Meeting documents

Thursday, 12th April, 2012 7.30 pm

Thursday, 12th April, 2012
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor B.A. Stead (Mayor); Councillors R. Amiah, S.S. Banwait, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, S.T. Bramhall, Mrs. J.S. Bray, V.W. Broad, Mrs. L.J. Brunt, M.A. Brunt, B.C. Cowle, G.P. Crome, A.J. De Save, J.M. Ellacott, Mrs. G.J. Emmerton, J.C.S. Essex, S.N. Farrer, Ms. S. Finch*, Dr. L.R. Hack, Mrs. G. Harper-Adamson, R. Harper, N. Harris, N.D. Harrison, A.J. Kay, Mrs. S.F. King, G.J. Knight, S.A. Kulka, A.M. Lynch, R.S. Mantle, Mrs. R. Mill, M.J. Miller, R.C. Newstead, G.L. Norman, Dr. R.J. Olliver, D.J. Pay, Mrs. C.E. Poulter, Mrs. R. Renton, M.J. Selby, Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers, J.M. Stephenson, Ms. B.J. Thomsom, Ms. J.A. Tomlinson, Mrs. R.S. Turner, M.A. Vivona, R.F.C. Wagner, S.T. Walsh and C.T.H. Whinney.

* Part meeting
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Councillors F. Kelly, A.C. J. Horwood, Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin and Mrs. A.F. Tarrant. Councillor Ms. S. Finch had indicated that she would be unable to attend the first part of the meeting.
Two questions were asked and responses given by the Executive Member for Prosperous Borough - Councillor M.J. Miller and the Executive Member for Priority Places - Councillor Mrs N.J. Bramhall in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14 and the Order paper circulated at the meeting. In the absence of Councillor Ms. S Finch for this part of the meeting a question in her name was put to the Executive Member for Prosperous Borough by the Mayor.
87 Recommendations of the Executive
(a) Executive: 23rd February 2012

RESOLVED that the Recommendation of the Executive under Minute 118, page 448 (Core Strategy: Proposed Submission Document) be adopted.

(b) Executive: 22nd March 2012

RESOLVED that the Recommendation of the Executive under Minute 125, page 484 (Adoption of the 2012/13 Treasury Management Strategy, Prudential Indicators and Investment Strategy) be adopted.
The Executive Member for Priority Places (Councillor Mrs N.J.Bramhall) made a comprehensive statement on the Council's progress (and successes) in tackling an identified number of problem areas in Redhill Town centre through planned improvements works in partnership with landowners, stakeholders and the community. At the request of the Mayor a copy of the statement would be placed in the Members' Room.

The Executive Member for Prosperous Borough (Councillor M.J. Miller) made a statement on the importance and relevance of the Council's core strategy which had been approved under Minute 87(a) above.

(i) authorise the sealing of any Orders, Deeds or Documents necessary to give effect to any matter contained in the Minutes of the meetings held between 1st February 2012 and 28th March 2012 (2011/12 Volume 6) and any previous Minutes; and

(ii) ratify the sealing of documents referred to in entries 25/12 to 80/12 in the Seal Register.
RESOLVED to approve:

(i) the establishment of a joint committee to act as the Police and Crime Panel in accordance with the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011;

(ii) the arrangements for the Panel, including the process for appointing co-opting members, as set out in appendix 1 to the submitted report;

(iii) Surrey County Council acting as the host authority and providing administrative support for the Panel;

(iv) the appointment of a representative from the Council to serve on the joint committee at the Annual Meeting of the Council, having regard to the person specification at appendix 2 to the submitted report;

(v) the authorisation of the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to approve minor amendments to the proposals set out in the report in the light of Regulations issued under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011; and

(vi) the consequential amendment of the Council's constitution arising from the proposals set out in the report.
The Mayor (Councillor B.A. Stead) reported that his "Music in the Air" concert featuring The Band of The Surrey Yeomanry at The Harlequin Theatre during March had raised over £2000 for the Surrey Air Ambulance Service. The Mayor's coffee morning earlier in the day had raised over £600 for the Princess Alice Hospice.

The Mayor's final charity event was a golf match (in aid of the Surrey Air Ambulance) on 10th May at Reigate Hill Golf Club. Team places were still available by contacting the Mayor's office.

The Mayor reported that Peter Dungate of Electoral Services would be retiring in May 2012 after over 43 years service with the Council. Members responded accordingly.

As previously indicated, this was the final scheduled meeting of Council in this Municipal Year and the Mayor thanked all Members for their help and co-operation in ensuring the efficient, effective and cordial conduct of business during the year.

The Mayor wished good luck to all those Members standing for re-election. In the case of those standing down he sent best wishes (on behalf of the Council) for the future and expressed special thanks for the voluntary community service that had been given. A number of Members responded.
The meeting closed at 7.57 p.m.


Min NoMinute
90Council received a report on the establishment of a Police and Crime Panel in accordance with the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

The report set out relevant statutory powers and issues for consideration, namely the context of the proposals, role, composition and support of the panel, and legal, financial and equality factors.

Council noted that the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 required the establishment of a Police and Crime Panel in every force area to scrutinise the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The Panel had to be a joint committee of all the authorities in the police area and the duty to appoint the Panel fell on these local authorities.

The report set out proposals for a joint committee comprising representatives of the Surrey County Council and the eleven Surrey districts, together with two co-opted members who were not members of a local authority.

The joint committee had to be politically balanced. There were no significant financial implications for the Council. The County Council would administer and support the joint committee and receive Home Office grant in respect of its costs. Each Council had to pass a formal resolution in order to establish the Panel.

The recommendations in the report were moved by the Leader of the Council (Councillor Mrs J.M.A. Spiers) and seconded by Councillor G.J. Knight whereupon it was