Agenda item

21/02283/F - 101 Ladbroke Road, Redhill

Erection of 10 apartments, including access, parking and amenity space, following the demolition of an existing building.


The Committee considered an application at 101 Ladbroke Road, Redhill, for the erection of 10 apartments, including access, parking and amenity space, following the demolition of an existing building.


Louise Tait, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application, stating that the proposed development would have a negative impact on local residents. It would be wider and significantly deeper than the existing home and extending well beyond the rear elevations of adjoining properties. It would be overbearing, obtrusive, would cause a lack of privacy for all the direct neighbours and cause significant overshadowing of the property at 103 Ladbroke Road. The access road was a similar width to the outdoor space at 103 and would pass close to a bedroom and toilet window, creating noise, light and fume pollution. The development would impact the objector’s right to enjoy her garden due to noise and fumes created by the passing and parking of vehicles directly next to the garden. This was of particular importance as the objector had limited mobility and the access road would add to her feelings of vulnerability, particularly as Surrey Police had advised that the access road to rear car parking had potential to be vulnerable to crime.  Concern was raised regarding pre-emptive tree felling at the site and that it was unfortunate that no community consultation took place before the devastation of this wildlife habitat commenced.


David Hutchinson, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application explaining that he lived to the rear of the application site and this proposal was significantly worse than the previous proposal. It would create overlooking as demonstrated by the photographs taken from his property. The pre-emptive tree felling was also a concern and an attempt to get TPOs had not been possible. Any new tree planting on the site may also fail as saplings could die off. With much of the development concreted over there was concern regarding water runoff and it was requested that parking be moved to the front of the development. There were concerns regarding the impact fumes from vehicles and lighting would have. There should be a reinstatement of the wildlife corridor.


A reason for refusal was proposed by Councillor McKenna and seconded by Councillor Stevens, whereupon the Committee voted and RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED on the grounds that:


1.    The proposal, by reason of the significant width, depth and bulk of the proposed building, the proposed access road and hardstanding to the rear and limited space for meaningful replacement landscaping to the southern boundary, would be incongruous and cramped overdevelopment of the site, out of keeping with and harmful to the character and appearance of the locality contrary to policies DES1 of the Reigate and Banstead Development Management Plan 2019 and chapter 12 of the NPPF.


2.    The proposal, by reason of its width, bulk, massing and depth, which extends significantly beyond the rear elevations of 97-99 and 103 Ladbroke Road, and proximity to these dwellings would appear as a dominant and overbearing structure when viewed from these neighbouring properties, harmful to the residential amenities of their occupants.  In addition the proximity of the access road and car parking to 97-99 Ladbroke Road and dwellings to the rear on Lynwood Road would result in unacceptable levels of noise and disturbance.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to policy DES1 and DES9 of the Reigate and Banstead Development Management Plan 2019 and chapter 12 of the NPPF.

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