Agenda item

22/02352/F - 80 Croydon Road , Reigate

Demolition of existing single-storey permanent structures (used as garages and storage) and the erection of 2No. self-built semi-detached 3-bedroom family dwellings with associated access, external amenity spaces, refuse storage and car and cycle parking.


The Committee considered an application at 80 Croydon Road, Reigate for the demolition of existing single-storey permanent structures (used as garages and storage) and the erection of 2No. self-built semi-detached 3-bedroom family dwellings with associated access, external amenity spaces, refuse storage and car and cycle parking.


Mr Alex Maunders, spoke on behalf of the resident in the neighbouring property, in objection to the application. He cited the Tate Modern’s recent Supreme Court case regarding visual intrusion, which had formed part of the neighbour’s planning appeal statement in respect of the originally refused application that was currently being considered by the Planning Inspectorate. There had been no substantial change on footprint, positioning, massing, parking, nor the overbearing nature of the development. There had only been a desktop survey, rather than a site visit. There would be a 20% loss of light in the neighbouring garden. There was only a 0.4m reduction in ridge height and the application would still deprive the neighbour of sufficient light, privacy, and had the same number of floors. There were no other 3 storey properties next 2 storey properties. Parking on the road was already strained and parking for the development met the minimum standard only. It was understood that a dwelling would be built on the plot, but this was an over-development. This application seemed to be an attempt to subvert the appeals process by submitting, effectively, the same application that was being appealed for reconsideration by the Committee. It was requested that this application be refused, and the merits of the application be decided by the Planning Inspectorate. 


Reasons for refusal were proposed by Councillor Blacker and seconded by Councillor Absalom.


1.    The proposed dwellings, by virtue of their height, scale and proximity to the shared north side boundary, and the depth of the ground and first floor rear projections, would result in an unacceptable overbearing presence and impact on 84 Croydon Road, and would cause harmful overshadowing to the rear garden. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policies CS1 and CS10 of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Core Strategy and Policy DES1 of the Development Management Plan 2019 and the Householder Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Guidance.


2.    The location of the proposed development is considered to fall within an area of medium accessibility as defined within the Reigate and Banstead Development Management Plan 2019, for which two parking spaces would be required per dwelling. The proposed shortfall in parking provision would result in an increased demand for on-street parking on Croydon Road, to the detriment of the amenities of the local area. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policies CS1 and CS10 of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies DES1, TAP1 and Annexe 4 of the Reigate and Banstead Local Plan Development Management Plan 2019.


Members voted on each reason for refusal individually. Following a vote by Members of the Committee, the tabled motion at the meeting giving reasons to refuse planning permission, set out above, was defeated.


It was then RESOLVED to proceed to a vote on the report’s recommendation to approve the application.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions as per the recommendation, with a note that ward Councillors be consulted on discharge details of condition 7 relating to electric vehicle charging points.

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