Issue - decisions

19/00715/F - Rear of 4-10 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0AN

10/10/2019 - 19/00715/F - Rear of 4-10 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0AN

The Committee considered an application at the reat of 4-10 Church Street in Reigate for the proposed demolition of the existing two storey rear extension and stand alone shed to allow construction of a four storey block of 6 no. 2 bed flats to the rear of 4-10 Church Street with a new access staircase, car parking, refuse and cycle stores in addition to other alterations including improvements to the rear elevation of the existing building.

RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED with conditions, as per the recommendation and addendum.