Meeting documents

Thursday, 12th November, 2015 7.30 pm

Thursday, 12th November, 2015
7.30 pm
New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Reigate

Attendance Details

Councillor V.W. Broad (Leader of the Council); Councillors Mrs N.J. Bramhall, J. Durrant, Dr L.R. Hack, E. Humphreys, A.J. Kay, G.J. Knight, Mrs R. Mill, and T. Schofield.
Also Present:
Councillors J.M. Ellacott, J.C.S. Essex, N.D. Harrison, A.C. Horwood, S. Kulka, D.J. Pay, M.J. Selby, B.A. Stead, C. Stevens, Mrs R. Turner and C.T.H. Whinney.
Min NoDescriptionResolution
Part I

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed.


Executive Members: Councillor Mrs R. Renton

Non-Executive Members: Councillors M.S. Blacker and R.C. Newstead.




The Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad was delighted to present to the Executive the Local Government Association’s (LGA) report arising from their Corporate Peer Challenge. The report confirmed that the Council was continuing to perform at the highest level.

The LGA were commissioned as part of the sector led improvement programme to undertake this peer challenge. A team of experts from the local government, health and private sectors spent three days meeting over 120 people, including Councillors, staff, partners and residents, in order to understand how the organisation operated.

The outcome of the review resulted in Reigate & Banstead being highlighted as one of the leading councils in the country. The Council was recognised as ambitious, confident and high achieving, with strong political and managerial leadership.

A particular highlight was their recognition of the support that was provided to people across the borough and the innovative approaches taken in areas such as ageing well and community safety.

The Leader emphasised that this review was part of an improvement process which involved continually looking at opportunities to become even better. As such the recommendations for action contained within the LGA’s report would be used to develop an Action Plan to be considered by the Executive in January 2016.



(i) the report of the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge be noted and published on the Council’s website; and

(ii) the Deputy Chief Executive prepare an action plan in response to the recommendations made within the Corporate Peer Challenge report.


Reasons for decision:
The Council recently undertook a Corporate Peer Challenge, led by the Local Government Association. The report set out their findings and recommendations, which the Council would consider within its service and financial planning.

Alternative option:
To request further information regarding any aspect of the LGA report.


The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Parks and Recycling, Councillor A.J. Kay advised the Executive that the Council was a member of the Surrey Waste Partnership. The Partnership sought, through the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy, to ensure that waste collection and disposal services, across the county, were aligned to provide efficiencies in service delivery and best outcomes for residents and the environment. The Partnership had recently revised the Strategy, and Revision 2 (2015) was presented to the Executive for consideration.

The Deputy Leader expressed strong support for the core values and objectives contained within the revised Strategy, and it was noted that the Council was already making strong progress against many of the work areas.

Councillor Kay emphasised that it was necessary however to balance the value of streamlining waste services across Surrey with the Council’s sustainable future and the needs of local residents.

To this end there were some specific outcomes prescribed in section 6 of the Strategy that the Executive was asked not to adopt. These included actions affecting communication campaigns and branding, additional bin provision, bin colours, the collection of paper separately, and commercial waste services. The specific reasons for concern with each of these were set out in the report and included potentially significant financial, service and reputational implications for the Council.


Councillor Kay noted that local residents presently had a strong positive awareness of Reigate & Banstead as their Waste Collection Authority.

However the Deputy Leader emphasised that he supported the adoption of the Strategy, with the exception of those outcomes set out in recommendation (i), to ensure that the Reigate and Banstead waste services continued to develop in line with those of our neighbours wherever practicable, maximising our opportunities for efficiencies and to maintain the strength of our voice within the sector.



(i) the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy Revision 2 (2015), as set out at Annex 1 of the report, be adopted with the exception of outcomes under the following areas:
a) 6.1 Work area 2 Action 2
b) 6.3 Work area 7 Action 4
c) 6.3 Work area 7 Action 8
d) 6.3 Work area 7 Action 9 (only those outcomes set out in the report)
e) 6.3 Work area 9 Action 1
f) 6.3 Work area 11 Action 2 (only those outcomes set out in the report)

(ii) the outcomes listed under (i) above be kept under review and be reconsidered for adoption if and when they become viable.


Reasons for decision:
Adoption of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy Revision 2 (“the Strategy”) in principle will ensure that the Council’s waste services continue to develop in line with our partners in the Surrey Waste Partnership and are based on up-to-date context information and targets.

Whilst the majority of the Strategy is fully supported, it was not viable at present for the Council to commit to the individual Action Plan outcomes set out in Paragraphs 20 – 42 of the report. These outcomes would be kept under review in order that, should they become viable as circumstances change, services can be further aligned to the Strategy.


Alternative options:
• Adopt the Strategy (Revision 2) completely
• Continue to apply the existing Strategy (Revision 1)
• Adopt a Local Strategy


The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Parks and Recycling, Councillor A.J. Kay, informed the Executive of the excellent progress that had been made at Earlswood Depot over the last year and put forward proposals to refurbish the office accommodation at the Depot.

The Deputy Leader reminded the Executive of the changes that had been introduced at the Depot in September 2014, which had better integrated the Depot with the Town Hall and had led to operational efficiencies and improved performance.

As part of this review the office accommodation at the Depot had been identified to be underused. Councillor Kay indicated that this provided an opportunity, if the offices were refurbished to bring them up to date, to consolidate the space, create potential rental income for the Council, and save on rates and service charges. It was noted that, although the payback on the investment would take over 10 years if one floor was let, this standard of refurbishment would provide staff working hard to drive key income generation initiatives with a fit for purpose working environment.


The Executive considered that the contribution that the Depot based services were making to the Council’s aim to be more commercial and financially self-sufficient, alone warranted this investment. Although more basic refurbishment options had been costed and considered as part of the feasibility study, these were rejected as they would not achieve the space efficiencies to allow for the opportunity of renting out a floor, due to the reliance on re-using existing furniture, nor upgrade the accommodation to the good standard of that elsewhere on the Depot site and at the Town Hall.

To achieve this refurbishment the Executive was requested to recommend a capital investment of £370,000 (including contingency funding) so that the improvements as outlined in the report could be progressed.


RECOMMENDED that the capital funding of £370,000 be approved for the refurbishment of the office accommodation at the Earlswood Depot (set out at Option b in paragraph 53 of the report) and the Head of Finance be authorised to update the Capital Programme accordingly.


(i) the very good progress made in services based at the Earlswood Depot over the past year, including the efficiencies achieved and increasingly commercial approach to services set out in the report be noted; and

(ii) subject to Council approval of capital funding, the Head of Recycling and Cleansing, in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council, be authorised to:

a. implement the changes to the office accommodation at the Earlswood Depot as set out in the report; and
b. procure the necessary goods and services in order to implement the changes.


Reasons for decision:
To provide an update on the excellent progress made at the Earlswood Depot following the management changes introduced in September 2014, and to enable the Council to rationalise its occupation of the office accommodation at the Depot. This would potentially realise on-going revenue savings and provide an appropriate business-like environment for running commercial services for business customers and residents, and a better quality working environment for staff.


Alternative options:
• Do nothing; or
• Recommend to Council that capital funding was made available for more basic refurbishment of the Depot office accommodation.


As the Executive Member for Housing & Welfare had had to give apologies for the meeting, the Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad, informed the Executive that the Welfare Reform Act required local authorities to introduce a local reduction scheme each year to replace Council Tax Benefit. The scheme affected residents of working age and receiving benefits, or on low levels of income or earnings. The initial scheme established in 2013/14 was continued into 2015/16 and the proposal was to extend it for a fourth year.

The Executive noted that the government funded around 90% of the Council Tax Support cost, with the remainder shared between the Council, Surrey County Council and Surrey Police.

It was noted that the Council had committed to providing support to those who need it, but believed that most residents should make a contribution towards their Council Tax and for using services within the borough. Important elements of the scheme were to ensure that residents did not lose out on support when they entered work and to ensure that disabled residents or those providing care were protected from any reduction in the support they received.

The scheme included a cost of living increase for households in line with those increases applied to the National Housing Benefit scheme.

It was noted that discretionary funding had been allocated to provide further protection for those residents who faced severe financial hardship.

It was also recognised that there would be instances where households were genuinely unable to pay their Council Tax, and these households would be able to receive a further discretionary reduction in their Council Tax under the legislation.


RECOMMENDED that the local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2016/17, as outlined in the report, be adopted.


RESOLVED that the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, being recommended, be noted as a version of the Scheme introduced in 2013/14 with some changes to reflect increases in the cost of living in line with other benefits and allowances.


Reasons for decision:
The initial local scheme was introduced from 2013/14 and had been effective in reducing the level of support awarded whilst ensuring that those residents who were most vulnerable were not penalised unfairly.

Those residents who were disabled or provided care for other disabled people were exempt from any reductions in their support compared to the former national scheme, and would receive maximum support based on the Council Tax Benefit scheme which was abolished in 2013.

Council Tax collection rates from residents receiving support had been positive, and processes were in place to recover arrears from residents who choose not to pay.


Alternative option:
• To further reduce the level of support; or
• To adopt the criteria of the former Council Tax Benefit scheme and increase the level of support payable.


The Executive Member for Finance, Councillor G.J. Knight presented a report that set out the national and local context within which the Council was managing its service and financial planning arrangements, including the provisional budget proposals for 2016/17.

Councillor Knight made reference to the comments that were received as part of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge that indicated that the Council was managing service delivery and financial sustainability very well.

The Executive Member indicated that a series of savings had been identified that would allow a balanced budget to be achieved, whilst also allowing for essential growth items required to reflect 5 Year Plan priorities.

The report:
• proposed a series of savings to achieve a balanced budget;
• recommended budgetary growth in some areas;
• examined the impact of these proposals on reserves;
• highlighted a number of areas of uncertainty; and
• recommended the creation of a new Income Equalisation reserve to protect the Council from uncertainties.

An updated copy of the proposed Capital Programme was received which would enable the Council to deliver high quality services and to continue to explore efficient and effective ways of delivering services. In particular, leisure and regeneration schemes which would make great contributions to the “people” and “place” based priorities within the 5 Year Plan.

The Council continued to manage its service delivery and finances through a well established planning process between Members and officers. This allowed for a continuous discussion on the key issues and challenges that faced the Council together with options to respond to these changing circumstances. The Executive recorded their gratitude to the officers who had been involved in this vital process.

Overall, net savings of over £600,000 had been identified which would ensure that the Council was able to deliver a balanced budget for 2016/17 without the need to draw upon its General Fund reserves. However the proposed Income Equalisation revenue reserve would provide a safety net in the event of changing circumstances during 2016/17 (to be drawn from the healthy balances maintained in the General Fund).

Although the Government had not announced its proposals in relation to Council Tax Freeze Grant, it was considered vital, if the Council was to manage the anticipated reduction in Government funding whilst maintaining quality public services, that it assume a 2% increase. This represented an increase of less than 8 pence per week for an average tax payer.
Members noted that the budget would be the subject of review by the Budget Scrutiny Panel as part of the Policy Framework consultation process.


(i) the national and local service context be noted;

(ii) the service proposals set out in the report, which seek to respond to this context and deliver our 5 Year Plan, be endorsed;

(iii) the draft 3 year business plans 2016/17 – 2018/19 be approved, and the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to finalise these plans, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder; and

(iv) the following proposed budget and financial planning changes be approved for consultation under the Council’s budget and policy framework:
a) Medium Term Financial Plan for 2015-2020 (Annex 1)
b) Savings totalling £1.235m (Annex 2), amended to exclude the ceasing of direct mail neighbour notifications
c) Growth totalling £0.625m (Annex 3)
d) Updated Capital Programme (Annex 4)
e) The creation of a new Income Equalisation revenue reserve.


Reasons for decision:
To ensure that the Council continued to plan and manage its resources well, deliver high standards of service and meet the aims and objectives of our adopted 5 Year Plan.


Alternative options:
• Only approve some of the proposed budget and financial planning changes set out within the report, for consultation under the Constitution.
• Reject the proposed budget and financial planning changes set out within the report, and request that further work be undertaken to develop new proposals for consultation under the Constitution.


The Executive received a report on treasury management performance for the first half of the financial year. The report covered treasury management performance up to Period 6, which showed that the overall projected outturn was a small under-recovery against the budget.

The report also provided an update on the Investment Strategy, Borrowing Strategy, and Cash Management Strategy. The Executive noted that no changes were proposed to any of these strategies.

It was noted that from the Prudential Indicators that the Capital Programme and the Capital Financing requirement had been updated to take account of carry forwards and other proposed changes (the details of which were set out in the report under the Service and Financial Planning 2016/17 item, above; and the Borrowing Limits were unchanged from when the current Strategy had been adopted earlier in the year.

The Executive also received an update on the Economic Conditions and Expected Movements in Interest Rates provided by the Council’s advisors, Capita Asset Services.


RECOMMENDED that the Treasury Management Performance for the year to date and the prudential indicators be noted.


Reasons for decision:
To comply with the requirements of the regulatory framework for treasury management and meet the Council’s reporting requirements.


Alternative option:
Accept the report, but ask Officers to provide more detail on some specific issues contained in the report.


Councillor Mrs N.J. Bramhall, Executive Member for Property and Regeneration reported to the Executive on proposals for the partial redevelopment of 16-46 Cromwell Road Redhill.

The Executive recalled that this site, along with adjacent ownerships, had previously been explored for development of a food store. However, it was noted that it was now unlikely that a comprehensive development of the site would be possible as there was no current food store interest and one of the adjacent owners was pursuing a separate scheme.

As a result the Council had been considering the future of this asset and how, as a key regeneration opportunity site, it could contribute to the revitalisation of this part of Redhill town centre. It was noted that the current development was no longer fit for purpose, with poorly modified shop units and split level flats that represented a poor use of space and of the building footprint.

To make a significant improvement to this area it was proposed to refurbish and extend the property, providing better space inside the shops with a more attractive and uniform frontage, and converting and extending the upper floors to create 24 two-bedroom flats as shown on indicative floor plans included in the report.

It was proposed that the flats would be sold to produce a capital receipt and the shops would be let and retained to provide a revenue stream for the Council arising from the rental income. The financial implications of these proposals were presented in the Part 2, exempt part of the agenda.


RECOMMENDED that the Head of Finance be authorised, in consultation with the Head of Property, Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance, to make the necessary arrangements to finance the project from reserves subject to key stage sign off set out in this report and to include the costs of the project within the Capital Programme as detailed in the Exempt part of the agenda.


(i) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the
• Head of Finance
• Leader of the Council
• Deputy Leader of the Council
• Executive Member for Property and Regeneration; and
• Executive Member for Finance
to make the necessary consultancy and contractor appointments to progress and submit a Planning Application for the development of 16-46 Cromwell Road, Redhill, in accordance with the budget envelope set out in the exempt report in Part 2 of the agenda;

(ii) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance to market the development of 16-46 Cromwell Road, Redhill and negotiate, agree and enter into Agreement for Leases and Leases with commercial, public or other organisations subject to the key stage sign off set out in the report;

(iii) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance to make arrangements to terminate existing leases within 16-46 Cromwell Road, Redhill, under existing Landlord and Tenant Law to facilitate the redevelopment of this site;

(iv) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance to appoint the necessary Consultants and construction Contractors for the redevelopment of 16-46 Cromwell Road, Redhill, to prepare the necessary documentation and to obtain competitive construction tenders, subject to key stage sign off set out in the report;

(v) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance to finalise, agree and sign construction contracts subject to key stage sign off set out in the report; and

(vi) the Head of Property be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Executive Members for Property and Regeneration and Finance to market and sell long leasehold interests on the residential flats subject to key stage sign off set out in this report.


Reasons for decision:
As comprehensive redevelopment of the larger Cromwell Road site for a foodstore was unlikely, options had been considered for the future of the asset.

The recommended option maximised the usage of the site, represented the best return on capital employed, increased the income from the asset and increased the value of the residual asset.


Alternative options:
• Sell the entire refurbished property as an investment;
• Retain both the shops and flats as an income producing investment;
• Refurbish the existing property;
• Dispose of the property in its current condition and subject to existing tenancies; or
• Do nothing.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad reported to the Executive on the outcome of work that had been undertaken over recent months to review the Council’s ICT infrastructure. The review had identified the need for the Council to invest in this infrastructure to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the Council’s services.

The report set out the background to recent service decisions and plans which had not come to fruition and had resulted in the Council therefore commissioning a strategic ICT review to fully inform any ICT investment to be recommended. The summary results of that review were presented to the Executive which identified the need to invest in all areas of the Council’s ICT infrastructure as detailed in the report.

The Leader emphasised that the provision of efficient and effective ICT was critical to the delivery of all of the Council’s services as technology was used in every part of the organisation, as well as by residents accessing services and information. In order for the Council’s ICT infrastructure to support these services, it was recognised that regular investment was required.

The Leader therefore recommended additions to the capital programme to support the immediate investment programme, as well as regular ICT investment. The financial details were provided in the exempt part of the agenda.


RECOMMENDED that the Head of Finance be authorised to amend the Capital Programme to fund the ICT Investment Programme and rolling ICT investment, as set out in the exempt information in Annexes 4, 5 and 6 at Part 2 of the Agenda.


(i) the outcomes of the recent ICT review, as set out in Annex 1 of the report, be noted;

(ii) the ICT Investment Programme, as set out in Annexes 2 and 3 of the report, be noted; and

(iii) Foresight be appointed to oversee the delivery of the ICT Investment Programme under exemption (n) to the Contract Procedure Rules.


Reasons for decision:
ICT is critical to the efficient and effective delivery of all Council services. A review has been undertaken which identified a number of areas where the Council should invest in this critical infrastructure to support service delivery.

Failure to invest promptly will impact on the delivery of Council services and increase the risk of service failure, financial costs, legal challenge or reputational damage.


Alternative options:
• Request further information regarding the recent ICT review;
• Request that a further procurement exercise be undertaken;
• Amend the recommendation to Council, reducing the capital funding; or
• Reject the recommendations and seek further information regarding the ICT Investment Programme.


Councillor T. Schofield, Executive Member for Planning and Development, reported on the Council’s responsibility to prepare, maintain and make public a Local Development Scheme, which included information about the Local Plan documents that would be prepared, and the timetable for their production.

It was noted that the Development Management Plan was the main Local Plan document that was currently being prepared and would build on the strategic policy direction set out in the Core Strategy, providing detailed policies on a range of issues as well as development site allocations.

The Executive Member presented an updated Local Development Scheme, which had been revised to extend the timetable for the preparation of the DMP, and its accompanying policies map. The revised LDS allowed more time for additional evidence gathering, for recent Government policy changes to be taken into account, and to strengthen consensus on the sensitive issues that this plan needed to cover.

The next stage of public consultation on the DMP was now planned for Summer 2016 with the anticipated adoption date being in early 2018.


RESOLVED that the revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) (Annex 1 to the report) be approved and brought into effect from 25 November 2015.


Reasons for decision:
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council is required to prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme (LDS) by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, as amended by the Planning Act 2008 and the Localism Act 2011.


Alternative option:
Do not approve the LDS


The Leader of the Council, Councillor V.W. Broad, made a statement thanking named Officers for their work in relation to a recent high profile Planning enforcement case.

Councillor Mrs N.J. Bramhall made a statement relating to the opening of the new Tadworth Community & Leisure Centre, which had made a significant difference to local residents, and thanking named Officers of the project team for their contributions.




RESOLVED that members of the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that:


(i) it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act; and

(ii) the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Part II(Confidential)
  • (Attachment: 11)Item 16: Development Options for Cromwell Road Part 2 Report (32K/bytes)

RESOLVED that the exempt information relating to the development of 16-46 Cromwell Road, Redhill be noted.

  • (Attachment: 12)Item 17: ICT Investment Programme Part 2 Report inc. Annexes (208K/bytes)

RESOLVED that the exempt information relating to the ICT Investment Programme be noted.

The meeting closed at 8.35 pm.