Agenda item

22/02228/S73 - Land to the North of Merrywood Park, Reigate

Construction of a three storey building comprising 8no. two bedroom dwellings and associated parking provision for both the proposed building and for residents of Merrywood Park. Variation of condition 1 of permission 15/02914/F. Amendment to approved plans. Variation of conditions 1, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of permission 17/01757/S73. Amendment to alter the site layout and landscaping design to incorporate a turning head for a refuse vehicle and fire vehicle as required by condition 8 of the original decision notice and building regulations. The introduction of this turning head requires the relocation of a number of parking spaces to the south-eastern corner of the site. Variation of Conditions 1, 5 and 8 of 18/01877/S73. Condition 1: Revised plans to remove car parking at grass verge. Condition 5: Amended wording to update Tree Protection Plan for clarity. There is no development at the grass verge that requires tree protection. Condition 8: Amended wording to remove plan that is no longer required by removing car parking. As amended on 01/11/2022 and on 17/11/2022.


The Committee considered an application at Land to The North of Merrywood Park, Reigate for the construction of a three-storey building comprising 8no. two bedroom dwellings and associated parking provision for both the proposed building and for residents of Merrywood Park. Variation of condition 1 of permission 15/02914/F. Amendment to approved plans. Variation of conditions 1, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of permission 17/01757/S73. Amendment to alter the site layout and landscaping design to incorporate a turning head for a refuse vehicle and fire vehicle as required by condition 8 of the original decision notice and building regulations. The introduction of this turning head requires the relocation of a number of parking spaces to the south-eastern corner of the site. Variation of Conditions 1, 5 and 8 of 18/01877/S73. Condition 1: Revised plans to remove car parking at grass verge. Condition 5: Amended wording to update Tree Protection Plan for clarity. There is no development at the grass verge that requires tree protection. Condition 8: Amended wording to remove plan that is no longer required by removing car parking. As amended on 01/11/2022 and on 17/11/2022.


Reasons for refusal were proposed by Councillor Absalom and seconded by Councillor Cooper as follows:


Due to the high levels of parking stress and a lack of available on-street parking available to residents and visitors, the alterations to the site layout and landscaping design to omit the additional 7 parking spaces would result in unacceptable harm to the amenities of the area, contrary to the provisions of Policies CS1 and CS10 of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies DES and TAP1 of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Development Management Plan 2019.


Following a vote by Members of the Committee, the tabled motion at the meeting giving reasons to refuse planning permission, set out above, was defeated.


It was then RESOLVED to proceed to a vote on the report’s recommendation to approve the application.


RESOLVED that the Council would have been minded to GRANTthe application as per the report, with changes to the parking management condition:


Within 1 month of the approval of the application, the Applicant shall submit a Car Park Management Plan, to be approved in writing with the Local planning Authority.


The Car Park Management Plan shall include details of measures to ensure the northern car park remains permanently accessible and convenient for parking by residents of Merrywood Park. Including

a)    Means of access and egress, including the operation of gates or barriers

b)    Areas of parking made available to the residents of Merrywood Park and signage

c)    How residents are notified of parking operation and able to obtain access and/or use of the parking

d)    Details of reasonable costs

e)    Details of enforcement regime


The Car Park Management Plan shall be implemented upon approval by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the parking spaces shall be retained and maintained, in accordance with the approved Car Park Management Plan, for their designated purpose.


Reason: The condition above is required in order that the development should not prejudice highway safety, nor cause inconvenience to other highway users, and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy TAP1 Parking, access, and Servicing of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Development Management Plan September 2019.

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