Issue - decisions

19/00387/S73 - Hilltop, Warren Drive, Kingswood, Surrey

08/07/2019 - 19/00387/S73 - Hilltop, Warren Drive, Kingswood, Surrey

The Committee considered an application at Hilltop in Warren Drive, Kingswood for the demolition of the existing dwelling, garage block and pool buildings. Erection of new dwelling, pool block and front boundary wall with railings and construction of underground garage and ramp access. Variation of condition 1 of permission 18/02041/F - changes to windows and doors on the rear and side elevation of the dwelling, and changes to the size and scale of the garage block and pool building.

RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED as per the recommendation with additional informatives encouraging electric charging point and another to request that care is given to encourage measures to prevent dewatering of trees during excavation and construction.