Meeting documents

Thursday, 7th January, 2016 7.30 pm

Thursday, 7th January, 2016
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor V.W. Broad (Leader of the Council); Councillors Mrs N.J. Bramhall, J. Durrant, Dr L.R. Hack, E. Humphreys, A.J. Kay, G.J. Knight, Mrs R. Mill and T. Schofield.
Also Present:
Councillors Mrs R. Absalom, J.C.S. Essex, N.D. Harrison, R.C. Newstead, M.J. Selby and Mrs R. Turner.
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed.


Executive Member: Councillor Mrs R. Renton.

Non-Executive Members: Councillors N. Harris, D.J. Pay, C. Stevens and C.T.H. Whinney.


Councillor J.C.S. Essex declared a non pecuniary interest as a Member of Surrey County Council in relation to the Community Infrastructure Levy report.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad, reminded the Executive that in September 2015 the Council participated in the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge which resulted in an outstanding report on our performance.
The outcome of this report was reported to the Executive, Overview & Scrutiny Committee and an all Member briefing in November/December 2015. The Executive received the comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of this report.
The Executive noted that the Corporate Peer Challenge incorporated an improvement programme which was summarised within 7 recommendations. A draft action plan had been drawn up to reflect these points and captured the recommendations with proposed action.
Each action within the Improvement Programme had identified a lead officer and a timescale for implementation and a system for reporting progress on the actions within the quarterly performance reports. Additionally the Peer Challenge Team had been invited to return to undertake a further review in September 2016.
The Leader emphasised how proud he was with the result of the Corporate Peer Challenge, which identified Reigate & Banstead as a leading Council and one of the best in the country.

RESOLVED that the:
(i) comments of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee regarding the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge be noted (Annex 1 to the report presented);
(ii) Improvement Action Plan, developed in response to the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge be approved (Annex 2 to the report presented);
(iii) progress against the Improvement Action Plan be reported as part of the Council’s quarterly performance management reports to both the Executive and Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and
(iv) all staff and Members be congratulated and thanked for their hard work that had resulted in such a successful outcome to the Peer Challenge.

Reasons for decision:
To progress the work arising from the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge and to develop an Improvement Action Plan to drive further improvements forward.
Alternative options:
Request further work be undertaken on the Improvement Action Plan or reject the Improvement Action Plan.


Councillor T. Schofield, Executive Member for Planning and Development reported to the Executive on the proposals to adopt and implement the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (or “CIL”) Charging Schedule and supporting policies with effect from 1 April 2016.
The Council had received the outcome of the Independent Examiner’s Final Report which concluded that, subject to one modification, the proposed Charging Schedule was appropriate. The change proposed was to reduce the charge for housing developments in Redhill and Horley town centres from £20 per square metre to zero. This had been based on evidence that challenged the viability in these important regeneration locations.
The CIL supporting documents included a draft Developer Contributions SPD that would be subject to a period of public consultation to help understand the Council’s requirements in relation to future infrastructure needs and contributions. It was estimated that CIL would generate up to £24 million for infrastructure improvements. The Executive recognised that one of the key changes from the S106 Infrastructure programme, that CIL largely replaced, was that the Council would be responsible for deciding how the money was spent. It was noted however that work would continue with key partners such as Surrey County Council to help to shape the infrastructure priorities.
To support this new approach the Executive received proposals for the establishment of a reserve to hold CIL funds within until they were released. Proposals to amend the Officer Scheme of Delegation were also presented to provide the efficient mechanisms to operate the arrangement. Members were reassured that it was normal practice for the Head of Service to consult with the appropriate Executive Member when decisions involving significant sums of money were involved. Equally it was noted that Ward Members would be involved in proposals for their wards through the spending of the neighbourhood element of CIL.
In response to a Member question it was agreed that a simple guidance document would be prepared for Councillors indicating how the new spending arrangements would work.
The Executive welcomed the proposals and the arrangements for implementation which would realise significant benefits in the future and it was:

(i) the Examiner’s Report (Annex 1 to the report presented) be noted and the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Annex 2 to the report presented) be approved and brought into effect from 1 April 2016;
(ii) a Community Infrastructure Levy Fund earmarked reserve be established to properly account for the new funding stream; and
(iii) the amendments to the Officer Scheme of Delegation (Annex 5 to the report presented) be approved.

(i) the Regulation 123 List, Instalments Policy and Payment In-Kind Policy (Annex 3 to the report presented) be approved and brought into effect from 1 April 2016;
(ii) the draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (Annex 4 to the report presented) be approved for statutory public consultation and the Head of Places and Planning, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Development, be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments to the document prior to public consultation; and
(iii) the approach to the allocation and spending of the Community Infrastructure Levy (set out in paragraphs 22-45 to the report presented) be endorsed and the Head of Places and Planning be authorised to establish detailed arrangements and criteria to support the spending process.

Reasons for decision:
The Examiner’s Report concluded that, subject to one modification, the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule can be approved. Approval would enable the Council to begin charging the levy, following a short transitional period, and thus generate funding towards local infrastructure.
Approval of the Regulation 123 list is a statutory requirement to enable CIL to be implemented.
Approval of the Instalments policy and progression of the Developer Contributions SPD will help ensure that guidance is in place to support the smooth operation of CIL and provide clarity to stakeholders. Approval of the Payment In Kind policy will provide flexibility to enable the Council to accept provision of land or infrastructure in lieu of CIL where this would be beneficial.
To allow for appropriate arrangements and processes to be put in place to ensure CIL is spent in a robust and transparent manner to ensure that CIL helps deliver projects which support growth and offer the greatest benefit to the borough and its residents.
To ensure CIL monies are held and accounted for in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice for Local Authority Accounting.
To ensure that the Officer Scheme of Delegation reflects the Council’s powers and duties under the 2010 CIL Regulations (as amended) and enable day to day administration of the levy to be carried out in an effective, efficient and proportionate way.
Alternative options:
Approve the Charging Schedule with alternative modifications or do not approve the Charging Schedule.
Do not approve or endorse the Regulation 123 List; Instalments Policy; Payment in-Kind Policy; the draft SPD; the proposed approach to allocation and spend; the establishment of an earmarked reserve or the proposed amendments to the Officer Scheme of Delegation.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad, presented a report with a proposed schedule of meetings for 2016/17. It set out background and factors for consideration. The draft schedule drew upon past experience and had regard to comments from both Members and Officers. It had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 10 December 2015 and its comments were reported to the Executive.
The Leader informed the Executive that it was proposed to combine the Licensing Committee and the Regulatory Committee which dealt with licensing matters albeit in different areas. This would improve the governance and efficiency for these Committees. A further report setting out the proposed new arrangements would be reported to the Executive.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments offered support for the amalgamation of the Licensing and Regulatory Committees; recommended the inclusion of a further Executive meeting on 30 June 2016 and suggested deferring the Planning Committee meeting currently scheduled for 31 August 2016 by a week. Following discussion the Executive

(i) the Schedule of Meetings for the 2016-17 Municipal Year be approved, as set out in Annex 1 to the report, including the addition of a further meeting of the Executive on 30 June 2016 as recommended by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;
(ii) the Monitoring Officer be delegated authority to review the Constitution and to make any necessary changes to facilitate the proposed new committee structure; and
(iii) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments in relation to the proposed new Licensing and Regulatory Committee be supported and that the proposal in relation to the Planning Committee be not supported.

Reasons for decision:
To establish a timetable to ensure the efficient and effective conduct of Council business for the forthcoming municipal year.
Alternative options: None


The Executive Member for Finance, Councillor G.J. Knight, submitted a report that set out the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of the draft budget for 2016/17. The report included the relevant statutory powers, the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s considerations, legal, financial and equalities implications, consultation undertaken and policy framework considerations. The Executive received the full report of the Committee which had made the following conclusions and recommendations, that:
(i) the provisional budget proposals for 2016/17 were achievable, realistic and based on sound financial practices and reasonable assumptions. This also applied specifically to the following:
• Savings proposals totalling £1.235m;
• Growth proposals totalling £0.625m;
• Updated Capital Programme;
• Medium Term Financial Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21; and
• The creation of a new Income Equalisation revenue reserve.
(ii) there were no significant concerns about the budget proposals (savings and growth proposals) as a whole, which had limited impact on the range and quality of service delivered by the Council;
(iii) the Council was in a sound financial position as a result of the savings proposals. The Panel had had regard to the planned phasing out of Revenue Support Grant by the government, and the Committee supported the Executive in looking to commercial revenue sources to replace this lost income;
(iv) the Executive Member for Finance, Executive and Officers be thanked for preparing balanced budget proposals for 2016/17;
(v) the strengths and risks within the budget proposals, as identified by the Budget Scrutiny Panel and set out in the conclusions of their report, be noted; and
(vi) any further significant future budgetary impact arising from the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Implementation Plan be considered by the Budget Scrutiny Panel.
In introducing the report to the Executive the Councillor Knight thanked Councillor N.D. Harrison for chairing the Budget Scrutiny Panel and Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their hard work. It was noted however that subsequent to the Scrutiny Panel and Overview & Scrutiny Committee the Government Grant allocation for the next 4 years had been received. The Executive Member indicated that cuts had been more severe and sudden than expected reducing the grant by a further £700,000. The Executive was reassured that savings of £1m (made in the 2012/13 financial year) would be used to offset this immediate pressure but that it increased the further savings required for the 2017/18 financial year.
It was noted that Reigate and Banstead was one of 15 Councils in the country that had been notified that their Revenue Support Grant would be ending in 2017/18 with 8 out of the 15 being Surrey local authorities.
The Executive Member indicated that he would be meeting with the local Members of Parliament to establish if there were ways in which the Council could approach the Government to provide some cushioning support to help to manage the immediacy of this matter.
The Leader of the Council indicated that the Council had been planning for this position but that it had come a lot sooner than anticipated. The Council was placing increasing emphasis on alternative income generation sources as the key focus of its approach to achieving balanced budget proposals for future years.
Following debate it was

RESOLVED that the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the service and financial plans for 2016/17 be accepted and the comments noted.

Reasons for decision:
To take account of the views of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on their consideration of the service and financial plans for 2016/17
Alternative options:
Request that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee undertake additional scrutiny of all or part of the service and financial plans for 2016/17.


The Executive Member for Finance, Councillor G.J. Knight submitted a report with financial monitoring information for the second quarter of 2015/16. The report also provided the headline issues on major variances in relation to the Council's overall performance for the period and the progress on the 5 Year Plan. Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the performance and had raised no issues to refer to the Executive.
The Executive Member confirmed that 6 of the Council’s 8 key service indicators, for which information was available, were on target or within agreed tolerances. Performance figures for the 3 waste indicators would be reported in the Quarter 3 Performance Report as these remained outstanding.
The two performance indicators which were off-target were the percentage of planning appeals allowed by the Planning Inspector and number of planning applications determined.
The report also contained the Strategic risks and the Operational risks rated as Red and highlighted two new operational risks identified in Quarter 2.
With regards to the financial aspects within the report, there remained a projected overspend of 2% on the revenue budget and the capital programme was broadly on target to deliver within budget.

RESOLVED that the performance outlined in the report presented be noted.

Reasons for decision:
To consider the performance for the second quarter of the financial year 2015/16.
Alternative options: None





The meeting closed at 8.31 pm