Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 8th February, 2023 7.30 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber - Town Hall, Reigate. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services (01737 276182)  Email:


No. Item



To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 January 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Apologies for absence

To receive any apologies for absence.

Additional documents:


There were none.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interest.

Additional documents:


There were none.


Addendum to the agenda

To note the addendum tabled at the meeting which provides an update on the agenda of planning applications before the Committee.





1.    The order in which the applications will be considered at the meeting may be subject to change.

2.    Plans are reproduced in the agenda for reference purposes only and are not reproduced to scale.  Accordingly dimensions should not be taken from these plans and the originals should be viewed for detailed information. Most drawings in the agenda have been scanned, and reproduced smaller than the original, thus affecting image quality.


To consider the following applications :

Supporting documents:


It was noted that plans referenced in the addendum had not been provided for item 5 (22/00885/F - 5 - 13 West Street, Reigate) and these were shown at the meeting.


RESOLVED that the addendum be noted.


22/00885/F - 5 - 13 West Street, Reigate

Demolition of single-storey structure. Expansion of breweryn facility amounting to an additional 186 sq m. Creation of one office unit (Class E) at ground floor level; three additional residential units; extensions and alterations to four units already approved through prior approval ref: 21/01323/PAP3O (room refs: 11a_1, 11a_3, 11a_8 and 13a_3). New bin store, cycle store, parking and associated works. (All other flats are per the prior approval consent ref: 21/01323/PAP3O.) As amended on 09/11/2022.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at 5-13 West Street, Reigate for the facility amounting to an additional 186 sq m. Creation of one office unit (Class E) at ground floor level; three additional residential units; extensions and alterations to four units already approved through prior approval ref: 21/01323/PAP3O (room refs: 11a_1, 11a_3, 11a_8 and 13a_3). New bin store, cycle store, parking and associated works. (All other flats are per the prior approval consent ref: 21/01323/PAP3O.) As amended on 09/11/2022.


Mr Philip Green, the developer, spoke in support of the application stating that originally this was going to just be a residential scheme, however the brewery, being so well regarded by the community, did not want to seek the brewery’s removal. Many supporters wanted this to be a community asset. In order to make this a viable option the flatted development was required. The development proposed a modest number of units. One remaining issue was the roof. It was possible to introduce a slope to the roof to reduce its potentially overbearing appearance and a request was made to consent the scheme subject to a condition to control that part of the process.


Mr James Pearson, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application, stating that his main concern was regarding noise and the potential for the increase in noise if the brewery was to expand. If there was an additional forklift truck in operation, then perhaps there could be a doubling in noise.


Councillor Absalom, a visiting member, explained that there was a lot of support for the brewery element of the application, however it was clear from various drawings, that from the public realm, bulk and massing of the residential scheme was overbearing. Despite the developers stating this evening that they would be able to change the roofline of the residential element, the Committee was considering the application as it stood. An overview of the proposal was given, and it was explained that the new residential part would be overly dominant, therefore this was not a suitable application and should be refused on the grounds given in the report, however she would welcome a further application on this site.


The following reasons for deferring the application were proposed by Councillor Blacker and seconded by Councillor Stevens:


1.    New plans were worthy of consideration; and

2.    One element of the development may be reliant on the other element.


Following a vote by Members of the Committee, on the reasons set out above, the motion to defer the application was defeated.


It was then RESOLVED to proceed to a vote on the report’s recommendation to refuse the application.


RESOLVED that planning permission be REFUSED as per the recommendation.


Following the meeting Councillor Stevens requested that it be noted that he voted against the recommendation to refuse this application.


22/02228/S73 - Land to the North of Merrywood Park, Reigate

Construction of a three storey building comprising 8no. two bedroom dwellings and associated parking provision for both the proposed building and for residents of Merrywood Park. Variation of condition 1 of permission 15/02914/F. Amendment to approved plans. Variation of conditions 1, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of permission 17/01757/S73. Amendment to alter the site layout and landscaping design to incorporate a turning head for a refuse vehicle and fire vehicle as required by condition 8 of the original decision notice and building regulations. The introduction of this turning head requires the relocation of a number of parking spaces to the south-eastern corner of the site. Variation of Conditions 1, 5 and 8 of 18/01877/S73. Condition 1: Revised plans to remove car parking at grass verge. Condition 5: Amended wording to update Tree Protection Plan for clarity. There is no development at the grass verge that requires tree protection. Condition 8: Amended wording to remove plan that is no longer required by removing car parking. As amended on 01/11/2022 and on 17/11/2022.

Supporting documents:


Having taken legal advice, Councillor Blacker withdrew from the Chamber and took no part in the speaking or voting on this item due to concerns that he may have predetermined this application prior to this being considered at the Committee.


The Committee considered an application at Land to the North of Merrywood Park, Reigate for the variation of conditions relating to an approved scheme for the construction of a three storey building comprising 8no. two bedroom dwellings and associated parking provision for both the proposed building and for residents of Merrywood Park. Variation of condition 1 of permission 15/02914/F. Amendment to approved plans. Variation of conditions 1, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of permission 17/01757/S73. Amendment to alter the site layout and landscaping design to incorporate a turning head for a refuse vehicle and fire vehicle as required by condition 8 of the original decision notice and building regulations. The introduction of this turning head requires the relocation of a number of parking spaces to the south-eastern corner of the site. Variation of Conditions 1, 5 and 8 of 18/01877/S73. Condition 1: Revised plans to remove car parking at grass verge. Condition 5: Amended wording to update Tree Protection Plan for clarity. There is no development at the grass verge that requires tree protection. Condition 8: Amended wording to remove plan that is no longer required by removing car parking. As amended on 01/11/2022 and on 17/11/2022.


Lisa Katsiaris, from Merrywood Residents’ Association, spoke in objection to the application stating that the 7 spaces provisioned under the Section 106 Agreement were necessary to ease parking congestion within Merrywood Park. The 7 spaces had been promised to residents for many years and it was felt that the developer was now making excuses not to construct them. The parking stress test carried out by Surrey Highways in April 2022 was not a true reflection of reality nor did it represent the situation 10 months on and complaints about this had been levied at Surrey Highways. Since the survey, there has been a material change in parking circumstances. At the time of the survey 25% of properties in Merrywood Park were either vacant or occupied by people without a vehicle. At the time of the survey 3 properties were vacant and the new owners of these 3 properties had 5 vehicles between them. The total number of vehicles now numbered 34. The public highway could accommodate up to 26 vehicles. This included the turning circle which made manoeuvring difficult. Vehicles had been forced to park on the pavement obstructing pedestrians. If these vehicles were to park on the road, it could seriously restrict access for emergency vehicles. The 7 promised spaces would alleviate this situation. There were currently 11 off-road spaces on the developer’s site. These were behind an entry barrier, albeit not yet activated, but it could be activated at any time preventing access to residents. These spaces were also being used by residents of the new development. Users of Reigate station  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93.


22/02650/F - Land R/O 43-49 High Street, Horley

Proposed erection of 3 no. dwellinghouses.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at Land R/O 43-49 High Street, Horley for the proposed erection of 3 no. dwellinghouses.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED with the additional condition and informative:


     I.        Condition to remove permitted development rights classes A – E; and


    II.        An informative to ask the developer to engage with Surrey Highways to improve the lines and signs around the one-way system adjacent to the development.


22/00062/F - 1 Trowers Way, Redhill

Demolition of an existing light industrial building and the erection of a replacement light industrial building (Class E). As amended on 10/05/2022, 18/08/2022 and on 16/11/2022.

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered an application at 1 Trowers Way, Redhill for the demolition of an existing light industrial building and the erection of a replacement light industrial building (Class E). As amended on 10/05/2022, 18/08/2022 and on 16/11/2022.


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED.


22/01974/S73 - Dormer Cottage, The Chase, Kingswood

Demolition of existing two storey detached dwelling with attached garage blocks and construction of 1 detached dwelling and 2 semi-detached dwellings and associated access + associated works.

Supporting documents:


It was NOTED that this item was deferred prior to the meeting in order to gather further information.


Development Management Quarter 3 2022-23 Performance

To inform members of the 2022/23 Q3 Development Management performance against a range of indicators.

Supporting documents:


The Development Manager explained that there had been challenges in quarter 3 relating to some shortages in staffing, however performance for major and non-major applications continued to be good.


It was explained that 100% of major applications and 84% of non-major applications were determined within the targeted timeframe and these were above the targets set.


There had been no major appeals to note in this quarter. In respect of non-major appeals 80% had been dismissed in this quarter, with 82% overall for the year; this was well in excess of the 70% target set.


The enforcement service continued to see a high volume of work with numbers of reported breeches remaining high. Further to last quarter where the number of cases over 6 months old had crept up, work to reduce these had taken place and had reduced by 20%, as well as the number of overall cases on hand having reduced.


Table 2 in the report showed performance in the time taken from receipt to registration of new applications. The performance was good for October and November but dipped in December and that could continue into January. This was due to the departure of two Officers in the Technical Support team in November, on the top of an existing vacancy and a further long-term absence. The latest recruitment attempt to fill this post was unsuccessful and so other options to resource the TSU team were being explored including temporary contract staff, but such measures would not have an immediate positive impact, hence there could be a continued impact into January. In addition to the one Planning Officer on maternity leave, another Planning Officer departed after Christmas meaning the Case Officer team was down two Officers from its summer staffing level.


Despite the lower number of applications in this quarter, two vacancies within the Case Officer team could not be sustained without affecting performance and the team had been seeking to recruit to this post as a result. Following interviews, one of the Planning Technicians was successful and the team would be seeking to backfill a Technician post. This continued the internal development of Officers that has proved successful in recent years. In the meantime, the team employed an agency Planner to provide cover.


Finally, as reported at the December Full Council meeting, one of the Council’s Tree Officers, Jim Mellor, tragically passed away last month. Following a recruitment campaign, a new Tree Officer was recruited who should start in around a month after his current notice period.


Any other urgent business

To consider any item(s) which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered as a matter of urgency.

Additional documents:


There was none.