Agenda item

21/02009/F - Eversfield, 56 Reigate Road, Reigate

Extension of Care Home to increase the number of bedrooms by 16 with associated internal and external works.


The Committee considered an application at Eversfield, 56 Reigate Road, Reigate for the extension of Care Home to increase the number of bedrooms by 16 with associated internal and external works.


Jonathan Cheetham, a resident, spoke in objection to the application, explaining that there had been a number of objections to the development from neighbouring properties. The site visit demonstrated the claustrophobic effect on properties on Durfold Drive. The topography of the area was such that the roof lines of 28-34 Durfold Drive, were almost at the same level as the ground level of the proposed development. The revised plans showed the original building line would have been much further away from the public footpath, separating Eversfield from the back gardens of 28-34 Durfold Drive than was now the case. The result was a derogation of the environment of the neighbouring properties. It was acknowledged that the plan was for a 2-storey development.


Edward Stock, a resident, spoke in objection to the application, stating that the plans had been redrafted several times and this development had been moved closer to the boundary. The development would be overbearing and would lead to a loss of light. The development was out of character when compared to the manor house. There was concern regarding the runoff of water and it was felt that drainage had not been considered properly. Concern was raised regarding the soakaway close to the boundary of Durfold Drive and the poor condition of wall close by. If the foundations of the wall were undermined this could lead to flooding. There were also a number of nursing homes with vacancies for residents, including Eversfield and this development would add to this.


Jonathan Rowland, the agent, spoke in support of the application, explaining that they have a design solution which achieved three essential things;

·         to enable this care home to secure its medium-term future and to offer nursing care to its residents;

·         to respond to the requirements of the Conservation Officer, the Highways Officer and the tree Officer and the broader planning issues; and

·         to ensure that the design was not detrimental to the privacy and amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring buildings.

Several changes had been made to the proposed development and these were outlined. The size and height of the proposals were summarized and were lower when compared to the current extension. The distance of the development to Durfold Drive the flank wall were outlined. The Planning Officer’s report noted that “no significant levels of overlooking or loss of privacy would be created by this scheme”.


Anthony Barnes, the Property Manager for Elizabeth Finn Homes, spoke in support of the application and gave an overview of the company explaining that it was a wholly owned subsidiary of the poverty charity Turn2us, which has a mission to fight poverty in the UK and Ireland. Surplus from the Care Homes was returned to the Charity to allow them to continue to provide direct grants and assistance to those in financial need. Staffing levels and occupancy at the Home were outlined, with an anticipation of occupancy at pre pandemic levels this year. Without nursing provision, the Home would not be able to provide the ongoing care some elderly residents required.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED as recommended with addendum changes plus additional condition requiring details of external lighting to be submitted for approval prior to commencement.




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