Agenda item

22/01965/F - 49, 51 and 53 Shelvers Way, Tadworth

Erection of 2 dwellings. Erection of 2 - four-bed chalet bungalows with associated parking and landscaping and creation of new access drive onto Shelvers Way on the land the rear of 49, 51 and 53 Shelvers Way. As amended on 08/03/2023 and on 12/06/2023.


The Committee considered an application at 49, 51 and 53 Shelvers Way, Tadworth for the Erection of 2 dwellings. Erection of 2 - four-bed chalet bungalows with associated parking and landscaping and creation of new access drive onto Shelvers Way on the land the rear of 49, 51 and 53 Shelvers Way. As amended on 08/03/2023 and on 12/06/2023.


Mandy O’Brien, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application explaining that she had been fighting this application for 8 months and having analysed the submissions there were many factual errors. There were a number of concerns regarding excessive surface water, with the neighbouring house and part of the development having flooded internally. The SuDS condition offered could worsen the situation. The Planning team has tried to work with the objector to correct some errors, however, not enough had been corrected to make a fair and objective decision. The Highways report stated that visibility splays were to be 3m x 3m, however the architect's plan showed 2m x 2m. In 6.21 of the report, it stated that there were no road restrictions in Shelvers Way, however there were many. A report in the addendum did not cover the shading arc and this would impact the gardens and the proposed 2 houses, this especially covered plot 2 which would only receive 2 hours of sunlight. This was against policy DES1, point 5. There was concern regarding trees with TPOs and that trees would be harmed during construction. This was not a plot for development and there was concern regarding residents’ quality of life and protected woodlands and wildlife.


Peter Leslie, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application stating that his family moved to the road 13 years ago, attracted to the large open gardens however times had changed, and it was becoming a harder place to live. The proposal was not for chalet bungalows, but large four-bedroomed houses. Trees had already been felled on the site and more would need to be felled. There was a single access road proposed for two homes with large footprints. There was concern regarding surface water flooding and for the wildlife corridor, in particular Surrey Wildlife Trust was concerned about floodlighting and the harm on bats. The properties would be 7m in height and this would cause overlooking. There had been hundreds of objections to this development. These properties would be worth more than a £1million each and Tadworth did not need more properties like this.


Caroline Pinnock, the Developer, spoke in support of the application, stating that the population in the borough was set to increase by 5% between 2022 and 2027. The infilling of brownfield sites such as this formed an important part of the strategy to meet the urgent need for new housing. The access drive was comparable to that approved on appeal at 62-64 Shelvers Way. SCC Highways supported the proposed access. The amenity of the neighbouring properties had been carefully considered. An Environmental Noise Survey was submitted as part of the appeal at 62-64 Shelvers Way. The Appeals Inspector stated, “noise levels associated with the proposed development would be significantly lower than ambient noise levels,”. However, to increase amenity for neighbours this application included a 1.8m sound reduction fence along all the garden boundaries. Light from traffic along the access would be infrequent and limited by the 1.8m fences. In terms of flooding the site was at the top of a hill in Flood Zone 1. A SuDS condition has been recommended to ensure that no additional surface water would result from the development. The appeals inspector, in approving the development at 62-64 Shelvers Way, considered flood and drainage risks were suitably mitigated by appropriate planning conditions. In respect of the trees an arboricultural survey had been completed and the Tree Officer supported this application. There was ample room on site for ad hoc visitor parking as well as designated space and the resultant impact on local traffic would be negligible. A full ecological and wildlife site survey was completed by Arbtech Ltd and was reviewed by Surrey Wildlife Trust who supported the application with conditions to protect wildlife during construction and to make a positive contribution to wildlife within the development. This application was less dense than the approved applications in Stanton Grove, and that at 75 Shelvers Way and 62-64 Shelvers Way. There was a well-established precedent in the road for this type of development. The Planning team were thanked for their work and those that supported the application.


The Committee noted that this was not a brownfield site.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions and changes from the addendum plus an amended changes to and additional conditions and informatives requiring:


·         A condition on artificial lighting;

·         To include the Highway Informative notes as per SCC consultation on the requirement for a 3m x 3m splay, as per the recommendation.


Councillor Harp requested that it be noted that he did not vote in favour of this application.

Supporting documents: