Agenda item

Single Use Plastics

To consider a report on single use plastics in response to issues raised at Full Council on 26 July 2018.



Councillor A.C.J. Horwood, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services, introduced a report in response to a motion tabled by Councillor Curry, seconded by Councillor Coad, at a meeting of Full Council on 26 July 2018. It was explained that many single use plastics could not be recycled and were therefore either sent to landfill, disposed of by incineration or exported for processing and disposal abroad.


It was noted that for many years campaigns to encourage a reduction in the use of single use plastics had been undertaken by Local Authorities, Government Agencies, industry bodies and environmental campaign groups. However, it was recognised that a recent BBC series (Blue Planet 2) had really captured the attention of the public and that as a result there was an opportunity for Local Authorities to take the lead on eliminating the use of single use plastics.


Councillor Horwood informed the Executive that the report of the Strategic Head of Neighbourhood Services set out how the Council would actively seek to eliminate single use plastics from its buildings, assets and facilities and how it would encourage contractors and service suppliers to do the same. It was noted the Council would work closely with other Surrey Councils, as members of Surrey Waste Partnership, to develop a campaign aimed at businesses and residents to raise awareness of single use plastics and to provide advice about the use of alternative materials and solutions wherever practical.


It was also highlighted that the Council would develop a public rating system to help local businesses promote the elimination of single use plastics whenever practical. It was explained that this voluntary scheme would highlight local businesses and organisations that were doing the most to reduce their plastic consumption and increase their recycling rates.  


Following the Executive Member’s introduction a number of issues were considered, including:

-       The need for the Council to take immediate action, to progress forward thinking measures, to address concerns raised by local residents.


-       The definition of single use plastics i.e. plastic that could only be used once before being thrown away or recycled. For example, plastic bags, pens, straws, coffee stirrers, and water bottles.


-       Plastic packaging in the food system, including suggestions that would need to be actioned by supermarkets.


-       The importance of raising awareness of single use plastics, including work taking place across the Surrey Waste Partnership.


-       The financial, legal, equalities and communication implications, set out in Sections 17 to 25 of the report.


-       The fact that there was cross-party support for the recommendations set out in the report.


-       The importance of keeping up to date with Government advice and legislation.


-       The suggestion that the voluntary public rating system should be piloted in a town first, before rolling this out across the borough.   

During the discussion both the Leader of the Council and the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services responded to questions.    



(i)            The Council actively seeks to eliminate the use of single use plastics, from its buildings, assets and facilities and seeks alternative, reusable, compostable or recyclable solutions (actions described in paragraph 10 of the Report of the Strategic Head of Neighbourhood Services).

(ii)          Council contractors and service suppliers be encouraged to eliminate the use of single use plastics wherever suitable alternative materials are available.

(iii)         The Council, in liaison with Surrey Waste Partnership, develops a campaign aimed at residents and businesses within the borough to raise awareness of the impact of single use plastics and the alternative solutions.

(iv)         A voluntary public rating system be developed, for local businesses that promotes the elimination of single use plastics whenever practical.

Reason for decision: To respond to the public’s desire to do more to combat the pollution caused by single use plastics, to protect the local environment and to encourage responsible waste management by, wherever possible, eliminating single use plastics.

Alternative options: To do nothing or await the outcome of Government advice and legislation before attempting to reduce the use of single use plastics.