interior of the club could become quite hot, but that compliance with noise management conditions would limit the ability to open doors or windows during operation. It was identified that the club were investigating options for interior temperature management to help avoid any potential difficulties.

·         That the approximate membership of the club was estimated to be 200 persons, with an estimated 10-12 of those currently being ex-service personnel. It was stated that there was some uncertainty due to the recent change in club committee.

·         That the numbers of persons present at the club were estimated to be approximately as follows: 10-15 between 16:00 and 180:00, few between 18:00 and 19:00, and from 19:00 up to 30 on busier weeknights, increasing to 30-40 on pool nights, Fridays and weekends, with some variance around events being held.

·         That it was estimated only a small proportion of alcohol sold was for consumption off site.

·         That the volume and behaviour of attendees would be monitored through the presence of a suitable member of staff or committee member who would be available to stand outside when required. It was stated that there would also be extensive communication to the membership on appropriate behaviour.

·         That some of the previous problems with antisocial behaviour were considered to have potentially arisen from private hire events at the club, and that the club would not be hiring the site for use for any under-25 gatherings. It was stated that the club would vet potential users of the site and apply terms and conditions to prohibit poor behaviour, and that the club would consider the hire of security to support private events if appropriate.

·         It was confirmed that the club premises certificate did not permit the hiring of the club to non-members, but that temporary event notices could be applied for for up to 21 days per calendar year, and that these would be considered on an independent basis.

·         That events involving children should be supported through an appropriately trained safeguarding officer on the club’s committee and that the club was looking at removing the option for child memberships.

·         That the applied for opening hours were broadly similar to those in place under a previous certificate, with an additional half hour on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It was stated that the club considered the additional half hour beneficial for supporting a staggered dispersal of patrons.

·         That the club was not currently part of any wider body, but that it was considering becoming a member of one, such as the Club & Institute Union.

·         That regarding the proposed condition that no more than five smokers at a time be allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00 hours, the responsible authority for environmental protection considered that there should only be one smoking area, and that there should be sufficient members of staff in place to monitor the area along with other requirements.


To allow for additional consideration of the proposed condition and practical limitations, the meeting was adjourned at 11:58 and subsequently reconvened at 12:17. Following this it was identified that agreement had been reached on a revised condition that no more than eight smokers at a time be allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00 hours


The floor was then once again opened for questions during the course of which the following matters were raised:


·         That the start time for live music to be applied for was intended to be 12:00 on all days of the week.

·         That CCTV cameras were already installed on the site, and that it was intended to update the monitoring equipment to support simultaneous viewing of all camera feeds.

·         That there were concerns that were there to be only one member of staff on duty at a given time, this might not be safe for this staff member. The club stated that staff would be supported by at least one committee member at busier times.

·         That a licence previously held by the club had been surrendered, but that this was not relevant to the application, which could only be considered on its own merits with regard to the licensing objectives.

·         That the availability of resources meant that the council did not focus on routine inspections of license holders, but did respond to complaints and monitor sites of concern.

·         That the club would be willing to share a draft of the forthcoming updated club rules with local residents for comment.

·         That the club was considering a range of options for securing finance to make improvements to the site.

·         That the club would endeavour to have its amended rules ready for adoption in March 2020.


The Chair ascertained that everyone had had an opportunity to put questions or seek clarifications and then invited the parties to make closing remarks.


·         The applicant stated that they had come to agreement on conditions will all responsible authorities, that they considered they had addressed the licensing objectives, that they recognised work would be needed to improve the relationship with local residents, and that there was a commitment not to repeat past mistakes.

·         The representative of the responsible authority for environmental protection stated that there were appreciative of the agreement on conditions, and that the club needed to be aware of its surroundings and make sure that the identified measures were in place and used to prevent nuisance being caused.

·         Mr. Jackson thanked the club members for their openness, and identified a hope for better communication between the club and local residents in future. They identified that they continued to have some concerns regarding crime and disorder, but that they had derived some assurance from the commitments made.


The Sub-Committee adjourned to deliberate at 12:43 and reconvened at 13:58 to give its decision.


The Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


·        The operating schedule and mandatory conditions as set out in Annex 1;

·        Conditions consistent with the operating schedule, as set out in Annex 2; and

·        Conditions attached after the hearing by the licensing authority, as set out in Annex 3.



Reasons for the decision:


The Licensing & Regulatory Sub Committee has carefully reviewed all the papers before it and noted all the written representations received, both for and against the application. It has paid careful attention to all the oral submissions made at the hearing.


Having considered these, and with reference to the points identified below, the Sub- Committee therefore considers that the application, subject to the specified conditions, is consistent with the Licensing Objectives.


1.    It notes that there have been representations from Surrey Police, as the responsible authority for Crime and Disorder, and from the Environmental Health Team at Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, the responsible authority for Environmental Protection.

2.    It notes that additional conditions proposed by the responsible authority for Crime and Disorder were agreeable to the applicant, and that these support the licensing objectives.

3.    It notes that additional conditions proposed by the responsible authority for Environmental Protection were agreeable to the applicant, and that these support the licensing objectives.



General Observations


1.    The Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee notes that the club has undertaken to formalise and adopt its new club rules no later than the end of March 2020.


The Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee encourages the applicant:


2.    To ensure that between 19:00hrs and 23:00hrs that the person serving alcohol is supported by another member of staff or a committee member of the club.

3.    To co-opt at least one representative of local residents to the club’s executive committee and/or otherwise encourages close cooperating between the parties.

4.    To ensure that a member of the club’s executive committee be designated as a safeguarding officer, with enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service certification, who undertakes all relevant safeguarding training for the protection of children and vulnerable adults within its premises.

5.    To continue to liaise with residents if there are any issues related to the premises, and residents are encouraged to notify the applicant if this is the case.

6.    The Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee would remind residents that they maintain the right to request a review of the licence should there be any subsequent breach of the licensing conditions.

7.    The Licensing & Regulatory Sub-Committee would remind the applicant that any hire of the facilities to non-club members can only take place in accordance with the Temporary Event Notificationprocess.
















Annex 1 – Operating Schedule and Mandatory Conditions


Operating Schedule










Indoor sporting events






Live Music *



12:00-22:30 hrs




Recorded Music *

Mon- Sat





Supply of Alcohol*






On and off premises

Opening Hours*

Mon- Sat






*New Year’s Eve; live music; recorded music and supply of alcohol until 00:30hrs; open to members and guests until 01:00hrs.


Mandatory conditions relating to the supply of alcohol to members or guests


All supplies of alcohol 


1.     No supply of alcohol may be made under the premises licence:


(a)  At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence; or

(b)  At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence, or his personal licence is suspended.


2.     Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.


3.     The other conditions are any conditions specified in an order under Section 19A of the Licensing Act 2003 and applicable to the premises.


Exhibition of films


1.     Where a premises licence authorises the exhibition of films, the licence must include a condition requiring the admission of children to the exhibition of any film to be restricted in accordance with this section.


2.     Where the film classification body is specified in the licence, unless subsection (3)(b) applies, admission of children must be restricted in accordance with any recommendation by that body.


3.     Where:


(a)  The film classification body is not specified in the licence; or

(b)  The relevant licensing authority has notified the holder of the licence that this subsection applies to the film in question:

      admission of children must be restricted in accordance with any recommendation made by that licensing authority.


4.     In this section “children” means any person aged under 18; and “film classification body” means the person or persons designated as the authority under section 4 of the Video Recordings Act 1984 (c39) (authority to determine suitability of video works for classification).


Door supervision


1.     Where a premises licence includes a condition that at specified times one or more individuals must be at the premises to carry out a security activity, each such individual must:


(a)  Be authorised to carry out that activity by a licence granted under the Private Security Industry Act 2001; or

(b)  Be entitled to carry out that activity by virtue of section 4 of the Act.


2.     But nothing in subsection 1.  Requires such a condition to be imposed:


(a)  in respect of premises within paragraph 8(3)(a) of Schedule 2 to the Private Security Industry Act 2001 (c12) (premises with premises licences authorising plays or films); or

(b)  in respect of premises in relation to:


(i)       Any occasion mentioned in paragraph 8(3)(b) or (c) of that Schedule (premises being used exclusively by club with club premises certificate, under a temporary event notice authorising films or under a gaming licence, or

(ii)      Any occasion within paragraph 8(3)(d) of that Schedule (occasions prescribed by regulations under that Act.


3.     For the purposes of this section:


(a)  “security activity” means an activity to which paragraph 2(1)(a) of that Schedule applies, and, which is licensable conduct for the purposes of that Act, 

(b)  paragraph 8(5) of that Schedule (interpretation of references to an occasion) applies as it applies in relation to paragraph 8 of that Schedule.


Irresponsible Promotions


1.     The responsible person must ensure that staff on relevant premises do not carry out, arrange or participate in any irresponsible promotions in relation to the premises. 

2.     In this paragraph, an irresponsible promotion means any one or more of the following activities, or substantially similar activities, carried on for the purpose of encouraging the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises:

(a)  games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage, individuals to:

(i)    drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or

(ii)  drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise);

(b)  provision of unlimited or unspecified quantities of alcohol free or for a fixed or discounted fee to the public or to a group defined by a particular characteristic in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective;

(c)   provision of free or discounted alcohol or any other thing as a prize to encourage or reward the purchase and consumption of alcohol over a

period of 24 hours or less in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective;

(d)  selling or supplying alcohol in association with promotional posters or flyers on, or in the vicinity of, the premises which can reasonably be considered to condone, encourage or glamorise anti-social behaviour or to refer to the effects of drunkenness in any favourable manner;

(e)  dispensing alcohol directly by one person into the mouth of another (other than where that other person is unable to drink without assistance by reason of disability).

3.     The responsible person must ensure that free potable water is provided on request to customers where it is reasonably available. 

Age verification policy

1.     The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must ensure that an age verification policy is adopted in respect of the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. 

2.     The designated premises supervisor in relation to the premises licence must ensure that the supply of alcohol at the premises is carried on in accordance with the age verification policy. 

3.     The policy must require individuals who appear to the responsible person to be under 18 years of age (or such older age as may be specified in the policy) to produce on request, before being served alcohol, identification bearing their photograph, date of birth and either— 

(a) a holographic mark, or

(b) an ultraviolet feature.


Alcoholic drink measures

1.  The responsible person must ensure that;

(a)   where any of the following alcoholic drinks is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises (other than alcoholic drinks sold or supplied having been made up in advance ready for sale or supply in a securely closed container) it is available to customers in the following measures:

(i)    beer or cider: ½ pint;

(ii)  gin, rum, vodka or whisky: 25 ml or 35 ml; and

(iii)still wine in a glass: 125 ml;

(b)   these measures are displayed in a menu, price list or other printed material which is available to customers on the premises; and

(c)   where a customer does not in relation to a sale of alcohol specify the quantity of alcohol to be sold, the customer is made aware that these measures are available.

Permitted price


1.  A relevant person shall ensure that no alcohol is sold or supplied for consumption on or off the premises for a price which is less than the permitted price.




2.  For the purposes of the condition set out in paragraph 1 (a) “duty” is to be construed in accordance with the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979

(b)  “permitted price” is the price found by applying the formula


P = D + (D x V) where


(i)       P is the permitted price,

(ii)     D is the amount of duty chargeable in relation to the alcohol as if the duty were charged on the date of the sale or supply of the alcohol, and

(iii)    V is the rate of value added tax chargeable in relation to the alcohol as if the value added tax were charged on the date of the sale or supply of the alcohol;

(c)  “relevant person” means, in relation to premises in respect of which there is in force a premises licence

(i)       the holder of the premises licence.

(ii)     the designated premises supervisor (if any) in respect of such a licence, or

(iii)    the personal licence holder who makes or authorises a supply of alcohol under such a licence;

(d)  “relevant person” means, in relation to premises in respect of which there is in force a club premises certificate, any member or officer of the club present on the premises in a capacity which enables the member or officer to prevent the supply in question; and

(e)  “value added tax” means value added tax charged in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act 1994.


3.  Where the permitted price given by Paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 would (apart from this paragraph) not be a whole number of pennies, the price given by that sub-paragraph shall be taken to be the price actually given by that sub-paragraph rounded up to the nearest penny.


4.  (1)  Sub-paragraph (2) applies where the permitted price given by Paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 on a day (“the first day”) would be different from the permitted price on the next day (“the second day”) as a result of a change to the rate of duty or value added tax.

(2)  The permitted price which would apply on the first day applies to sales or supplies of alcohol which take place before the expiry of the period of 14 days beginning on the second day.


Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule

1.    Committee training in relation to licensing and health and safety shall be implemented. A record of the content of the training given, dates and persons in attendance, shall be made available on request of an authorised officer.

2.    All members shall be made fully aware of the requirements and obligations on the Club Premises certificate and the Committee will act swiftly should there be any breach of these.

3.    The Executive Committee will instigate zero tolerance to bad behaviour. A new disciplinary Committee shall be set up for this purpose.

4.    A clear and legible notice shall be posted on the front door and around the premises displaying the opening hours and the terms under which licensable activities are permitted.

5.    Clear and conspicuous notices shall be displayed at the premises warning that any potential criminal activity such as theft, or drug taking will not be tolerated and will lead to an immediate ban.

6.    Prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting members and guests to respect the needs of nearby residents and to leave the premises and area quietly

7.    Any staff who arrive early morning or depart late at night when the club has ceased trading shall conduct themselves in such a manner to avoid causing disturbance to nearby residents

8.    Members and guests shall be asked not to stand around talking in the street outside the premises and will be asked to leave the vicinity as quickly and quietly as possible

9.    Clear and concise notices shall be displayed which inform parents that they must always supervise children. Should children attending the club become a nuisance to members, guests or residents, the Committee shall instigate and enforce a curfew.


Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority

Mediated conditions – Crime & Disorder

1.    A CCTV system shall be installed on the premises and fully maintained, showing correct date and time information.  The CCTV will cover areas within the premises used for licensable activity, external doorways and the smoking area.  The CCTV shall provide good quality images of people entering and exiting the premises.  The committee must ensure copies of CCTV images are available at the request of the Police or other authorised licensing authority within 24 hours. CCTV footage must be retained for a minimum of 31days.

2.    Staff training for licensable activity, shall be on appointment, be recorded and refreshed every 12 months. Training shall cover:

              The licensing objectives.

              The requirements for ID as part of age verification.

              Dealing with an intoxicated person & disorderly incidents /disorderly persons.

              Dealing with drug related activity

              Recording of any refusal to sell alcohol

              Recording of incidents

              Reporting of incidents to police and information to be shared with police to promote the licensing objectives

              Safeguarding of children in licensed premises

3.    An incident log shall be maintained on the premises, which documents the date and time of any incidents involving the premises, which could undermine the licensing objectives. This shall be completed within 24 hours of the incident, be available upon request of a police officer or an authorised officer and will record the following:

              All crimes reported at the venue

              All ejections of patrons

              Any complaints received concerning crime and disorder

              All drugs seized or found

              Any incidents of disorder

              Any faults in the CCTV system, including action taken to remedy

              Persons banned from the premises

4.    There shall be a record of any refused sale of alcohol. The refusal register shall be inspected on a regular basis (no less than weekly) by a representative of the committee and a record made of the inspection.

5.    The committee shall ensure a ‘Challenge 21/25‘policy is adopted within licensable areas at all times. Signage of the ‘Challenge 21/25‘policy shall be prominently displayed on the premises.

6.    Where licensable activity takes place under the authorisation of a Temporary Event Notice, a committee member shall be present until the event ends.

7.    To promote the licensing objectives, a member of the committee shall be a Personal Licence Holder.

Mediated conditions – Environmental Protection

Prevention of Noise Breakout from the Premises:

1.    All windows and external doors shall be kept closed between 19:00 hours and 00:00 hours, or at any time when regulated entertainment takes place, except for the immediate access and egress of persons.

2.    Speakers shall not be located/operated in the entrance lobby or outside the premises.

3.    The Club shall ensure that any regulated entertainment provided at the premises shall not cause a disturbance to local residents. At all times any noise shall be inaudible in any residential property, the test of which is that it shall be no more than barely audible at the boundary of any residential property.

4.    While any regulated entertainment takes place, a member of staff shall at least once an hour undertake monitoring of noise levels at the boundary of the nearest noise-sensitive locations (as defined in within the 50m radius on the attached map) A written record shall be kept of any monitoring, including the date, time and location of monitoring; and any action taken. Records shall be kept for no less than six months and shall be made available upon request by a police officer or an authorised officer of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council.

5.    No seating or tables shall be permitted to be sited to the front of the club, i.e. that area facing Chartfield Road.


Communication with Residents:

6.    A direct telephone number for the manager of the premises shall be publicly available at all times the premises are open. This telephone number is to be made available to residents in the vicinity.


Smoking area:

7.    Notices shall be prominently displayed at any area used for smoking, requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and use the area quietly.

8.    Staff shall monitor customers smoking outside the premises at least once an hour during opening times and ensure patrons do not cause a public nuisance. A written record shall be kept of any monitoring, including the date, time and any action taken. Records shall be kept for no less than six months and shall be made available upon request by a police officer or an authorised officer of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council.

9.    Patrons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, eg. to smoke, shall not be permitted to take drinks or glass containers with them.

10. Members and their guests shall not be permitted to congregate outside of the premises other than in the designated smoking area.

11. No more than eight persons at a time allowed out into the smoking area after 21:00hours.




12. No deliveries must be made to the premises between 22:00 and 08:00 hours.

13. Delivery drivers shall conduct the delivery in a manner that will not cause a noise disturbance to the occupiers of any residential properties surrounding the delivery address. This includes the avoidance of slamming doors, playing loud music, shouting, overrevving engines and sounding horns to signal their arrival. The driver shall turn the engine off immediately upon arrival at the delivery address and will park considerately without causing any obstruction to the highway.


Leaving the premises:

14. The licence holder shall enter into an agreement with a hackney carriage and/or private hire firm to provide transport for customers, with contact numbers made readily available to customers, who will be encouraged to use such services.

15. A call-back system must be operated, and drivers instructed not to sound their horns when collecting customers.



Supporting documents: