Agenda item

22/01796/CON - Land at Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate

The erection of a part one, part two and part three storey building to provide a 5-form entry junior school, with two all-weather sports pitches, a MUGA pitch, a hard play area with netball court, and provision of car parking spaces and provision of a new internal access road with a new egress point on to Cockshot Hill, with associated hard and soft landscaping and off-site highways works.


This in an application for determination by Surrey County Council and as such the Borough Council is a consultee to the application. The Borough Planning Committee is asked to agree the Borough Council’s response as a consultee rather than decision maker.


The Committee considered, as part of the consultation, an application at Land at Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate for the erection of a part one, part two and part three storey building to provide a 5-form entry junior school, with two all-weather sports pitches, a MUGA pitch, a hard play area with netball court, and provision of car parking spaces and provision of a new internal access road with a new egress point on to Cockshot Hill, with associated hard and soft landscaping and off-site highways works.


It was noted that this was an application for determination by Surrey County Council and as such the Borough Council was a consultee to the application. The Borough Planning Committee was asked to agree the Borough Council’s response as a consultee rather than decision maker.


It was agreed that the final response (as shown below) was delegated to Head of Planning to draft in consultation with Chairman, Vice Chairman and Ward Member.


RESOLVED that Reigate and Banstead Borough Council objects on the basis of the following concerns:


a)     The proposal would result in the loss of designated urban open space contrary to Policy OSR1 of the 2019 Development Management Plan, harmful to its local character and visual amenity. Any proposal would therefore need to be considered as a departure to this Policy.

b)     The proposed new school building and associated development would result in substantial harm to the setting of a number of non-designated heritage assets, namely the locally listed Building, Woodhatch Place (formerly Woodhatch Lodge) and the locally listed Historic Garden due to the destruction of a significant percentage of the historic garden and harm to the setting of the rest of the garden.  Harm would also result to the setting and approach to a number of locally listed buildings on Cockshot Hill including Hill House, Old Cottage (Vogan Close), Primrose Cottage & Rose Cottage, Rosebank Cottages etc. There would also be substantial harm to the setting of designated heritage assets, namely the 17th century Angel, a Grade II listed building, and the approach to Reigate Conservation Area.

c)     The scale and design of the extension poorly relates to the parkland and surrounding buildings, which combined with the sheer mass and materials of the building, together with the new fencing to Cockshot Road would harm the character and appearance of the area.

d)     The Borough Council is concerned that the proposal would give rise to a harmful increase in traffic and congestion, together with highway safety concerns associated with the movement of children along narrow footways and across roads (including the internal access road); as well as inconsiderate parking in neighbouring streets in particular Hornbeam Road where it is proposed to have pedestrian access.

It is considered that there are options for adaptation, extension and redevelopment of the existing Reigate Priory Site that would fulfil many of the educational requirements put forward as justification for the new school. The Victorian Wing could be adapted and extended; the 1950’s block could be demolished and re-built; which together with potential for extension in the northern courtyard or into the playground areas would enable the provision of lift/level access, improved classrooms, kitchen/dining and other facilities. It is also considered that the existing right of way could be built over or moved to avoid dissecting the site. The Borough Council would welcome a continuation of discussions for such development options but until such options are exhausted the benefits of the proposal are considered to fail to outweigh the harm identified above.

The County Council is also requested to robustly assess the impacts upon the amenities of neighbouring properties including to ensure that they do not suffer from adverse noise, light pollution or overbearing impacts.

Supporting documents: