Issue - decisions

14/02077/DET03 and DET04 - Land To The East of Rectory Lane, Woodmansterne

06/12/2018 - 14/02077/DET03 and DET04 - Land To The East of Rectory Lane, Woodmansterne

The Committee considered two detailed applications at the Land to the East of Rectory Lane in Woodmansterne for:

·         DET03 - Submission of landscaping details (Amended on 20 June 2018) pursuant to Condition 4 of 14/02077/F - construction of the soakaway lagoon, the installation of pipework between new lagoon and the existing works, an access road to the site from Rectory Lane and associated landscaping. As amended on 26/07/2018.


·         DET04: Submission of boundary treatment details (Amended on 20 June 2018) pursuant to Condition 4 of 14/02077/F - construction of the soakaway lagoon, the installation of pipework between new lagoon and the existing works, an access road to the site from Rectory Lane and associated landscaping. As amended on 26/07/2018.

The Chairman explained that the applications were referred to the Planning Committee by Councillor Stephenson by exceptional reason given the extent of the public interest in this development and these matters.

Patricia Thorpe, a local resident, spoke in objection to the additional fencing along the south eastern boundary of the site within application 14/02077/DET04 on the grounds that it was excessive; wasn’t required for the operation of the lagoon; and, had a negative impact on public access.

Peter Morgan, a local resident who owned land adjacent to the site, referred to 6.3 ‘Existing vegetation’ on page 171 of the officer’s report and sought to retain the existing hedgerow adjacent to his property in its existing form on the grounds that there was no need to divide the hedgerow into 9 sections, nor to trim it as shown in the plans. Additionally, Mr. Morgan sought assurances that the associated works would not cause damage to the footpath that ran parallel to the hedgerow.

The Committee discussed the material evidence presented during the meeting and it RESOLVED in respect of:

·         14/02077/DET03 – that planning permission be GRANTED as per the recommendation as amended by the Addendum; AND

-       Additional informative relating to the retention and management of boundary trees – “4.   The applicant is reminded that, unless otherwise specified on the approved plans, all existing trees both on site and on boundaries shall be retained and, in accordance with Condition No.3 to 14/02077/F, shall be replaced within 1 year should they be removed, die or become significantly damaged or diseased within 5 years of the completion of the works. Any pruning of existing trees shall be limited only to those works necessary in the interests of proper arboricultural management and in strict accordance with any relevant arboricultural guidance and standards. Due to the public interest in the site, the applicant/landowner is strongly advised to contact the Council’s Tree Officer prior to carrying out any works to existing trees should the need arise.”

·         14/02077/DET04 – that planning permission be GRANTED as per the recommendation as amended by the Addendum; AND

-       Additional informative relating to the retention and management of boundary trees – “4.   The applicant is reminded that, unless otherwise specified on the approved plans, all existing trees both on site and on boundaries shall be retained and, in accordance with Condition No.3 to 14/02077/F, shall be replaced within 1 year should they be removed, die or become significantly damaged or diseased within 5 years of the completion of the works. Any pruning of existing trees shall be limited only to those works necessary in the interests of proper arboricultural management and in strict accordance with any relevant arboricultural guidance and standards. Due to the public interest in the site, the applicant/landowner is strongly advised to contact the Council’s Tree Officer prior to carrying out any works to existing trees should the need arise.”