Decisions and Recommendations

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent recommendations and decisions that have been taken by the Full Council, the Executive and its Sub-Committees, Employment Committee, Standards Committee; and, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and its Scrutiny Panels.

All decisions on Planning applications are published on the Planning register.

Decisions published

24/03/2021 - Debt Write Off (£1,000-£5,000) ref: 816    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Head of Finance

Decision published: 09/04/2021

Effective from: 24/03/2021


The Officer Scheme of Delegation (paragraph 2.13) authorises the Chief Finance Officer to:

Take any steps necessary for the recovery of debts and write off irrecoverable amounts up to the limits determined by the Financial Procedure Rules

The Financial Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution set out the approval process for debt write off in accordance with the following limits:

• For debts up to £1,000 - Chief Finance Officer; and
• For debts between £1,000 and £5,000 - Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council

The debts in the restricted enclosure between £1,000 and £5,000 are recommended for write off by the Chief Finance Officer.

Recovering debt is a key priority of the Council and writing off any debt is either a last resort or a necessity where recovery is legally prohibited, for example where there is a Debt Relief Order in place or the debtor has been made bankrupt.

Where debts are recommended for write off for other reasons, all possible attempts at tracing and recovery will have been made.

The debts recommended for write off are detailed in the restricted enclosure and summarised below:
• Business Rates – 22 debts totalling £60,507.42
• Council Tax – 105 debts totalling £204,268.18
• Housing Benefit overpayments – 20 debts totalling £39,240.86
• Sundry Debts – 1 debt for £2,160.50

Decision: Approval to write off the irrecoverable debts in the restricted enclosure.

Lead officer: Alex Berry

24/03/2021 - Debt Write Off (Below £1,000) ref: 815    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Head of Finance

Decision published: 09/04/2021

Effective from: 24/03/2021


The Officer Scheme of Delegation (paragraph 2.13) authorises the Chief Finance Officer to:

Take any steps necessary for the recovery of debts and write off irrecoverable amounts up to the limits determined by the Financial Procedure Rules

The Financial Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution set out the approval process for debt write off in accordance with the following limits:

• For debts up to £1,000 - Chief Finance Officer; and
• For debts between £1,000 and £5,000 - Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council

The debts related to this decision are below £1,000 and are recommended for write off by the Chief Finance Officer.

Recovering debt is a key priority of the Council and writing off any debt is either a last resort or a necessity where recovery is legally prohibited, for example where there is a Debt Relief Order in place or the debtor has been made bankrupt.
Where debts are recommended for write off for other reasons, all possible attempts at tracing and recovery will have been made.
The debts recommended for write off are detailed in the restricted enclosure and summarised below:
• Business Rates – 8 debts totalling £2,414.85
• Council Tax – 350 debts totalling £101,129.98
• Benefit overpayments – 120 debts totalling £31,910.85
• Sundry debts – 10 debts totalling £829.15

Decision: Approval to write off the irrecoverable debts

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Alex Berry

28/04/2020 - Rental Grant Subsidy ref: 814    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Head of Finance

Decision published: 07/04/2021

Effective from: 28/04/2020


Award of Rental Grant Subsidy for Age Concern Banstead of £6,534 per annum

Lead officer: Yvonne Parish

25/03/2021 - Debt Write Off and Recovery 2020/21 ref: 806    Recommendations Approved

The report explains the action and the reasons for recommending that twenty two debts proposed for write-off totalling £170,288.71. In addition, to provide an overview of debt recovery performance for 2020/21.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 25/03/2021




That twenty two irrecoverable debts totalling £170,288.71 (as detailed in annex 1 of the report) be written out of the Council’s accounts.

25/03/2021 - Wildlife Friendly Public Spaces ref: 804    For Determination

Response to Motion on wildlife friendly public spaces submitted to Council.


Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 25/03/2021




To note progress made towards the achievement of the aims set out in the September 2019 motion relating to wildlife friendly public spaces.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Morag Williams

25/03/2021 - Risk Management - Quarter 3 2020/21 ref: 809    For consultation

To receive an update on risk management for Q3 2020/21

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 25/03/2021




1.    To note the Q3 update on risk management provided by the report and associated annexes.


2.    Approve the closure of the strategic risk on Brexit (SR1) as detailed in the report and in annex 2.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Luke Harvey

25/03/2021 - Strategic Risks - 2021/22 ref: 808    For consultation

For the Executive to approve the strategic risks for 2021/22

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 25/03/2021




To approve the strategic risks for 2021/22 as detailed in annex 1 of the report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Luke Harvey

25/03/2021 - Quarter 3 2020/21 Performance Report ref: 807    For consultation

To consider the Council's performance for Q3 2020/21

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 25/03/2021




1.    To note the Key Performance Indicator performance for Q3 2020/21 as detailed in the report and annex 1

2.    To approve the Key Performance Indicators to be reported on for 2021/22 as detailed in annex 1.1

3.    To note the Revenue budget performance for Q3 2020/21 as detailed in the report and at annex 2

4.    To note the Capital Programme performance for Q3 2020/21 as detailed in the report and at annex 3.

5.    That the Executive delegates responsibility to agree the approach to KPI 12 in 2021/22 to the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Policy & Resources, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance, the Portfolio Holder for Investment and Companies, and the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Luke Harvey, Mark Herdman

15/01/2021 - Medium Grants 2021/22 ref: 813    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Community Partnerships

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 15/01/2021


Local voluntary, community or faith sector organisations who have been awarded Medium Grants Funding in 2021/22 financial year.
Age Concern MRR awarded £5,250 for start-up costs for Charity Log Software Programme and to replace two computers in the charity office in Merstham
Autism All Stars Foundation UK awarded £7,050 for therapy/advice and resources for parents of autistic children
Crossroads Care awarded £10,000 for volunteer community outreach and befriending with digital tech project – support for unpaid carers in the borough
Kingswood TFC awarded £519 for Run the Rec – provides an opportunity for residents to join a free event which could be the first step in improving their health and an opportunity to take a walk around a local green space and meet other residents
Loveworks awarded £4,875 for support staffing for foodbank activity in Merstham and Woodhatch
Merstham Mix Café awarded £10,685 for hot meal delivery service, currently for Merstham postcodes only, expanding to cover RH1 & RH2 for a further 6 months
Reigate Priory Athletic Club awarded £5,000 for floodlight repairs & extension – installing LED floodlights on timers to allow more use of the Battlebridge Recreation Ground for the community and reduce light pollution
Sight for Surrey awarded £3,000 for eye clinic liaison service – wellbeing support for those receiving a sight/ hearing impairment diagnosis
Surrey Welfare Rights Unit awarded £5,000 for specialist benefits advice service – expert advice on complex enquiries for frontline staff in the borough who are supporting vulnerable households
The Include Project awarded £2,000 for structural growth for sustainability – funding to contribute to the recruitment of a business development manager to develop inclusive communication activities and training
YMCA East Surrey awarded £6,475 for virtual evening exercise sessions for GP exercise referrals and those recovering from COVID

Lead officer: Elizabeth Webb

11/12/2020 - Small Grants 2020/21 ref: 812    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Community Partnerships

Decision published: 30/03/2021

Effective from: 11/12/2020


Nominated local voluntary, community or faith sector organisations to receive Small Grants Funding in 2020/21 financial year.
Age Concern Banstead awarded £1,000 to support the cost of equipment for the lunch club
Banstead Cricket Club awarded £1,950 to cover improvement works to the Cricket Pavilion
Banstead District Scouts awarded £1,200 to replace the hot water boiler allowing external hot water facilities at the camping and outdoor activity site
Brigitte Trust awarded £2,000 to provide support and training to volunteer befrienders and support for a neurological support group
Festive Feast on Wheels – B5 churches awarded £1,000 to support delivery costs of the Festive Feast for vulnerable and isolated residents in the north of the borough
Furnistore awarded £2,000 to develop and instal a direct web-sales website at Furnistore, along with initial training for staff and key volunteers to increase access to low-cost household items
Horley Association of Traders (HATS) awarded £1,980 to support the cost of tables and a marquee for community events. The marquee will be available for use by other local voluntary organisations
Horley Girl Guides Empire Hall awarded £1,800 to support the cost of urgent electrical work
Infinity Space To Grow awarded £1368 to support the costs of two support groups for new parents
Kingswood Residents Association awarded £650 to support the upgrade of their website - - which provides information and news to local residents and visitors
Kingswood Village Hall Community Association awarded £900 to support the cost of urgent window repairs to the Village Hall
Lower Kingswood Church Hall awarded £1,000 to support the cost of replacing the hot water boiler
MCFT awarded £500 to support the costs of delivering a community consultation led by MCFT on the new community space on the Watercolour estate
Merstham Cricket Club awarded £1,000 to cover the cost of indoor training for the disability cricket club
Merstham Mix awarded £2,000 to provide cooked lunches for vulnerable and isolated residents (face to face or delivered depending on COVID restrictions)
Open Door Enterprises coffee shop awarded £2,000 to support the costs of equipment to provide a COVID-secure offer and provide outside seating for community users
Renewed Hope awarded £1,000 to support the cost of roof repairs to Shrewsbury Chapel, where the daily drop-in is held for homeless and isolated people
Stripey Stork awarded £2,000 to support the Santa Stork project providing gifts to children in vulnerable and low-income families
The 9th Reigate Scout group awarded £2,000 to support the cost of replacing a fire escape door as part of a wider programme of building improvements and to allow for COVID safe use of the building
The Include Choir awarded £2,000 to support the running costs of the extended choir sessions for those with communication difficulties being delivered virtually during COVID
Timperley Cooking Club awarded £1,800 to support the purchase of equipment to allow for expansion of the cookery club, which is attended by mothers on a low income and isolated
Welcare awarded £2,000 to support the Family Crisis Fund that has seen increased demand due to COVID

Lead officer: Elizabeth Webb